

Studies on Community Reading’s Services of Public Libraries

【作者】 王敏

【导师】 李瑞勤;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 图书馆学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 公共图书馆是社会公共产品的一种,是公共文化服务体系的重要组成部分,是实施政府保障公民基本文化权益的主要途径之一。承载着知识服务和社会教育的功能,被誉为没有墙的大学,知识的殿堂,精神的家园。其最显著的特征就是公益性,体现着公平、平等、开放的精神。它的开放性为社会各阶层的读者提供了平等享有阅读的权利,它的公益性保障了各个阶层的读者都能共同享受最廉价的社会阅读服务。随着社会的进步,以及对人的全面发展的关注,图书馆尤其是公共图书馆要承担起相应的责任,利用自己的优势通过对读者无偿提供知识和信息资源的服务来提高国民的素质,促进个人的全面发展,最终推动社会的和谐发展。阅读是教育的基础,没有对社会大众的阅读服务就谈不上公共图书馆真正履行了社会教育这一职能。为满足社会大众对阅读的需求,公共图书馆要不断拓展阅读服务的空间,提高阅读服务的质量,为读者阅读提供最便捷的渠道。本文主要在分析当前国内阅读状况的基础上,从微观方面来说明阅读对于个人的发展意义,从宏观方面阐述国民阅读与社会生产力的关系,针对公共图书馆服务之一:社会阅读服务进行性探讨与研究。主要包括公共图书馆对国民阅读兴趣的培养,图书馆意识的强化,以及探索公共图书馆服务社会阅读的方式方法和未来发展趋势等。

【Abstract】 Public Library is a public product, an important part of public cultural service system,one of the main way that the Government protect citizens‘basic cultural rights and interests. Public library carries the function of knowledge services and social education, known as the university without walls, the halls of knowledge, spiritual home. The most notable feature is the welfare, and embodies a fair, equal, an open spirit. It’s open to all sectors of the readers to enjoy reading equal rights, the public welfare safeguards every class of readers can enjoy the cheapest social reading services commonly.With the social progress and the concern on overall development of human,in particular, public library should take corresponding responsibilities, using their own advantages by providing free service of knowledge and information for readers to improve the people’s quality and promote the comprehensive development of individuals, promote social development in harmony ultimately. Reading is the foundation of education, not the community reading service, not to mention public libraries fulfill this function of social education truly. Public libraries should continue to expand reading services space, improve reading service quality, provide the most convenient channels to meet the needs of general public in reading.This paper is to analyze the current situation on the basis of domestic reading, from the micro to illustrate the significance of reading for the personal development, from the macro aspects to show the relationship between social productivity and the national reading. Research and discussion one of the public library services: Social services of reading. Including the Public Library cultivate national reading interests, enhanced national awareness of public library. Explore public library o service ways of the community reading and future development trends.

【关键词】 阅读公共图书馆社会阅读
【Key words】 Reading public librarySocialReading

