

On the Construction of Criminal Preliminary Hearing System in China

【作者】 胡媛媛

【导师】 何俊;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第三条规定了对刑事案件的预审由公安机关负责。有学者据此认为,我国是存在预审制度的。其实不然,《刑事诉讼法》中规定的“预审”,充其量不过是公安机关侦查活动的一种,与真正意义上的预审是完全不同的两个概念。毫不讳言地说,预审制度在我国处于根本缺失的状态。这一制度的缺失,使得我国刑事审判程序启动完全受检察机关控制,公权力得不到限制,被追诉人的权益在起诉决定做出后、庭审开始前无法得到完全有效地保障。因此,有必要在我国构建与国际接轨的、适合我国国情的刑事预审制度。刑事预审是指在刑事诉讼中,预审权利主体仅根据公诉方提供的事实和证据审查该起诉求的合法性,对起诉是否符合启动审判程序的法定条件做出程序性裁定的独立的诉讼活动。刑事预审是介于起诉和审判之间的一种诉讼活动,在程序和阶段上具有相对独立性。通过拥有审查权、处于中立地位的机关和人员的预审,对起诉方的起诉进行审查,认为起诉符合法定条件的,方能启动审判程序,反之,则不能启动审判程序。刑事预审制度是为适应刑事预审需要而设立的一系列原则和程序规定的制度,它是目前国际刑事司法中普遍存在的一项重要诉讼制度。这一制度的设立,是刑事诉讼顺利进行的需要,是保障刑事裁决结果公正的需要,是提高刑事诉讼效率的需要,也是保护人权的需要。由于刑事预审制度在很多国家都得到有效实施,因此要构建我国的刑事预审制度,难免要借鉴域外先进的制度和经验,通过对英国、美国、德国刑事预审制度的研究,发现域外的刑事预审制度在重视人权保障、重视程序正义、重视“审判中心主义”等方面对我国有着重要启示。当下,我国构建刑事预审制度的思想、政治、理论、实践基础都已夯实,时机已成熟。要遵循公平与效率兼顾、平等参与、防止预断和适度对抗等基本原则,既要学习域外成功经验,更要立足本国国情。我国的刑事预审制度,应以重罪案件为主要适用对象、以精通刑法的法官为权利主体、以适度对抗为具体模式、以书面审为主、言辞审为辅的方式,从而构建出中国特色的刑事预审制度。

【Abstract】 The Chinese Criminal Procedure Law, Section 3 provides that the police offices are responsible for the Preliminary Hearing. For this reason, some scholars believe that the Preliminary Hearing exists in our law system. In fact, the Preliminary Hearing in our Criminal Procedure Law which is one kind of investigation, is completely different with the real sense of this concept. Actually, Preliminary Hearing does not exist in our country. The absence of this system, making the starts of criminal proceedings controlled by the procuratorate entirely, the power is unlimited, and the human right of the defendant is not protected, effective between making the decision to prosecute and opening of the trial. Therefore, it is necessary to build a Preliminary Hearing System which is suitable for China and have international standards.Preliminary Hearing is an independent procedural stage in a criminal prosecution, in this stage, the judge reviews the legitimacy of this prosecution based only on facts and evidence which provided by the public procurator, and then make a procedural ruling about the criminal prosecution. Preliminary Hearing is a stage between criminal prosecution and trial. The judge, which has the power of hearing at the neutral position, reviews the legitimacy of this prosecution, if the prosecution meets the statutory requirements, the trial process will start, and vice versa, the trial process can not be start. Preliminary Hearing System is constituted by principles and procedural regulations which meet the needs of Preliminary Hearing. It is a prevalent and important litigation system in today’s international criminal justice. Because the need of the smooth conduct of criminal proceedings, the need of protect the justice of criminal ruling, the need to improve the efficiency of criminal proceedings, and the need to protect human rights, this system should be established.As the Preliminary Hearing system has been effectively implemented in many countries, so it is inevitable to learn the advanced systems and experiences of other countries when we build our Preliminary Hearing system. Through researching the systems of the UK, US, Germany, we find there are many inspirations which are important to China about the attention to human rights protection, to procedural justice, to trial-centrism. It is the right time to build our own Preliminary Hearing, the opportunities of ideology, politics, theory, practical basis are OK. We must follow the basic principles such as fair and efficient, equal participation and prevent pre-cut and moderately against, not only learn the successful experiences outside, but also build the system based on our national conditions. In order to build a Preliminary Hearing system with Chinese characteristics, the system should be used for felony cases, controlled by professional criminal judges.

【关键词】 预审刑事预审构建
【Key words】 Pre-investigationPreliminary HearingConstruction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【下载频次】169

