

Kinematic Analysis on the Lower Limbs Technique of Excellent Man Tennis Back-ups in Jiangsu Province

【作者】 吴扬

【导师】 张建平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以江苏省青少年体育运动学校的四名具有代表性的优秀网球男子青少年队员为研究对象,使用两台Mega高速摄像机以300帧/秒的拍摄频率,1/2000秒的曝光时间同步拍摄,利用peak框架在标准网球场地采集三维运动影像资料,并通过德国SIMI-Motion录像解析软件系统进行图像解析,采用文献资料法、图像解析法、逻辑分析法、数据统计法等研究方法,选取重心、环节质心等惯性参数指标及各环节速度、角速度、位移等运动参数指标,对四名网球运动员的下肢运动在正反手击球过程的相关运动学参数进行分析。通过下肢环节时间、空间参数和下肢与躯干的配合的反馈,体现击球中出现的问题,以此来作为训练中注意的事项,改善在击球的不同阶段出现的踝、膝、髋等环节以及下肢协调传导方面出现的情况,同时提供有关下肢环节的运动学数据参数,也为江苏省网球青少年改善击球技术提供数据参考。研究得出以下主要结果:(1)测试对象马XX正手击上旋球过程中,踝关节速度产生稍晚,其蹬地时机掌握不当。吴天X踝关节变化幅度不明显,不能够产生良好的蹬地效果。(2)正手击上旋球动作,测试对象在完成蹬伸技术过程中,先发力腿膝关节角度普遍小于合理的蹬伸角度,并且先发力腿的最小膝关节角度要小于后发力腿的膝关节角度。反手击上旋球过程中测试对象左右膝角在击球时刻前的准备过程中在角度变化幅度方面左膝角要大于右膝角,而曾XX左膝角偏小。(3)测试对象正手上旋球从引拍到击球髋角逐渐增大,双手反拍髋角受限,除刘XX外,其余队员变化较小。(4)测试对象利用双腿对身体重心的调整会产生相对的不稳定。

【Abstract】 In this paper, four elite junior tennis players of the junior sports school in Jiangsu Province as the research object. By using the two Mega high-speed cameras with shooting frequency of 300 frames / second, exposure time of 1 / 2000 second synchronization , using the framework of“peak”in the standard tennis court to collect three-dimensional motion image data, and adopt the German SIMI-Motion analysis software to analysis the images, and using the methods of research such as literature, image analysis, logic analysis, statistics and other research methods, selecting center of gravity, link centroid and other inertia parameters, and link speed, angular velocity, displacement and other movement parameter index,to analysis the lower limbs movement in the process of forehand and backhand of the four junior tennis players. Reflecting the problems according to feedback time and space parameters about lower limbs and lower limb coordination, as the attention in train in order to improve the ankle, knee, hip and lower limbs coordination in the different stages and lower limbs transmission, while providing data on lower limb kinematics chain parameters, also for junior tennis players in Jiangsu Province to improve the tennis ball technique to provide data. Study results showed that the main results: (1) The player of Ma XX is in course of forehand hitting, speed of ankle produce later , the timing of pedal is incorrect. Wu XX’s variation amplitude of ankle is not obvious, can not produce a good effect of pedaling. (2) The action of forehand hitting topspin, all players completed the process of pedaling and stretching, knee angle of minimum legs less than the reasonable point of view in general, and the knee angle of the minimum leg below the knee angle of supporting the leg. Topspin of the backhand hitting, during the test time the players are about knee angle before the ball during the preparation of the extent of the left knee angle is greater than the right knee angle, and left knee angle is too small of ZengXX. (3) The players are hitting topspin ball in forehand, the hip angle increase from ready to hit, limited hip angle backhand with both hands, in addition to Liu XX, the remaining members change little. (4) All players used to adjust the legs to the body center of gravity will produce relatively unstable.

【关键词】 网球后备下肢击球运动学
【Key words】 TennisBack-upServeKinematic Analysis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

