

Analysis on South Korea and China’s Cultural Trade Development

【作者】 李世美

【导师】 张曙霄;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 国际贸易, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类社会文明程度的不断加深,社会经济的不断发展,文化产业已经成为国民经济的重要组成部分。文化贸易的范围较广,包括文学、艺术,同时涉及国际传播学、国际贸易学、国际法、经济学,甚至人类学等许多学科。尤其是在社会文明程度不断深化的今天,文化发展已经成为当今社会的发展的主要动力。韩国作为一个资源稀缺的国家,对外贸易中文化贸易的比重相对较大。而中国作为文化历史悠久、发展潜力巨大的国家,文化贸易的发展在其对外贸易中也占有举足轻重的地位。因此,韩中文化贸易的研究,无论是对国际贸易的发展,还是对韩中两国经济的发展,都具有较高的现实意义。尤其是近十年来,两国的贸易量正在逐年扩大。其中,韩中之间的文化贸易也在日趋成熟,但是仍然存在着许多问题。本文先对两国的文化、文化贸易的特点进行比较,进而对两国间的文化贸易交流进行研究,提出了两国在文化贸易中所存在的问题,最后为推动韩中文化贸易关系的深入发展提供一些对策建议,以促进两国文化贸易的发展。本文通过对韩中文化的研究,对韩、中文化贸易的对比,以及韩中之间文化贸易的分析,认为韩中之间的文化贸易还存在着许多问题。因此,韩中两国应该抓住机遇、迎接挑战,确立正确的文化发展战略,以促进两国对外贸易竞争力的提升。这不但丰富了文化贸易理论的研究,更对韩中两国文化贸易的相关问题研究提供了理论依据,具有较强的理论价值。

【Abstract】 With the advance of human civilization and society, the cultural industry has become an important and integral part of a nation’s economy.Cultural trade encompasses a wide range of items, including literature and art. It is also a field which involve multi discipline, including international media, international trade, internation law, economic, even anthropology. As the society develop, cultural development will increasingly play an important part in motivating improvement in the society.As a country with scant natural resources, Korea’s foreign trade has a high proportion of cultural trade. And China, as a country with long cultural history and great potential for development, cultural trade is also of much importance.Therefore, studying the cultural trade between the two country, is meaningful both in the sense of international trade, and the economic development of both countries. In the recent years, the trade volume between the two countries has been improving. This includes the increaingly mature cultural trade. Yet, there are issues remained to be discuss. This paper first compares between the two countries the differences in culture and cultural trade, and basing on the comparisons, further research the cultural trade between the two countries and discuss any potential challenges. In closing, this paper further provides suggestions to improve cultural trade between the countries.This paper is of the view that if both countries can meet the challenges in cultural trade, and exploit the opportunities, the result will be beneficial to the economic and trade development of both countries.

【关键词】 韩中文化贸易文化产业
【Key words】 South korea and ChinaCultural tradeCultural industries
  • 【分类号】G114
  • 【下载频次】554

