

Phenomenology of Pedagogy Experience View the Chinese Teaching of Middle School Concept Unscramble

【作者】 王东方

【导师】 范景兰;

【作者基本信息】 青海师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中学语文体验式教学是根据《语文课程标准》的精神,结合语文教育的特点而提出的一种新的教学方式。它是一种比较开放、比较自主的学习方式,鼓励学生主动建构,积极内化,将体验转化为自身的一部分,从而获得情感的碰撞与意义的生成。这种教学方式早已被教育界广泛关注,多方讨论,具备了一定的理论性和实践性。但是,在深入研究中学语文体验式教学实践应用的具体实施办法方面还有所欠缺,本文试图就此进行一点探索。现象学,不是一套内容固定的学说,而是一种通过“直接的认识”来描述现象的研究方法,主张在各人文学科内运用现象学描述或者本质还原法,从中获取较直接,较真实准确的知识。体验观是现象学的一种观点,注重在体验的过程中感悟思考,进而来获得知识或者经验的一种方法,其中体验的过程有直接情景再现或观摩等。通过联系教育学、现象学,认为应当让学生在主动积极的思维和情感活动中,加深理解和体验,有所感悟和思考,受到情感的熏陶,获得思维的启迪,享受学习中学语文的乐趣。本论文首先对体验式教学进行概述,在对体验观、体验式教学的内涵进行阐述的基础上,笔者定义体验式教学就是根据学生掌握的知识结构,思维成长规律,教师创造或者重现相同的或者相似的场景,来呈现出教学的内容,让学生在体验的过程中,理解和建构知识,进而达到对兴趣和能力的培养,起到促进语文学习的作用。然后通过与实证主义作比,指出体验观更注重以人为本,以个人的生命历程为基本,注重通过体验来学习,进而还原到生命本真。此外还阐述了体验式教学的价值和理论基础。然后通过对中学语文体验式教学的现状进行分析,对比了体验观与实证主义哲学教育观,也指出了一些问题,并针对问题进行个案分析,主要从教师原因和学生原因两个方面进行探讨。最后对体验观在中学语文教育中的应用和对策进行探讨,从精神启蒙,思维启迪,教学艺术三方面进行论述。在实际的课堂教学中,教师可以根据实际情况灵活恰当的引导学生进行体验。体验式教学渗透在语文学习的全过程中,体现了新课程标准重视学生主体性的精神,体现了一种开放式的教学观念。

【Abstract】 The middle school language experience type teaching is according to the spirit of Chinese course standard, combined with the characteristics of Chinese language education and puts forward a new way of teaching. It is a more open, more independent study way, and encourage students to actively constructing, positive, will experience transformation to internalize for part of their own, so as to achieve the collision of emotion and significance of generation. The teaching mode has already been education, DuoFang discuss attention, have a certain amount of theory and practice. But, in the thorough research the middle school language experience type teaching practice application of specific implementation measures’s not, this article tries to explore this a bit.Phenomenology, is not a set of fixed the theory, the content but a through the "direct know" to describe the phenomenon that the research methods, in the humanities within the phenomenological description or the essence reduction method, get a direct, a true accurate knowledge. Experience is a kind of phenomenology view point, pay attention to in the experience in the process of the thinking, and then to get feeling knowledge or experience of a kind of method, the experience of the process has direct scene playback or viewing, etc. Through the contact pedagogy, phenomenology, think should let students in active thought and emotion activity, deepen the understanding and experience, aware and thinking, emotional influence, and get by thinking enlightenment, and enjoy the fun of middle school language learning. This paper first Outlines of the experience of teaching, in view of the experience of experience, the connotation of the teaching on the basis of the experience, the author defined the teaching is according to the students to master the knowledge structure of the thinking law of growth, creating or reproduced the teachers or similar scene, to present a teaching content, let the student experience in the process of construction, understanding and knowledge, and then reach to interest and ability training, promote Chinese learning effect. Then through and positivism, and points out that the experience than view more attention to people-centered and personal life experience as the basic, pay attention to through the experience to learn, and then returned to a real life. In addition, it also expounds the value of experience teaching and theoretical basis.Then through to the middle school language of the experience of teaching are analyzed, and compared the experience view and positivism education, and points out some problems, and in the light of the problems in case analysis, mainly from the teachers and students reason causes two aspects are discussed.The experience in the middle school language education view of the application and the countermeasures are discussed, from the spiritual enlightenment, thinking enlightenment, and teaching art three are expounded. In actual teaching in class, the teacher can according to the actual situation of the flexible proper guide the student to carry on the experience.Experience type teaching penetration in Chinese learning, reflect the whole process of the new curriculum standard pay attention to students’ subjective spirit, reflected a kind of open mode teaching idea.


