

16th Men of the World Basketball Championships China Basketball Man’s Team Point Guard Attack or Defense Ability to Analyze

【作者】 李闵

【导师】 周殿学;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的主要目的是利用集对分析方法,通过对第16届土耳其世界男篮锦标赛中中国男篮组织后卫与前四强队组织后卫具体数据指标的分析,根据同一度的大小判定他们之间的同异反程度,依据联系度的态势排序,对中国男篮组织后卫在本届世锦赛中作同异反态势级的判断与分析;找出中国男篮组织后卫究竟在哪些技术环节上薄弱,差距究竟有多大,为中国男篮组织后卫今后的训练和比赛提出理论依据和合理的建议。通过笔者的统计和分析,得出中国男篮组织后卫刘炜与世界水准相比较有11个技术指标存在相当差距,有1个技术指标存在较大差距,有1个技术指标存在一定差距,有2个技术指标存在较小差距,中国男篮组织后卫刘炜达到或超过世界水准的技术项目19个。刘炜在本届比赛中:得分、篮板球达到或超过世界水准,但是投篮时机选择多以勉强出手为主,三分球的出手次数少且命中率不高,助攻、攻击性传球、快攻方面与世界优秀组织后卫有巨大差距。抢断、和团队防守能力不足,补防、夹防、协防的能力与世界水准有较大差距。中国男篮组织后卫孙悦与世界水准相比较有7个技术指标存在相当差距,有3个技术指标存在较大差距,有2个技术指标存在一定差距,有3个技术指标存在较小差距,中国男篮组织后卫孙悦达到或超过世界水准的技术项目19个。孙悦在本届比赛中:得分、篮板球、抢断和盖帽均达到或超过世界水准,但是投篮命中率不高,尤其是两分球命中率只有31%,投篮时机选择多以勉强出手为主,传球、攻击性传球、助攻次数少,快攻能力差,制造对手犯规的能力不足,失误过多。补防、夹防、协防的能力不强。建议中国男篮组织后卫对自身当前的实力和现状有一个清楚的认识和准确的定位,发挥自身原有的优势的同时,科学选材,从自身特点出发,探索有效地、有针对性的训练方法和手段。重视后备人才的梯队建设,提高培养优秀组织后卫的效率和质量。高标准、严要求,在训练安排上应该加大难度和强度,弥补自身薄弱环节,不断在训练和比赛中总结经验教训。立足国内联赛,国内联赛是培养后备组织后卫队员的基础,提高我国CBA联赛的整体水平是解决我国男篮组织后卫线薄弱的关键。聘请国际知名的优秀教练员执教,派本土教练员到篮球强国借鉴国际先进的理念和经验,提高国内教练员水平,从而提高国内组织后卫队员的水平。

【Abstract】 The text of the main purpose is to use analytical methods of the assembly, the 16th turkey basketball man’s team championships basketball man’s team organization and china’s four of the organization of the concrete analysis of data and indicators in accordance with the size determine their Technological Advantages, based on the connection, the situation in china in this world organization basketball man’s team guard in the level of physical Technological Advantages assessment and analysis ; find out what the organization of the China’s basketball man’s team in which technology on the weak, Gap is much for China’s basketball man’s team organization in the future of the training and competition a theoretical basis and reasonable proposal.By the author’s analysis and statistical , chinese men’s basketball organization liuwei with the world level compared to 11 indicators existed quite a gap, one of the large gap in technology indicators, a certain gap between indicators, two indicators are a smaller gap, Chinese men’s basketball team of the organization Liuwei meet or exceed the level of technology projects 19. In this game, Liuwei’s Score, rebounding meet or exceed the standard, but the choice of more time in force are mainly, threes are of low frequency and’t get any baskets, and aggressiveness a pass, fast attack with the world’s best to organize a big gap.Suggest the china team, the man in their own organization of the current strength and the status quo is a clear and accurate positioning and its original advantages, scientific , from its own special characteristics and effective, relevant training methods and means. The importance of back-up personnel building, the higher echelon of the organization to the efficiency and quality. high standard and strict requirement on training arrangements should be increased in intensity, complexity and make their own weakness, and kept in training and competition in summing up experience. Rest of the league, the league organization is to develop the fullback on the basis, enhance the cba league overall level of our basketball team is out of the organization of men ’is the key. For the coach sent home a good coach, with a basketball power to the concept and raising domestic level, coaches, thus enhancing the organization.

  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】62

