

Hans Zimmer Movie Music Research

【作者】 赵芮

【导师】 高志民;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 电影音乐是专门为电影创作,并与影片同步放映而展示的音乐。电影音乐是电影综合艺术体中一个重要的有机组成部分,也是音乐作品的一种体裁。电影音乐是为电影艺术服务的音乐,它要受电影内容和结构的制约,并与电影艺术的各个相关构成要素相配合。电影音乐除了具有一般音乐的形象特征和情感特征以外,它与电影的艺术形象、情感表达,特别是在音响与画面的关系中构成了电影音乐的特殊本质。1音乐进入电影以后,在突出影片的感情、加强影片的戏剧性、渲染影片的气氛等方面都起着特殊的作用。作为电影音乐的抒写者电影作曲家汉斯·季默(Hans Zimmer)是好莱坞电影音乐多维发展时期具有影响力的作曲家之一。汉斯·季默之所以能取得今天这样的艺术成就,我认为这主要来源于他对电影音乐这一艺术领域的不断探索,以及对电影音乐题材的广泛涉猎,创作风格的多元化和扎实的创作功底。他在这一领域的探索主要经历了三个阶段,分别是初期的“数位电子合成音乐”,发展时期的“跨界转型的典范”以及成熟时期的“好莱坞大片配乐代言人”这三个创作时期。汉斯·季默曾为多种电影题材配乐,如他最为拿手的动作片,风格独特的动画片,以及温馨浪漫的抒情性影片等。另外,在音乐与电影画面的结构关系上,他处理的恰到好处,相得益彰,这些都为他多元化创作风格的形成奠定了坚实的基础,从而也成就了汉斯·季默这样一位具有鲜明时代特征的电影音乐作曲家。

【Abstract】 Movie music is designed for film creation, and with the film and the music show music synchronous projected. Movie music is a comprehensive art film in the body is an movie important component of the music works, is also one of the genres. Movie music is for the film art of music, it will service by the movie to the content and structure of restriction, and with the art of movies each related elements combined. Movie music in addition to general music image characteristics and emotional features, it and film outside artistic image, emotional expression, especially in audio and pictures in the relationship between a movie music special nature. 2 Music into the movie later, in outstanding film feelings, strengthen the drama of the movie, rendering the atmosphere of the film is the special function of the.As movie music of the film composer Hans Zimmer nature is Hollywood movie music multidimensional development period of influential film composers. Hans Zimmer have accomplished this art achievement, I think this is mainly comes from his film music of the art field of constant exploration, as well as to the film music, the theme of widely browse, writing style and the diversity of the creation of the solid foundation of basic skills. He in this field of exploration experienced three main stages respectively is at the early stage of the "digital electronic music" period of development, synthesis of cross-border transformation of the model "and the mature period" Hollywood spokesman "the three music creation period.Hans Zimmer had various movie themes for music, such as his most specialty action movies, unique style of cartoons, and romantic lyricism of the film, etc. In addition, in the music and movie screen of structure , the relationship with him just right , bring out the best in each other, all of these diversified the formation of creative styles he laid a solid foundation, and also made Hans Zimmer such a distinct times feature of film music composer.

【关键词】 汉斯·季默电影音乐电影音乐
【Key words】 Hans Zimmermoviesmusicmovies music
  • 【分类号】J617.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】598

