

The Analysis and Strategy Researches on Current Situations of Football Programs’ Launch in Urban Elementary and Secondary Schools in Jiangsu Province

【作者】 周生财

【导师】 胡原;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着世界足球的日益兴盛,中国足球却在世界赛场上节节败退。中国足坛在经历了前所未有的“大地震”之后,也正在面临重新洗牌。在痛定思痛之后,更多人认识到了对于青少年足球培养的重要性,国家体育总局、教育部于2009年4月联合下发了《关于开展全国青少年校园足球活动的通知》,总局每年投入4000万专款发展校园足球。但是,中国青少年足球几近枯竭的窘状,也让准备重整旗鼓的中国足协新领导班子触目惊心。江苏省是一个经济、文化大省,为各省的发展树立了良好的榜样。但是回顾过去,自我国足球职业化以来,江苏足球始终没有取得过多么耀人的战绩。这与江苏省的经济文化等各方面的发展完全不相平衡。究竟是什么原因导致了江苏足球发展的滞后?是我们球员的身体素质不好?还是我们资金的投入不够?本文选定了江苏省城市中小学足球运动为研究对象,采用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈、数理统计和逻辑分析五种研究方法,从江苏省中小学足球开展现状入手,进行调查和分析,得出以下结论:1江苏省城市中小学足球教师有一定的执教经验,年龄结构较为合理,但学历层次相对较低,教学训练很大程度上存在随意性和缺乏科学性,理论水平有待进一步提高,业务水平需要进一步加强;2自全国校园足球联赛开展以来,江苏省城市中小学足球运动取得了一定的成果,但南北差距较大,普及程度不高;3江苏省城市中小学生参与足球运动积极性较高,但学习压力较大,家长与教师的干预以及学校组织宣传的不足等限制了学生参加足球运动的机会;4社会对于中小学足球运动的关注度不高,家长对于足球运动的认识不够,业余足球运动开展程度不高,影响力不足,影响了中小学足球运动的开展。

【Abstract】 With the growing prosperity of the world football, the Chinese football is retreating in defeat repeatedly in the world arena. Though the professional league has been for nearly 20 years, what remain in our memories most significantly are probably stuffs like "soccer fraud, black whistle, soccer gambling, fighting…"when the process is recalled. Maybe the only aftertaste is coiling out for 2002 World Cup qualifying with results of gaining no victory for any match.Jiangsu Province is taking a leading role in both economy and culture, which sets a good example for the development of other provinces. However, the past shows that Jiangsu football has never made a stunning record since football in China became professional, which absolutely matches Jiangsu Province’s development in economy and culture and so on. What are the reasons that actually cause the Jiangsu Province to lag behind in the football development? Is it Poor physical conditions of our players or insufficiency in our capital investment?This article ,which selects some urban elementary and secondary schools in Jiangsu Province as research objects and uses five research methods of literatures, questionnaires, expert interviews, statistics and logical analysis , starts with current situations of football program’s launch in elementary and secondary schools in Jiangsu Province , carries out investigations and analysis, and then comes to the following conclusions:Primary and secondary school teachers in Jiangsu Province have some football coaching experience, and their age structure is more reasonable, but with the relatively low level of education, there is a large lack of scientific random in their teaching and training ,besides, the theoretical level and business level also have to be further strengthened.since the National Campus Football League , football game in primary and secondary schools in Jiangsu Province has carried out some results, but North-South gap is larger, and the penetration is not high, the teams participate in uneven and too few games have been played;Students of Primary and secondary schools in Jiangsu Province have been actively participate in soccer, but the large pressure of study, the intervention of parents and teachers, and the lack of advertisement from school have limited opportunities for students to participate in football;Society’s concern for the school football is not high, the parents have limited awareness of football, amateur Soccer is not popular, and the lack of influence, all these affect the conduct of primary and secondary school football;School football players cannot guarantee their future, football connection between junior high and elementary school is good, but the connection between junior high and high school has derailment phenomenon, which results in a waste of talent back.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

