

Study on the Problems of Our Current Unemployment Insurance System and Counter-measures

【作者】 陈媛

【导师】 张勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江财经学院 , 社会保障, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的失业保险制度自1986年正式建立至今已有二十五年,这二十多年间它一直处于修改、完善的状态。目前虽然其整体制度框架已基本建立、初具雏形,但仍然有很多不足与不规范之处。也正如此,在当前我国失业状况不容乐观的状况下,系统研究我国现行失业保险制度存在的问题及对其的完善就很有必要和现实意义。本文突破已有失业保险文献研究的经济学视角,注重社会历史视角,以《贝弗里奇报告》中的失业保险相关理论为着手点,得出合理的失业保险制度所应遵循哪些基本原则的启示;与此同时,在介绍欧美发达国家及日本等国失业保险制度发展的基础上着重总结其失业保险制度实施中所呈现出的独具特色的成功经验,并将从上述两者中得到的启示及成功经验用于完善我国的失业保险制度。也即本文结合我国的历史、社会经济等,阐述目前我国现行失业保险制度运行情况及存在的问题,并针对问题,在借鉴国外的成功经验的基础上,提出相应的改革对策。文章主要采用文献研究、制度比较等写作方法,遵循“理论启示——国外经验总结——我国失业保险制度的问题提出——问题分析——改革对策”的思路。文章共分为五部分:第一章绪论,主要阐述了选题背景和研究意义,总结国内外研究综述,其中国外研究综述为《贝弗里奇报告》中的失业保险制度理论及从中得到的启示;第二章是外国失业保险制度及其对本选题研究的启示;第三章我国失业保险制度的历史、运行情况及存在的问题;第四章我国失业保险制度存在的问题分析;第五章对我国失业保险制度存在的问题的改革对策。

【Abstract】 China’s unemployment insurance system has already been 25 years since it was built in 1986. During these years, it is in the state of being gradually modified and perfected. Although the whole framework of unemployment insurance system has formed at present, there are still lots of problems and defects in it. Therefore, it is necessary to have a study on problems of our current unemployment system and counter-measures accordingly under the background of our non-optimistic employment reality.Breaking through the traditional perspective of economics, this thesis pays attention to the social and historical perspective. First, it begins with the theory of unemployment insurance of the Social Insurance and Allied Services Report by William Beveridge, arriving at a conclusion of guiding principles of designing a reasonable unemployment insurance system. Then, this thesis attempts to makes a summary of successful experiences from the unemployment insurance system of developed countries, including Britain, German, America and Japan. Finally, it tries to explore ways of perfecting the current unemployment insurance system of China by drawing on the guiding principles and successful experiences above. In other words, this thesis focuses on the current situation of China’s unemployment insurance system, then relating with historical and social economy, it analyses the problems of current unemployment insurance system. At last, on the basis of drawing on guiding principles and successful experiences abroad, it proposes measures of perfecting China’s unemployment insurance system.This thesis is written in the order of“guiding principles drawing from theory”,“experiences summary”,“summit of problems”,“analysis of problems”and“counter-measures”on the basis of literature research and consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction, which mainly states the research background, significance, and theory summary. The second part is the development of unemployment insurance system abroad and successful experiences drawing from it .The third part is current situation and problems of China’s unemployment insurance system. The fourth part is the analysis of problems of China’s unemployment insurance system. The last part is the recommendations and suggestions on how to perfect China’s unemployment insurance system.


