

【作者】 黄利达

【导师】 徐文培;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 19世纪美国小说家、散文家和诗人赫尔曼·麦尔维尔被认为是继霍桑之后美国浪漫主义文学最杰出的代表,其代表作《白鲸》堪称世界海洋文学的经典巨著。小说从不同的侧面折射出了不同的含义,无论是丰富的航海、鲸类学知识还是波澜壮阔的历险故事描写,都向世人展现了一个异样的,甚至是闻所未闻的世界。1914年,俄国形式主义的代表人物维·什克洛夫斯基(Victor Shklovsky)在其纲领性宣言——《语词的复活》中,提出了以突出强调艺术语言的审美特征为主旨的陌生化理论,引起了学术界较为强烈的反响。学界对《白鲸》进行了较为全面的研究。然而,截止目前还极少有学者运用陌生化理论对《白鲸》进行系统性的研究。作为一次大胆的尝试,本文旨在从主题、叙事角度、人物形象、意象和修辞手法五大方面,深入分析、论证《白鲸》的创作是如何运用陌生化理论,取得了新奇的艺术效果,从而带给读者以全新的审美体验和内心感受。本文意在从一个全新的视角揭示《白鲸》的文学艺术魅力和精神内涵,从而为同类抑或非同类的文学作品批评,甚至是跨学科的其他领域的艺术研究提供可借鉴之处。

【Abstract】 Herman Melville, the 19th century American novelist, essayist and poet, is considered as the most outstanding representative of American Romanticism succeeding Nathaniel Hawthorne. His masterpiece Moby Dick is the classic works of marine literature. In different perspectives, the novel reflects various meanings. Its richness in knowledge about the marine and the whale and its vivid description of the plot of the story exert a great impact on the readers, unfolding a magnificent and an unknown world before them.In 1914 the famous theory of defamiliarization was proposed by the representative of the Russian formalism Victor Shklovsky in his guideline declaration The Reveberation of the Word, which emphasizes the literariness and the artistry of the literary works and has aroused worldwide attention.Aiming at exploring the literary charm and the spiritual essence of this novel, this thesis attempts to make a thorough analysis of Moby Dick, from the perspectives of theme, narrative point of view, character, image and rhetorical devices, by dint of studying the application of the theory of defamiliarization in the creation of this novel and analyzing the attainment of the desirable result of origin and uncommonness which endows the readers with an entirely new art evaluation experience and unprecedented inner feel. In the hope of bringing available experience for the art works criticism of the same kind or the like, the writer of this thesis makes such a brave try.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【下载频次】414

