

A Research into the Carrent Situation, Problem and Countermeasures of the Chinese Government Website Construction

【作者】 陈选

【导师】 李财富; 王根健;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 档案网站是档案部门在信息时代为社会公众提供档案信息服务的一种重要途径。从20世纪90年代以来,档案网站建设得到了较大程度的发展,这充分表明,档案网站的建设是适应信息化发展需要的。档案网站的构建与发展的动力源泉来自政府及广大社会公众的支持,社会需求是推动档案网站发展完善的最重要的推动力。21世纪的档案网站更趋于理性化,讲究服务质量和服务效用。随着网络技术的跨越式发展,档案网站提供的内容更加丰富多彩,服务手段更加完美、更能符合用户的符合用户的需求。在档案网站高速发展的同时,我们也看到了影响我国档案网站建设和发展的一些问题。这些问题的出现,制约了我国政府档案网站的建设与发展,所以,我们要深入分析我国档案网站建设的现状,从中得出影响我国档案网站建设与发展的因素,最后提出解决这些问题的办法。本文主要采用文献研究法、上网调查访问法,分析比较方法等,课题在对已有档案网站研究成果的分析整理的基础上,亲自对一些档案网站进行访问,了解我国档案网站的目前的状况,对于档案网站发展过程中的问题,运用信息构建等理论,结合国情,提出应对策略。全文除绪论和结语之外,主要内容分为如下四个部分:第一部分档案网站概述。分别对其概念、类型、功能定位以及档案网站建设的步骤。第二部分是我国政府档案网站发展回顾。主要包括:我国政府档案网站建设发展情况、名称域名情况、栏目设计以及成绩。第三部分为我国政府档案网站建设的问题及原因分析。得出我国档案网站的一些问题,并从思想上、人员上、规划上、定位上、标准化建设上、网站推广上找出原因。第四部分我国政府档案网站建设的对策。主要是运用信息构建理论提高档案网站质量。展望未来,网络技术将会有更大的突破,它必将为档案用户获取档案网站信息带来空前的便捷条件,也能为档案网站的发展提供无限的发展空间,档案网站的明天会更美好。

【Abstract】 In the information age, Archives Website is an important way for the file department to provide the public with service of file information. Since the 1990s, Archives website construction has made a great progress, which indicates that the construction of archives website is adapt to the needs of the development of information technology. The driving force of the construction and development of Archives Website generates from the government and the general public’s support. And the most important driving force to promote the development of a sound file website is the social need. Archives Website in the 21st century tend to be more rational, paying attention to service quality and effectiveness. With the leapfrog development of network technology, file site offers more rich and colorful information and the service of it is better and better, which is more in line with the needs of users. While Archives Website is in rapid growth, there are still some problems influencing the construction and development of archival website, which restrict its construction and development. Thus, we have to make an in-depth analysis of the current status of the construction of Archives Website, obtaining the factors that affect the construction and development of our Archives Website, and finally proposing solutions to these problems.In this paper, methods of documentary research, Internet survey and interview, analysis and comparison are used. This subject research is based on the analyzed and collated results of the existing research.Moreover,I visited some of the archives websites personally ,in order to learn about archive’s current situation. As for the problems showing during the process of the development of archives website, countermeasures have been put forward with the application of information architecture and some other theories, combining with national conditions. Apart from preface and epilogue, the main content is divided into four sections as follows:The first part outlines the type of the website. Demonstrate its concept, type, function and the steps to build a file site respectively. The second part is the review of the development of our government Archival Website. Information about the construction and development of our government archives website, domain name, column design, and achievement.The third part is the Chinese government archives website construction problems and reason analysis.We can see that there are lots of problems exist, Through, ideology, personnel, planning, orientation, standardization and website promotion we will find out why these problems appear. The fourth part is the countermeasures to build our government archives website. It mainly use the information architecture theory to improve the quality of the file site.Looking forward to the future, there will be more breakthroughs in network technology. It will certainly bring about unprecedented convenience for users to have access to the archives website information and it will also be able to provide unlimited space for the development of file website. The archives website will have a brighter future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】G270.7
  • 【下载频次】398

