

Promotion of the Mechanism of Differentiation of Staff Affecting Organizational Innovation Climate

【作者】 刘婷婷

【导师】 秦辉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪已逐渐走向知识经济时代,当今世界的竞争表明,一个民族和国家只有拥有强大的创新能力,才能在激烈的国际竞争中把握先机。企业作为市场经济活动的单体,国家创新能力的提高要依靠企业来完成,因而企业背负了一个重要的时代使命——作为创新的主体。8如何更好地推动创新活动,为部门为企业带来效益,已经成为当今社会所关注的焦点。20世纪80年代以来,西方社会就对影响组织创新行为的众多因素进行了分析与探讨,其中有关组织创新气氛这一方面的研究也逐渐增多。然而人员差异化作为影响组织创新气氛的重要因子,关于其影响机理的深入研究尚少,本研究正是从这一角度出发,在对组织创新气氛的影响因素做理论研究的基础上,进而通过实证研究,采用因子分析法,信度、效度检验,独立样本t检验以及单因素方法分析法对人员差异化对组织创新气氛的影响机理进行深入地探讨。并在此基础上,从管理学及组织行为学角度对企业进行人员差异化管理进行探索,提出切实可行的建议,使企业营造良好的组织创新气氛有据可依。

【Abstract】 21st century is Gradually becoming the century of knowledge-based economy. Competitive in today’s world demonstrates that only to have a strong ability to innovate can a nation and a state get the the chance in the field of fierce international competition. As a single part in the market economy, enterprises bear an important business mission of the times - as the main part of innovation. Beaucase national innovation capabilities is rely on enterprises’activitise.It has become the focus of the community that how to promote innovation better, how to bring benefits for the enterprises’sector. Western society has done a lot of reserch about the factors on the impact of organizational innovation behavior since 1980s, among those factors the reserch on organizational innovation climate(OCI) in this field has gradually increased. However, as an important factor in OCI, there doesn’t have much reserch on the mechanism of differentiation of staff affecting OCI. From this perspective and based on reserch of the impact factors on OCI, after empirical study, this paper uses factor analysis, reliability, validity testing, independent sample t test and single factor analysis methods to analyze the mechanism of differentiation of staff affecting OCI in depth. Then we use the management and organizational behavior theory to discuss the management of differentiation of staff, propose practical suggestions to enable enterprises to create a good OCI.


