

GPS Precise Point Positioning Algorithms and Its Applications

【作者】 李博川

【导师】 郭杭;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 环境科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 精密单点定位技术指的是利用全球若干地面跟踪站的GPS观测数据解算出的精密卫星轨道和精密卫星钟差,对单台GPS接收机所采集的伪距和载波相位观测数据进行定位解算的方法。在进行精密单点定位时,除了能解算出测站的坐标外,还可以解算出接收机钟差、对流层天顶延迟等参数,这些结果可以满足不同用户的需要。因此,精密单点定位技术有着广阔的应用前景。本文详细的介绍了精密单点定位理论,并研究了与其相关的部分关键问题。本文主要研究内容如下:1、非差观测值观测方程及其误差源介绍了非差观测值观测方程,并讨论了精密单点定位中主要误差源,包括卫星轨道误差、卫星钟差、对流层延迟、电离层延迟、接收机钟差和多路径效应等,以及消除或消弱其影响的方法。2、精密单点定位的处理方法在精密单点定位无电离层组合观测方程的基础上,探讨了精密单点定位相关数据的处理问题,包括非差数据预处理、参数估计方法等。最后结合数据进行了精密单点定位的结果分析,取得了厘米级的静态定位精度。该精度与国内外一些的研究结果相当。3、精密单点定位的气象学应用利用精密单点定位数据处理软件Trip估算得到对流层天顶延迟参数,并与IGS提供的对流层延迟产品进行比较。结果表明,利用精密单点定位技术可以估算得到毫米级的对流层天顶延迟。同时,介绍了可降水量的估算过程,并选取了测站单月的观测数据进行可降水量的研究,得出可降水量与探空观测资料具有较好的一致性。

【Abstract】 Precise Point Positioning refers to the method of using the observation data from global GPS Tracking Station to calculate out Precise Satellite Orbit and Precise Satellite Clock Error and then using the collected observation data from Pseudorange and Carrier Phase by a single piece of GPS receiver to obtain the solution. By means of Precise point Positioning, we can calculate the receiver clock error, troposphere zenith delay parameters besides the coordinate of outside stations,which can satisfy the needs of different users. Therefore, the Precise Point Positioning technology has a bright prospect.This paper introduces the Precise Point Positioning Theory, and then does research on some key problems about Precise Point Positioning.It mainly studies as follows:1. Un-differenced observation equation and its error source This paper introduces un-differenced observation equation and discusses the main error sources in Precise Point Positioning, including satellite orbit error, satellite clock error,troposphere delay,ionosphere delay, receiver clock correction and multipath effect etc.It aslo discusses the method of eliminating or weakening those effects.2.Processing methods of Precise Point Positioning Based on the observed equation of Ionosphere-free Combination in the Precise Point Positioning,this paper discusses the related data processing problems, including un-differenced base pretreatment, parameter estimation method, etc.And then it obtains the analysis of results from the data and the static positon accuracy at cm level. This accuracy are quite comparable with the results from both the domestic and foreign countries.3.Meteorological application of Precise Point Positioning Compare tropospheric zenith delay parameter estimated from Precise Point Positioning technology with the troposphere delay products provided by IGS. The results indicate that by using the Precise Point Positioning technology, we can estimate tropospheric zenith delay at millimeter level. At the same time, this paper introduces the process of precipitable water vapor and selects the observed monthly data from stations to do the reasearch on water vapor, and, lastly, concudes that precipitable water vapor and the observated data from the radio sonding are of good consistency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】P228.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】321

