

The Study on the Fairness Issues of Special Education in Compulsory Education

【作者】 庄迪

【导师】 孙彩平;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 教育公正是社会公正价值在教育领域内的延伸,是实现社会公正,构建和谐社会的基础。因此,教育公正一直作为热点问题被人们所关注着,成为人们不懈追求的目标与方向。作为教育重要组成部分的特殊教育,其公正与否则直接影响教育公正的实现。虽然我国特殊教育事业已经有了较大的发展,但在发展过程中公正问题不断凸现,残疾学生平等受教育的权利仍然无法得到保障。然而全纳教育的提出却为特殊教育更好的走向公正提供了强大的理论支持。全纳教育的概念出现于1994年的“世界特殊需要教育大会”,全纳教育的提出对普通教育是一个全新的挑战,它主张教育要接纳所有学生,反对任何形式的歧视和排斥,促进积极参与,注重集体合作,满足不同需求。这种全纳的教育理念为残疾儿童教育公正的实现提供了崭新的视角。本文以全纳教育的视角来审视义务教育阶段的特殊教育在发展过程中存在的公正问题,寻找导致问题出现的根源,并以全纳教育为理论支撑提出解决策略。正文共分为四部分,第一部分论述了我国义务教育阶段特殊教育的公正现状以及所取得的成绩;第二部分针对我国特殊教育的现状提出了其所存在的公正性问题并对问题的原因进行了分析;第三部分对全文的理论支柱“全纳教育”进行了论述;第四部分以全纳教育理论为指导对义务教育阶段特殊教育中存在的公正问题提出了具体的解决策略。

【Abstract】 Educational fairness is the extension of social fairness value in education field. It is also the basis of realizing social fairness construction and harmonious society. Therefore, it has always been concerned as a hotspot issue that has became both aim and guidance of people’s relentless pursuit. Special education, which is an important part of education, it’s fairness has a vital effect on the realization of educational fairness. Fairness issues came out of the special education cause in China, though it has made a great progress. The disabled students’right of receiving equal education still can’t be guaranteed. However, the emergence of inclusive education provides a powerful theoretical framework for special education towards a better way to fairness.The concept of inclusive education was first introduced at World Conference on Special Needs Education in 1994. It is a new challenge to general education for it advocates to accepting all kinds of students, opposing discrimination and exclusion in any form, promoting active participation, and emphasizing on team work to satisfy different needs. It provided a new perspective to realize educational fairness for the disabled children. In order to find the root of those problems and propose problem-solving strategies,the paper aims to examine the fairness problems during the development process of special education in compulsory education from the perspective of inclusive education. This paper is divided into four parts: part one is about the present states of educational fairness on compulsory education stage in China and the successes achieved. Fairness problems in special education are put forward with the analysis of causes in the second part. Next part is focusing on the theory of inclusive education. The detailed solutions to fairness problems of special education in compulsory education stage are proposed under inclusive education theory in part four.

  • 【分类号】G522.3
  • 【下载频次】396

