

【作者】 沈广利

【导师】 孙来军;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国煤炭业的迅猛发展,井下安全已成为了一个不可忽视的重要话题。现有的矿井安全监控系统陈旧不能满足井下安全生产的需求。近年来煤矿事故频发,如果能有一套设备能够准确的掌握矿井工作人员的井下实际位置,以及相应的环境参数,能为地面开展及时有效的营救争取到宝贵的时间和可靠的数据,能最大程度地减少人员的伤亡。为了保证矿井的安全作业,应建立具有危险提前预警的快速定位系统。本论文从矿井安全考虑,引出用ZigBee技术完成对井下操作人员的可操作定位系统理念。这套系统能完成对井下操作人员实现具体位置的查找功能。因而能保证井下作业的安全与高效。ZigBee技术特点是:功耗低、成本少、传输速率低、短距离通信安全可靠等,尤其适用于井下安全作业人员的定位与监控。本篇论文重点是研究ZigBee应用技术和网络上通用的IEEE802.15.4通信协议,阐述说明了ZigBee小段范围内无线通信技术的特色,同时和别的通讯方式做了比较具体的对比,说明了ZigBee没有线通信方式的可操作性和特点。运用现代比较通用的没有线定位设备的进展情况和位置检测技术的新进研究优秀技术,确定了用RSSI频率测定技术来完成对井下操作人员的大致位置的设计理念。论文运用ZigBee没有线网络和地面有线网络互相的优点来构成本系统的平台,将巷道内诸多个工作面的工作人员具体位置数据信息通过有线网络传送到地面控制室的主控平台。文中简单说明了本设计中的主要器件,重点对硬件构成电路的应用性给予了设计,其中主要有应用CC2430的ZigBee系统、用于定位的基站、参考定位器、移动定位节点和有线网络传送接口的实际设计电路。ZigBee技术应用网络主要用于开发TI的ZigBee协议栈Z-stack,文章阐述了关于Z-stack技术的硬件功能设计。对于井下有害气体的安全防护特别是易爆的瓦斯提出了防爆设计要求,文章对安全参数做出要求,同时提出防爆电源。最后,文章提出了ZigBee技术的测试法。关于ZigBee的地面下煤矿井操作人员位置确定系统以其高可靠性、高精度、安装方便和易于扩展等优势必将在矿井智能化生产中起到重要的作用。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China’s coal industry, mine safety has become an important topic can not be ignored. Existing antiquated mine safety monitoring system can not meet the needs of mine safety. In recent years, coal mine accidents, if they can set the device to accurately grasp the actual underground mine staff position, and the corresponding environmental parameters, carried out for the ground to secure the timely and effective rescue valuable time and reliable data, to the greatest to minimize casualties. In order to ensure the safe operation of the mine, should establish an early warning of dangerous rapid positioning system. This paper from the mine safety, this paper proposes the application of ZigBee wireless technology to mine personnel positioning system design. The system has information on the location of miners and number recognition and real-time tracking security warning feature. Which can guarantee the safe and efficient underground operations. ZigBee technology is characterized by: low power consumption, low cost, low transmission rate, short-range communications security and reliability, especially for mine safety operations personnel, positioning and monitoring.This in-depth study of the ZigBee network technology and IEEE802.15.4 agreement, the focus of ZigBee short-range wireless transmission technology, communication technology and other features and a detailed comparison of ZigBee wireless communication technology described the feasibility and advantages. Positioning system to track the use of domestic and international development and positioning technology, the latest research, designed to RSSI-based location technology to track underground personnel positioning system overall program. System uses the ZigBee wireless network with a combination of fiber-optic bus to build data communications platform, will face a number of underground personnel location data and other information transmitted to the control room Inoue’s data processing platform. Paper details the main equipment of the system, focusing on analysis of the hardware circuit design, including the CC2430 ZigBee modules based positioning sub-stations, base locator, mobile positioning terminals and optical transmission interface circuit design. ZigBee network application development based on TI’s zigBee stack Z-stack, this article describes the function of Z-stack-based device software design. Explosion-proof requirements for underground equipment, this system introduces intrinsically safe explosion-proof technology, the nature of security system equipment proposed design method. Finally, the article describes the network of ZigBee modules and testing methods.ZigBee-based underground personnel positioning system for its high reliability, high accuracy, easy to install and easy to extend the advantages of intelligence in the mine production will play an important role.

【关键词】 定位系统ZigBee井下安全
【Key words】 Positioning systemZigBeemine safety
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】TN929.5;TP212.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】177

