

Study on Gansu Provincial E-government Construction and Development

【作者】 杜燕

【导师】 李映洲;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在信息技术飞速发展的今天,电子政务作为信息时代的新生事物,已经成为一种新的政府办公方式。许多国家政府都把电子政务作为优先发展战略。我国对信息化建设和电子政务工作高度重视,将电子政务作为我国信息化建设的龙头工程。“十二五”规划中明确指出要大力推进国家电子政务网络建设,整合提升政府公共服务和管理能力。近几年来,伴随着西部大开发战略实施的不断深入,在甘肃省委、省政府的高度重视下,甘肃省的电子政务建设也有了切实进展。我省的电子政务建设经过多年的发展,虽然取得了较好的进展和明显的成效,但是在推动电子政务建设发展的过程中,仍然面临着一些问题,这些问题严重阻碍了我省电子政务的进一步发展。本文从国内外对电子政务的研究现状入手,结合电子政务的基础理论,介绍了国内外电子政务的发展状况、发展特点以及借鉴意义,阐明了电子政务在我国的特殊内涵,详细介绍了电子政务的发展特征、电子政务的功能、电子政务的模式以及电子政务的发展趋势。其次,本文结合我国电子政务实际,回顾了甘肃省电子政务的发展历程,以甘肃省电子政务专网、电子政务内网、电子政务外网三大网络为例,具体分析了甘肃省电子政务的建设现状以及甘肃省电子政务发展中遇到的诸多问题与困难,这些问题成为我省电子政务进一步发展的“瓶颈”,制约着电子政务的广泛应用。结合自己多年在电子政务岗位的工作经验,提出了解决问题的具体方式方法,并针对甘肃省电子政务建设发展中存在的问题,进一步探讨甘肃省电子政务建设发展的有效途径,提出了解决思路与具体对策,并对相关对策进行深入分析。

【Abstract】 Due to the fast development of information science, e-government has became a new way of government business as something new under the information age. Many counties regard the e-government as a priority of development strategy. China’s information construction and e-government has been attached great importance and e-government is regarded as China’s leading informatization project. The twelfth five-year program explicitly pointed out that we should vigorously promote the national e-government network construction, integrate and improve the public service and management capacity of government.In recent years, along with the continuously deepening of the western development strategy, the construction of e-government of Gansu province has made practical progress under the great importance of the Gansu province committee and government. E-government construction of Gansu province has made good progress and remarkable results after years of development, but during the process of promoting the construction of e-govemment, there are still some problems to face which seriously impede the further development of e-government in Gansu province.This thesis, based on the current studies on e-government home and abroad and the basic theory of E-government, firstly reviewed its current development as well as developing characteristics at home and introduced its enlightenment to China. Meanwhile, the special connotation of E-government in China was stated and its developing characteristic, function and pattern were also introduced in order to look forward its developing trend in China. Secondly, this thesis, contacted with the reality of E-government in our country, take the three categories of network: e-government special network, e-government inner network and e-government outer net in Gansu province for example, analyzed the current development and problems encountered during the construction of E-government in Gansu Province with a view to the history of the development process of E-government in Gansu province, this problems will restrict its development and popularization. Finally, combined with the previous work experience of myself, this thesis put forward the solutions to the encountered problems and effective ways to constructing and developing the E-government of Gansu were further explored and analyzed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】242

