

Main Problems and Countermeasure about Government Information Disclosure in China’s Public Emergency

【作者】 谢颖波

【导师】 张维平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江财经学院 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 面对时下在我国不同地区、不同角落以不同形式层见迭出的各种突发公共事件,政府信息公开问题一时间便成为社会所最为关注的焦点之一。国内外大量有关突发公共事件的理论和实践证明,政府信息公开是突发公共事件应对管理中不可或缺的一部分,对及时、有效而合理地解决突发公共事件发挥着不可估量的作用。所以,加强政府在突发公共事件中主动进行有关政府信息公开的探索和实践,意义重大而深远。根据《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》,突发公共事件指突然发生,造成或者可能造成重大伤亡、财产损失、生态环境破坏和严重的社会危害,危及公共安全的紧急事件。根据《政府信息公开条例》,政府信息公开是指国家行政机关和法律、行政法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织、与群众利益密切相关的公共企事业单位,通过法定形式和程序,将政府信息或主动或依申请向社会公众或向特定的个人或组织公开。然而,政府信息公开与突发公共事件却有着密不可分的联系。无论是哪一类突发公共事件的发生,公众常常都会因其突发性和应急信息的缺失、偏颇或延误而产生恐慌心理,从而依照本能和个人意志做出相对反应,却往往诱发更为严重的社会问题,不利于事件的顺利解决。所以,政府信息公开就显得至关重要。据统计,目前80%的公共信息资源都掌握在政府手中,因而政府必是在突发公共事件应对中掌握信息最多、最全面、最准确的一方,只有及时、主动、全面、透明地公布事件的相关官方信息,在取得公众的理解和支持下,政府才能及时采取紧急措施有效遏制危害的继续扩大和事态的无限升级,成功应对突发公共事件并化解危机。此外,政府在有效应对突发公共事件时,经常会采取一些如强制疏散、交通管制等紧急处置措施。但如果那时政府是在公众毫不知情的状况下,自行决断行使紧急权力,往往就会导致“吃力不讨好”的尴尬局面,只有打破对公共信息的垄断,进行权威信息的实时发布,告知公众政府此时正在采取的措施、采取这些措施的必要性以及需要公众如何配合等,才能引导公众消除疑虑,加强对政府及政府举措的认同和理解,才可能使他们主动配合政府开展应对活动,政府才能以最大程度地动员社会各方资源,实现突发公共事件的损失最小化,尽快平息事件。因而,政府信息公开既是衡量国家政治民主程度和信息化水平的标尺,也是政府切实提高应对突发公共事件能力的基础。伴随着公众知情权意识的高涨,突发公共事件中及时、准确、充分的信息公开,不仅有助于政府及时把握社会舆论导向、制定执行应对决策、有效开展应急管理,而且有助于防止政府行政紧急权力的滥用、降低应急行政成本,同时还可以保障公众知情权,提高政府公信力,取信公众,树立威信,从而保证社会稳定有序地运转。本文从突发公共事件及政府信息公开的内涵入手,概述了突发公共事件中政府信息公开的内容、原则及与突发公共事件的联系,并通过知情权、信息不对称及危机沟通三个理论依据的阐述及现行模式的优劣分析,凸显了突发公共事件中政府信息公开的重要性和构建一种以政府为主,政府、媒体、公众三者间平衡互动的模式的必要性。在回顾总结了突发公共事件中政府信息公开现状的基础上,本文着重依次对突发公共事件中政府信息公开存在的来自政府主导、媒体引导和公众参与三方面的主要问题做了深入详细的分析。指出,政府主导缺力、媒体引导缺位和公众参与缺失都会不同程度地影响政府信息在突发公共事件中的有效公开。在对美国、日本、欧盟等域外其他国家和组织有关理论和实践经验梳理归纳后,本文针对现存的范围法律界定不清、信息公开质量不高、媒体定位混乱、公众权利意识缺失等主要问题提出了促进我国突发公共事件中政府信息公开有效公开的路径选择——“I-GMP”信息互向理论模式,希望借以模式能实现政府信息在突发公共事件中的有效公开。与以往多从传播学、信息学、法学等其他研究角度来研究政府信息公开问题不同,本文主要从行政管理学的角度出发研究突发公共事件中的政府信息公开,但在研究过程中也借鉴结合了其他多学科视角研究所得的结论和成果,加以融入大量近几年来新的背景材料和典型案例,以避免论文材料过于枯燥单一的问题。另外,针对提出的问题和不足,结合传播学模式提出了突发公共事件中以政府为研究视角的信息公开的“I—GMP”信息互向理论模式,从政府、政府与媒体、政府与公众、政府-媒体-公众平衡互动多维层面提出相应的改进和完善突发公共事件中政府信息公开的路径和方法,希望能够为政府或组织有效开展突发公共事件的应对与管理提供一些思考和思路。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, to face various sorts of public emergencies which happened repeatedly with different forms in the different regions and different corners of China, the government information disclosure issue will become the focus of most attention for a time. A large number of domestic and international theories and practice of public emergency prove that government information publication is an integral part of the public emergency response management, and play an invaluable role in the timely, effective and reasonable solution of public emergency. Therefore, to strengthen the Government to disclosure government information actively in the exploration and practice, significant and far-reaching.According to“Master State Plan for Rapid Response to Public Emergencies”, public emergency means a sudden, has caused or may cause significant casualties and property losses, ecological damage and serious social harm, and endanger public safety emergency. According to“The Ordinance for Government Information Disclosure”, government information disclosure means the national administrative organ and the laws, administrative regulations authorized to administer public affairs organization, and public enterprises which are closely related to the interests of the masses through legal forms and procedures, government information will be opened or initiative or by application to the public or to specific individuals or organizations. However, government information disclosure and public emergencies are inextricably linked. Either way, the occurrence of public emergencies, the public often are sudden and emergency because of their lack of information, biased and delays and panic, according to the will of instinct and personal response, often induce more serious social problems not conducive to the smooth settlement of the incident. Therefore, the government information is vital. According to statistics, 80% of public information resources in government hands, and thus the government must is the master of public emergency response in the most information, the most comprehensive and most accurate one, and only timely, proactive, comprehensive and transparent public events related to official information, to obtain public understanding and support of the government to take timely measures to effectively curb the hazards of emergency continue to expand and upgrade the situation, the successful response to public emergencies, to defuse the crisis. Moreover, the Government in effectively responding to public events, such as often take some mandatory evacuation, traffic control and other emergency measures, if the government has no knowledge of the situation in public, the self-determination to exercise emergency powers, often "thankless ", only to break the monopoly of public information, the authority of the release of information from time to time, inform the public of the government is taking measures, such measures need to ask the public how to meet, etc., in order to guide the public reassurance, and government initiatives to strengthen government recognition and understanding in order to enable them to actively cooperate with the Government to implement response measures, in order to maximize the government to mobilize all social resources to achieve public emergencies to minimize the loss as soon as possible to defuse the crisis, to quell the incident. Therefore, the government information is a measure of political democracy and gauge the level of information, but also for effectively improve the ability to respond to public emergency basis. With the rising awareness of the public right to know, public emergency in a timely manner, accurate and adequate information disclosure, not only helps the government to grasp the social public opinion, the development of the implementation of response decisions, effective implementation of emergency management, but also help to prevent the government abuse of executive emergency powers, to reduce emergency administrative costs, but also can protect the public right to information, improve government credibility, gain the trust of the public, establish credibility, and thus ensure social stability and orderly operation.In this paper, public emergencies and the government to start the content of information disclosure, an overview of public emergency in the contents of open government information, principles and contacts with public emergencies, and through the right to information, asymmetric information and crisis communication three theoretical basis for the elaboration and analysis of the merits of the current model, highlights public emergency in the importance of open government information, build a government, a government, the media, the public balance among the three modes of interaction need.In reviewing the summary of public emergency in the government information disclosure on the basis of the status quo, this paper focuses in turn on public emergency exists in the disclosure of government information from government-led, public participation in the media guide and three main issues to do an in-depth detailed the analysis.Pointed out that the lack of government-led force, the media and public participation in the absence of lack of guidance will be affected to varying degrees of government information in an effective public emergencies in public.In the United States, Japan, EU and other countries and organizations outside the theory and practical experience combing after induction, the scope of this paper, the existing laws are not clearly defined, high quality public information, media positioning confusion, lack of public awareness of their rights and other major issues the promotion of public emergencies in our open and effective disclosure of government information path selection——"I-GMP" information exchange to the theoretical model, the government hopes to achieve in order to model the information in an effective public emergencies in public.More from the previous communication, information science, law and other studies point to study the issue of open government information, this paper mainly from the perspective of the executive management of public emergencies in the government information disclosure, but also learn from the research process multi-disciplinary perspective with other studies of the conclusions and results, to be integrated into a large number of recent years, new background material and a typical case, to avoid the paper material is too boring a single issue. In addition, response to questions and shortcomings, combined with the communication model proposed by the government to study in the perspective of public emergency government information public "I-GMP" information exchange to the theoretical model, from the government, the government and the media, government and public, the government - the media - public interactive multi-dimensional aspects of each value the corresponding improvement and perfection of public emergencies in the path of government information and methods to try for the government or public emergency organization in response to provide some thinking and management and ideas.


