

Achieving Ehealth Interoperability Via Peer-To-Peer Communication Using JXTA Technology

【作者】 胡妍

【导师】 梁荣华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息通信技术的发展,电子医疗服务成为了一个新兴的研究领域。电子医疗服务集合了医疗信息学,公共健康和商业学的一个交叉领域,指的是通过互联网及其相关技术来交付或改善健康服务和相关信息。由于不同的医疗服务解决方案是由不同的IT公司开发的,而且这之间没有合适的共用标准,这导致了互通性的问题上升。布莱京郡的医疗服务组织使用两种不同的系统,MAGNA CURA和SYStem Cross。这两个系统在他们自己的工作范围内使用得非常好,但是这两个系统经常需要通信和合作来交换病人的信息,这就产生了互通性问题。本文研究的目标是提供快速和可靠的点对点解决方案来交换病人的信息,以此达到不同的医疗组织间的信息共用性。这个提出的方案作为布莱京医疗服务组织使用的MAGNA CURA和SYStem Cross的中间件进行了测试。本次研究的目标是提供快速和可靠的点对点解决方案来交换病人的信息,以此达到不同的医疗组织间的信息共用性。本文提出的方案最后作为布莱京医疗服务组织使用的MAGNA CURA和SYStem Cross的中间件进行了测试。本文主要研究工作包括了通过深入的文献阅读和分析,半结构化的面对面的采访的定量研究方法来了解研究问题的背景以及实现方案的选择和取舍。我们了解到布莱京的医疗服务组织是分布式,并且使用不同的信息管理系统,在这样的环境下,作者提出了点对点通信的方式。最后作者开发了一个基于JXTA平台的可执行的模型测试了提出的方案。根据检测的结果,在两个提及的系统间,被建议的句法层面的共用性问题已经得到初步解决。

【Abstract】 eHealth is an emerging area that boosts up with advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Due to variety of eHealth solutions developed by different IT firms with no proper shared standards, interoperability issue is then raised.Blekinge County healthcare organizations use two different systems MAGNA CURA and SYStem Cross. The two systems work well in their own scope. But these systems often need to communicate and coordinate for exchange of patients? information which leads to the problem of interoperability.The aim of this research study is to provide fast and reliable peer-to-peer solution for exchange of patient information so as to achieve interoperability among healthcare organizations. This proposed solution is tested as a middleware between MAGNA CURA and SYStem Cross currently used by Blekinge County healthcare organizations. A qualitative approach including in-depth literature review and a semi-structured face-to-face interview has been used for understanding the context of research problem. We have tested our approach through an executable prototype. The prototype is implemented using JXTA platform.We have learned that Blekinge healthcare is decentralized and heterogonous in nature. For such kind of environment, peer-to-peer communication approach is suggested. According to the test result, the suggested syntactic level interoperability between the two mentioned systems has been achieved.


