

【作者】 杨柏森

【导师】 王庆贵;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 农业推广, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是王庆贵教授主持的国家自然科学基金“气候变化背景下黑龙江东部山区谷地云冷杉林的衰退机理”(30970487)的一部分,本文采用常规的生态学野外数据采集方法,系统分析了气候变化背景条件下的谷地云冷杉林衰退与病虫害的相关关系,得出结论如下:(1)从病原菌分离的结果分析可见,其规律性不强,白腐菌和褐腐菌有可能单独发生,也有可能混合发生;从症状上看,死亡株的心材腐朽很重,对该树的最后致死会起到较大的作用。此外,对死亡株数据分析可见,尽管有部分腐朽菌的发生,但症状不很严重,树木虽已死亡,但木材材质保存尚好,这也说明红皮云杉的死亡虽与腐朽菌有一定的关系,但并非直接的主导因素。(2)松十二齿小蠹(Ips sexdentatus)、云杉大黑天牛(Monochamus urussovi Fisch)、云杉八齿小蠹(Ips typographes L)、云杉小黑天牛(Monochamus sutor)等是导致红皮云杉衰退的主要害虫,虫口密度较大,危害严重。但这几种害虫属次袭性害虫,不是红皮云杉的直接致死原因,因为这些次袭性害虫很少侵袭健康林木,也很难在健康林木上大量繁殖。只有林木极度衰弱以后才逐渐被侵袭和干扰,并得以大量繁殖,加速了林木的衰退速率。(3)红皮云杉生长状态与菌根类型呈现显著的相关性,健康云杉菌根类型非常多(17种),而生长衰弱和死亡的红皮云杉菌根类型明显减少(分别为7种和6种),不同生长状态的红皮云杉菌根类型也不完全相同,各生长状态的红皮云杉都具有其特有菌根类型。此外,不同生长状态的红皮云杉优势菌根类型也不相同。健康红皮云杉的优势菌根大多为分支复杂、菌根系统较大、通常具有菌索的类型;而濒死红皮云杉和死亡红皮云杉优势菌根类型通常为分支简单(甚至不分支)、菌根系统较小、通常不具有菌索。菌根所呈现出的衰退趋势与红皮云杉衰退趋势的一致性,从某种意义上可以断定菌根衰退可能是红皮云杉死亡的一个重要原因,但还有待于更深入的研究,与王庆贵和高兴喜(2006)的研究结果一致。(4)本研究首次将ISSR这一新技术引入到红皮云杉遗传变异的研究当中,还有很多不成熟的技术环节。通过RAPD技术和ISSR技术的初步研究,得出红皮云杉10个不同地理种源只发生了种内变异,属于种内遗传多态性的范畴,还没有产生新的变种。由此可见,红皮云杉衰退还没有引起其不同分布区的地理种源发生种内变异。因此,红皮云杉衰退木只限于外在的表现——出现明显的生长减弱,而物种本身并未发生内在的变异。(5)红皮云杉生长状态与菌根类型呈现显著的相关性,健康云杉菌根类型非常多(17种),而生长衰弱和死亡的红皮云杉菌根类型明显减少(分别为7种和6种),不同生长状态的红皮云杉菌根类型也不完全相同,各生长状态的红皮云杉都具有其特有菌根类型。此外,不同生长状态的红皮云杉优势菌根类型也不相同。健康红皮云杉的优势菌根大多为分支复杂、菌根系统较大、通常具有菌索的类型;而濒死红皮云杉和死亡红皮云杉优势菌根类型通常为分支简单(甚至不分支)、菌根系统较小、通常不具有菌索。菌根所呈现出的衰退趋势与红皮云杉衰退趋势的一致性,从某种意义上可以断定菌根衰退可能是红皮云杉死亡的一个重要原因,但还有待于更深入的研究。

【Abstract】 This article is chaired by Professor Wang Qinggui the National Natural Science Foundation of China,“the context of climate change, mountain valley in eastern Heilongjiang decline mechanism of spruce fir forest”(30970487) part, we use the conventional method of ecological field data collection, systematic analysis of the background conditions of climate change spruce-fir forests of the valley under the recession and the correlation between pest and concluded as follows:(1) From pathogen separation analysis of results shows, its regularity is not strong, white-rot fungus and brown rot bacteria may occur alone, but also may mix to occur, From the symptoms on look, death strains of the decadent heartwood very heavy, for the tree of final death will be a greater role. In addition, the number of death, according to analysis of visible, although there are part of the decadent bacteria happening, but symptoms are not very serious, trees have been killed, but wood material preservation is good, this means that the death of spruce decadent bacteria have a certain relationship, but not directly the dominant factors.(2) Ips sexdentatus、Monochamus urussovi Fisch、Ips typographes L、Monochamus sutor are causing Monochamus red one of main pests, spruce recession population density is larger, drug-infested. But this several pests of times incoming pests, not the direct cause of death red one spruce, because these times incoming pests rarely invade healthy trees, also hard to in healthy forest tree multiply. Only the trees extremely weak after it gradually been invaded and interference, and to multiply, accelerate the trees decline rate.(3) Spruce fir forest growth state mycorrhizal type present significant correlation, health spruce mycorrhizal type very much (17), and grow weak and death on the spruce mycorrhizal type significantly reduce (respectively 7 species and 6), different growth state of spruce mycorrhizal type is not identical also, each growth state of spruce has its unique mycorrhizal type. In addition, different growth state of spruce advantage mycorrhizal type also not identical. The advantage of healthy spruce mycorrhizal mostly for the branch complex, mycorrhizal system bigger, usually has bacterium of cable type; Spruce and death and dying spruce advantage bacterium roots type usually branch simple (not even branch), mycorrhizal system, lesser, usually don’t have bacterium suo. Mycorrhizal show recession trend and the consistency of the spruce recession trend, from some kind of meaning can conclude mycorrhizal recession may be spruce death one important reason, but there is a need for more in-depth research, and generate Wang Qinggui and GaoXingxi (2006) research results are consistent.(4) This is the first will ISSR this new technology is introduced into the spruce genetic variation studies, many immature technology link. Through amplified technology and the preliminary research, ISSR technology that spruce 10 different geographical provenance only occurred within variation, belongs to the category of inner genetic polymorphisms, still not produce new varieties. Thus, spruce recession has not caused by the different limit of geographical provenance occurred within mutation. Therefore, spruce recession wood limited to external performance - significant growth is abate, and species itself does not take place in the inner of variation.(5) Spruce growth state mycorrhizal type present significant correlation, health spruce mycorrhizal type very much (17), and grow weak and death on the spruce mycorrhizal type significantly reduce (respectively 7 species and 6), different growth state of spruce mycorrhizal type is not identical also, each growth state of spruce has its unique mycorrhizal type. In addition, different growth state of spruce advantage mycorrhizal type also not identical. The advantage of healthy spruce mycorrhizal mostly for the branch complex, mycorrhizal system bigger, usually has bacterium of cable type; Spruce, death and dying spruce advantage bacterium roots type usually branch simple (not even branch), mycorrhizal system, lesser, usually don’t have bacterium suo. Mycorrhizal show recession trend and the consistency of the spruce recession trend, from some kind of meaning can conclude mycorrhizal recession may be spruce death one important reason, but there is a need for more in-depth research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】S763
  • 【下载频次】43

