

A Case Study on a Kindergarten Teacher’s Beliefs Features

【作者】 段宁莎

【导师】 陈蓉晖;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪80年代后,鉴于认知领域的深入发展,教学研究范式的转变以及学者们对教师教育教学工作复杂性认识的增加,西方国家开始从关注教师行为本身转向对教师的内隐知识进行研究。在这一转向中,教师的教育信念作为教师素质的重要组成部分成为各界专家学者研究及探讨的热点。教师信念是影响教师行为的重要因素,在教育教学活动中承担着引导作用,直接推进教师的专业发展。幼儿教师是幼儿教育实施的主体,幼儿教师的教育信念内隐于教师的教育教学行为与价值取向当中,指导和支配着教师在教学计划制定、教学实施、教学评价各个环节中的选择和决策。随着市场经济体制和应试教育制度的逐渐深入,幼儿教师的教育信念面临着严峻考验。幼儿教师教学效能感、认知类信念、教学活动信念、自我感知与评价观和自我效能感等方面在幼儿教育非义务性、市场化、形式化的背景下逐渐产生动摇,在一定程度上影响着教师的实践行为。鉴于此,围绕幼儿教师教育信念这一主题进行相关的理论和实践研究则成为当务之急。对幼儿教师的教育信念进行描述、分析、整理和归纳,不仅有利于丰富幼儿教师信念的相关理论,完善幼儿教师专业发展的相关研究,同时还将有利于提高幼儿教师的教育教学质量,提高幼儿教师教育的水平,以加快幼儿教师专业发展的进程。本论文以质化研究为取向,采用个案研究法,通过走进一名幼儿园教师的真实生活,体验并感受幼儿教师教育信念的现状,同时运用观察、访谈以及实物分析等方法揭示幼儿教师教育信念的结构和特征,分析影响其教育信念的因素,并在此基础上提出完善幼儿教师教育信念的建议。本论文主要包括五大部分:第一部分:问题的提出。主要分析与阐述本论文的研究背景、研究目的、研究问题及研究意义。第二部分:相关研究综述。研究者从概念界定、教师信念的基本理论、幼儿教师信念的相关研究三个方面对已有文献进行梳理和归纳,并在此基础上总结和反思已有研究现状。第三部分:研究设计。分别从研究方法的确定、研究对象的选择、研究的基本过程、研究效度和伦理问题四个方面对本研究的具体环节进行介绍和陈述。第四部分:个案研究—“小雨”是这样的一位老师。研究者首先简要勾勒和描述了小雨老师的生活世界,包括小雨老师的成长故事和小雨老师的工作环境,并在此基础上重点对其教育信念系统中关于幼儿的信念、关于教育教学的信念、关于环境创设的信念、关于自我的信念以及关于人际关系的信念等五个部分信念的基本状况进行理解和诠释。第五部分:结论与建议。本研究将幼儿教师教育信念的基本特征和幼儿教师教育信念的影响因素作为最终结论,并在此基础上提出完善幼儿教师教育信念的相关建议。

【Abstract】 With the increase of cognition about teacher’s complexity teaching work,the in-depth development of cognitive area and research paradigm shift,Western countries start to pay close attention to teacher’s tacit knowledge instead of teacher’s act after 1980s.In this shift, educational beliefs of teacher as an important part of teacher’s quality become a hot spot of research between experts and scholars.Teacher’s beliefs is an important factor of their decision-making and behavior.It guides teaching activities and directly promote the professional development of teachers.Early childhood teachers are the main part of early childhood education implementation.Early childhood teachers’beliefs are conceal behind the behavior of their teaching.These beliefs guide and govern the choice and decision-making in all the aspects of teaching program,teaching practice and teaching evaluation. With the market economy and Exam-oriented education system’s gradually deepening, the educational beliefs of kindergarten teacher are facing with severe challenges. Kindergarten teacher’s teaching efficacy、cognitive faith、teaching faith、self-concept、self-perception、evaluation of efficacy and other aspects of belief gradually appeared the trend of shaken in the background of the non-compulsory、market-oriented and formal early childhood education.It also affected the behavior of teachers.In view of this,around the educational beliefs of kindergarten teacher to do some theoretical and empirical research is a top priority.To analyze,collate and accurately describe the educational beliefs of early childhood teachers will not only help to enrich the theory of early childhood teacher s’beliefs and early childhood teachers’professional development,but also help to improve their teaching quality and also improve the level of teacher education in order to speed up the process of early childhood teachers’professional development.This research is qualitative-research oriented, using case study method,entering into the real life of a early childhood teacher ,experiencing and feeling the status of her educational beliefs.Through observation,interviews and material analysis to reveal the characteristics of the early childhood teacher’s educational beliefs ,analysis the factors of educational beliefs and arrive the recommendations on this basis. The basic structure of this thesis is as follows:The first part presents the subject. Mainly analyze and illuminates the background, purpose, basic questions and meaning of the research. The second part is Research view.Three parts of existing literature are sorted and summarized.The first part is the definition of“belief”and”teacher’s beliefs”.The second part set out the theory of teachers’beliefs.Integration of early childhood teachers’educational beliefs is in the third part.Reseacher also summarize and reflect on the status of existing research on this basis at last.The third part is the Study design.Method identification, Study selection,the research process,Validity and ethical issues were presented and statemented in this part.The fourth part is Case Study:Xiaoyu is such a teacher.The researcher briefly outlines and describes some details of Xiaoyu teacher’s life-world.It is including the introduction of her growing experience and her working surroundings.On this basis,the researcher also gives the understanding and interpretation for the five kinds of educational beliefs which are beliefs about children、beliefs about education、beliefs about environment created、beliefs about herself and beliefs about her relationships.The fifth part shows Conclusions and Suggestions of this research. The conclusions include Characteristics of early childhood teachers’beliefs and Factors affecting the beliefs of Early Childhood Teacher.Based on the above findings, the researchers gave some relevant recommendations for training and improving kindergarten teachers’beliefs.

  • 【分类号】G615
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】752

