

Research on Dialectical Relation of Set up and Generation in Middle School Chinese Classroom

【作者】 王丽娟

【导师】 高玉秋;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 课堂教学是教育工作者的最主要阵地,是学生获得知识的最佳途径,也是教师与学生思想交流的最有效方式。课堂教学效果的高下关系到学生知识的获得、能力的提高、思维的发展等等方面,即为影响学生的成长。而随着时代的发展,“现代社会要求公民具有良好的人文素养和科学素养,具备创新精神、合作意识和开放的视野”(《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》),这样的现实就要求教育要进行改革。语文作为一门典型的人文学科,在课程改革中更是受到加倍的关注。而传统的行为主义思想指导下的重预设式语文课堂已严重阻碍了语文教育的创新与发展,生成这一因素被教育研究者提到了新课改中。本文通过文献和实践的分析,试图理清预设与生成的关系,并在语文学科的独特性的基础上,对语文教师如何提高自己能更好地处理好语文课堂上预设与生成这一矛盾统一体做了阐述。全文共分为五个部分:第一部分从中外的教育理论入手,阐明了预设与生成的理论依据;第二部分探讨了预设与生成的关系;第三部分论述了语文学科的独特之处;第四部分以三个教学案例为本源,展示了不同程度的老师的真实课堂实录;第五部分是在以上的基础之上为语文教师提出了相应的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Classroom teaching, the main method of education and the best access to knowledge for the students, is the most effective way for the teacher to hold communion with students. The growth of students is influenced by classroom teaching effect which is related to theirs access to knowledge, absorbing ability and development of their ideas, etc. But with the development of the times, "modern social require that citizens have good humane quality and scientific literacy, with innovative spirit, cooperation consciousness and open views," which is more education to reform. Chinese, as traditional humanities, has got more attention in the curriculum reformation. The innovation and development of Chinese education are blocked by Chinese classroom set up in advanced and directed by traditional behaviorism idea. So, it is involved in the lesson reformation leading by the education researcher. The relation between set up in advance and creation will be studied and the method to improve Chinese teacher’s ability to resolve the contradiction between set up in advance and creation in Chinese classroom will be explained.There are five parts in this text. The theory between set up in advance and creation will be explained by domestic and foreign education theory in the first part. The relation between set up in advance and creation will be discussed in the second part. The special character of Chinese will be analyzed in the third part. The real classroom example by teachers in different levels will be revealed by three teaching case in the fourth part. Countermeasure and suggestion will be offered to Chinese teacher based on the theory stated above in the last part.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【下载频次】177

