

Research on the Theme-based Teaching Model of English Reading under Network Environment in Junior School

【作者】 孙硕

【导师】 刘晓中;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的发展,初中英语阅读的教学模式也在发生变革。如何利用网络资源丰富性、多样性、高效性、交互性等优势,为英语阅读教学提供新的有效支撑,成为众多教育学者关注的热点问题之一。本文通过研究建构主义、认知主义理论,基于英语新课程改革理念,利用思维导图在大脑思考及记忆方面的优势,采用文献研究法,整理和总结2010年全国信息技术与课程整合优质课大赛中,来自全国各地优秀教师的初中英语阅读教学设计,发现当前的英语阅读教学在存在着词汇量掌握不足、阅读需求和动机低、没有成体系的阅读方法和习惯、阅读内容过于单一等问题。本文提出在网络环境下,初中英语阅读教学模式。有效解决传统英语阅读教学在阅读内容单一、阅读量不足、学生针对同一主题不能发挥独立性和能动性,建构知识体系等问题。以本文建构的初中英语阅读主题网站为支撑,设计初中英语阅读教学模式。本主题网站是基于中国网站技术人员最熟悉Windows NT环境和ASP语言,页面的开发选用的是Dreamweaver,后台管理系统采用的是ASP动态网站开发技术,数据库管理采用的是Microsoft Access 2007。主题网站有助于促进教师的专业化发展,教师可以通过文字、多媒体等方式,将自己日常的生活感悟、教学心得、教案设计、课堂实录、研究成果、课件等上传发表,形成属于个人的积淀资源和发展成长的记录,与其他教师共享,互相学习,共同提高。同时还可以与学生进行在线沟通。在初中英语阅读主题网站环境下,以初中英语阅读课Travel spotlight: Paris为案例进行教学设计,示范阅读主题网站的教学模式及教学应用。

【Abstract】 The teaching model of English reading in junior school is improving with the development of information technology. Network has some main features and advantages, such as the richness and variety of English reading material, effectiveness, interaction, which provide a new platform for the English reading teaching. How to support English reading teaching more effective, has being a focus these days. Construct a theme-based reading website.This article designs a teaching model of English reading based on constructivism, cognitivism and basic concept on the New Course Reform. Analysis the teaching plans from the Integration of Information Technology and other Curriculums Competition in 2009 and 2010. Points out the problems in the English reading teaching by organizing and summarizing the teaching plans. Change the traditional teaching model of English reading, causes students’independency, the activity.Designs a teaching model of English reading based on net work. Solve the problems in the traditional teaching model.Construct a theme-based reading website. System based on the Chinese website technical staff that is the most familiar with Windows NT environment and ASP language and Dreamweaver to development, the management system used in the background is ASP dynamic website development technologies, database management using the Microsoft Access 2007.Choose Travel spotlight: Paris as an example, design a teaching plan based on the English theme-based reading website, to show the teaching model and the teaching thought.

【关键词】 教学模式网络环境英语阅读
【Key words】 Teaching modelNetwork environmentEnglish Reading
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【下载频次】463

