

【作者】 崔靖

【导师】 胡凡;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 专门史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 旌表制度是我国传统社会的一项重要激励制度。统治者通过旌表制度这一激励机制实行教化,从而影响大众的政治信念、道德价值以及行为方式,使其接受统治者所标榜的价值标准和道德体系,并内化为民众的自觉行为,从而维护道德风尚和政治统治。总之,旌表的目的在于树立一个供全社会学习的榜样,以期达到美化风俗、教化民众。明代初期,旌表对象包含非常广泛,上至开国元勋、靖难之役“再造家邦”中涌现出的杰出文臣武将,各级科举考试的中式者,下至普通民众,贞节烈女、义夫义族、百岁老人、累世同居、孝子顺孙都受到各种方式的旌表。旌表的方式也是多种多样的,可以是树立某种标志(如匾额、石碑、牌坊等)或者是赏赐某种实物,给予某种封号、谥号等,对被旌表者进行精神上或者物质上的表彰。这在我国古代社会起了安定民心、引导民心、教化风俗、稳定社会秩序的重要作用。

【Abstract】 Commendation System as an important incentives in traditional society, .Commendation System rulers through the implementation of the incentive mechanism enlightenment, thus affecting the public’s political beliefs, moral values and behavior , to accept the values advertised by the rulers and ethical system, and internalized into people’s conscious behavior , so as to maintain Morality and political domination.In short, the Commendation of the whole purpose of establishing a place for society to follow in order to beautify the customs, the purpose of public enlightenment.Early Ming Dynasty, Commendation object contains a wide range, from the founding fathers, jingna Battle "re-home state " emerged in the outstanding Fumiomi troops, the Chinese imperial examination at all levels were down to ordinary people, chastity woman martyr, Yi Men and Yi Family, centenarians,filial Shun Sun are subject to various forms of Commendation.Commendation is also a variety of ways, which can be set up some kind of markers (such as plaques, stone, arch, etc.) or some sort of reward in kind, to give some kind of titles, posthumous name, etc., who were being Commendation spiritual or material Recognition.This ancient society in China played a reassuring guide the people, educate customs, the important role of the social order and stability.

【关键词】 旌表制度明代表彰
【Key words】 Commendation SystemMing DynastyRecognition System
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

