

A Survey of English Culture Teaching in Senior High School

【作者】 马莉

【导师】 修树新;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 语言含有丰富的文化内涵,文化由语言形式来传递,语言与文化密不可分。学习一个国家语言的同时也是在理解这个国家的文化,只有更深刻地理解该国文化才能更好地掌握该门语言。2003年教育部颁布的普通高中《英语课程标准》(实验)指出:英语综合运用能力的发展和提高离不开英语技能、英语知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面的整合发展。因此,文化教学与听、说、读、写语言技能的培养同等重要。但在实际教学中,仍然有很多教师仅把文化当作背景知识来教学。为了发现目前高中英语文化教学存在的问题,提出改进建议,提高高中英语文化教学质量,本文对高中英语文化教学现状进行了问卷调查和访谈。通过调查研究,本文要回答下列问题。高中英语课堂文化教学是否能得到老师和学生应有的重视?高中英语文化教学现状如何?教学过程中存在哪些问题?如何合理有效地利用高中英语新教材的资源来进行文化教学?本文在理论上从文化的概念谈起,以文化教学的内容、目标、方法作为指导,分析了国内外文化教学研究的发展及现状。本文通过对笔者任教的黑龙江省某高中的老师和学生问卷调查和访谈数据分析,发现了高中英语课堂文化教学上存在的问题,并结合外研版高中英语教材内容和本人所在学校的实际教学情况,对如何有效的开展高中英语文化教学进行探讨,并提出自己的文化教学建议。调查结果表明,在新课程理念下,文化教学已经引起了老师和学生相应的重视和关注,但文化教学在有效性上存在很大的问题。例如:课时有限,教学方法单一,课堂枯燥无趣,学生掌握的文化知识不扎实。通过调查问卷和访谈的数据分析,并结合本校的教学情况和老师们在教学过程中实践经验的总结和积累,笔者提出了改进高中英语文化教学的建议。高中英语文化教学必须和高中英语教材内容恰当地有机地整合起来,并根据文化内容的不同,使用恰当的文化教学方法和手段。具体来说,一是通过文化比较使学生体会中外文化的异同,二是通过文化旁白使学生加强对文化背景知识的积累,三是通过文学作品分析来提高学生的语言欣赏能力,四是通过课堂实践和活动设计培养学生的跨文化交际能力,五是充分利用多媒体让学生身临其境地体会文化的魅力,六是灵活处理文化角环节来加强学生文化意识的渗透和培养,七是重视中国传统文化,培养学生的世界意识。

【Abstract】 Language contains a wealth of culture, and culture is conveyed by the form of language. They are so closely related to each other that one cannot be separated from the other. To some degree, language learning is actually culture learning. In 2003, English Curriculum Standards for Senior High School published by China’s Ministry of Education indicates that the improvement of the comprehensive ability of English is based on the development of language skills, language knowledge, emotion and attitude, learning strategies and cultural consciousness. From above, we can know the importance of culture teaching. Culture teaching is equally important to the cultivation of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. However, culture is still taught as background knowledge by some teachers in the process of teaching.In order to find out the problems of classroom culture teaching for senior high students, make proper suggestions and improve the quality of English culture teaching, the author makes a survey of English culture teaching in senior high schools and does an interview. This paper aims at solving the following questions. Whether the teachers and students attach importance to the English culture teaching? What is the present situation of English culture teaching for senior high schools? What are the problems in the process of English culture teaching? How do teachers teach English culture efficiently by using the resources of the new textbooks?Based on the guidance of culture teaching contents, targets and approached, this paper expatiates from the definition the culture and analyze the development and present situation of culture teaching at home and abroad. By analyzing the figures of the survey and the interview, combined with the contents of textbooks——New Standard English published by Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press, the author finds out some problems of classroom culture teaching for senior high students, discusses how to efficiently develop culture teaching for senior high school, and makes some suggestions.The result shows that culture teaching has brought to students and teachers’attention under new curriculum principle, but there are big problems in efficiency. For example, the class period is limited, and teaching approaches are simple and outdated. Students are not interested in class, and they don’t have a solid foundation of cultural knowledge. Through the analyses of interview and questionnaire, combined with our school’s teaching situation and teachers’experiences accumulated in the process of teaching, the author believes that culture teaching for senior high school must be integrated with the English textbooks. Teachers should use appropriate approaches according to different culture contents. In details, the author’s suggestions are as follows. First of all, understand the difference of Chinese and western culture by culture comparison. Secondly, improve students’accumulation of cultural knowledge by culture aside. Thirdly, improve students’the ability of language appreciation through literature works analyses. Fourthly, cultivate students’inter-cultural communication ability through classroom practice and task design. Next, make full use of tapes, videos, the internet and other devices to increase culture experience. Then, deal with“Culture Corner”part flexibly. Finally, pay more attention to Chinese traditional culture, and cultivate students’world consciousness.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】582

