

The Influencing Factors of FDI Region Selection

【作者】 葛一

【导师】 夏永祥;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,外商在华直接投资(简称FDI)增长迅猛,我国己成为世界上接受外商直接投资规模最大的国家之一。外资对推动我国经济增长发挥了重要的作用,有力地促进了经济的发展和产业的优化。而FDI在东北三省表现出明显的区域差异:1999年至2009年我国东北三省所利用的外商直接投资,辽宁约占60%左右,吉林、黑龙江两省之和仅占40%左右。就东北地区而言,外资进一步向环渤海区域集中,且趋势还在进一步加强。本文从定性和定量两个角度分析造成外商在东北三省直接投资的区域差异及其影响因素。从定性分析的角度看,影响外商直接投资区位选择的因素包括受资地区位、生产成本、市场容量和潜力、政策制度等。在定性分析的基础上,本文将当期FDI作为被解释变量,将地区国内生产总值(GDP)、人口数(Population)、城市化率(Urban)、国际旅游人数(Tour)、外贸进出口总量(Trade)、外贸依存度(Trade/GDP)、物流通车里程(Mile)、职工平均工资(Wage)、高校在校学生数(Student)、专利审核数(Patent)以及上期FDI存量(FDIt-1)作为解释变量进行了定量研究,得到外资在东北三省区位选择的各影响因子,并分别阐述了它们对外资区位选择的影响。具体研究内容如下:第1章绪论。提出问题,阐述研究背景与研究意义,交代本文的研究思路、技术与模型假设,并说明了本文的创新点和不足。第2章文献综述。本章对外商直接投资理论进行回顾,并对近年来外商在华直接投资的区位研究状况进行综述,主要从国外国内两个方面进行梳理。第3章外商直接投资在东北三省的区位分布及其特征分析,主要就外商直接投资近十年来在东北发展的情况进行说明,从以下五点进行了分析:(1)东北FDI近十年来规模;(2)FDI方式的差异;(3)FDI在东北三省区域分布状况;(4)FDI来源地的差异;(5)FDI产业分布的差异。第4章东北三省外商直接投资区域差异影响因素的定性分析。通过对区位因素、经济发展程度和市场潜力、产业因素、成本因素、市场开放程度因素、人力资本因素和技术因素以及政策因素等联系东北三省现状进行分析,并且在此基础上构建本文的理论分析框架。第5章实证研究。根据第四章的理论分析,选取各影响因素的可量化因子,通过SPSS软件逐步回归分析,检验各因素对吸引外商直接投资是否有影响,并得到各影响因子对FDI在东北三省区位选择的重要程度。第6章政策建议。根据前几章的分析结果,为FDI在东北均衡发展提供政策建议。

【Abstract】 With the rapid increase of foreign direct investment(FDI) in China since its reform and opening up,the scale of FDI in China has become one of the world’s largest. The inflow of foreign investment, playing a significant role in the growth of Chinese economy, has effectively promoted China’s social development and the institutional transformation. However, the regional variance of FDI in China is evident, not only because the reform and opening up process in China is carried out region by region, but there have been influencing environmental elements. The FDI utilization in Liaoning Province takes up 60% of the overall FDI in the Northeast Three Provinces, while the sum of FDI utilization in the rest two provinces(Jilin and Heilongjiang Province) takes up 40%. As far as the northeast region is concerned, the FDI is further clustering in regions surrounding Bohai Sea, and the trend is intensifying.This thesis analyses the regional variance of FDI and the influencing factors from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. From the qualitative perspective, foreign investors, before deciding the location of investment, need to consider the investment environment including factors such as the investment location, cost, market and policy. On the basis of qualitative analysis, the thesis analyses the impact degree of these influencing factors on the decision making of FDI. Current FDI is considered as explained variable, while GDP, population, urbanization level, international tourist quantity, gross import and export volume, dependence on foreign trade, open traffic logistics mileage, average employee wage, current student quantity in colleges and universities, verified patent quantity and FDI retained in prior period are considered as explaining variable, the research details are as follows:Chapter One Introduction. Putting forward the question and illustrating the research background, objective and significance, setting forth the train of thoughts, research method and theoretical fragment of the thesis.Chapter Two Literature Review. Because the region research of FDI involves FDI theories and its location theories, this chapter first reviews the relative FDI theories and FDI location theories, and then summarizes the existing FDI location research theories in recent years from the following three perspectives: the first is location selection and research of FDI, the second is the analysis of factors influencing the FDI location selection, the third is the empirical research of location decision of FDI in China.Chapter Three Aimed at providing actual evidence for succeeding reason analysis, this chapter analyses the distribution and features of FDI location in the northeast three provinces, mainly analysing and illustrating the development history and location distribution of FDI in China. The distribution and features of FDI location being the major subject for analysis in this chapter, they are analysed from the following five perspectives: First, the scale of FDI in Northeast China; Second, the method difference of FDI; Third, the distribution of FDI in the northeast three provinces; Four, the source location of FDI; Five, the industry distribution difference of FDI.Chapter Four The theoretical illustration of influencing factors on FDI location difference. This chapter analyses the location, economy development level, market potential, industry, cost, degree of market openness, human capital, technology and policy in the northeast three provinces, and constructed the theoretical analysis frame basing on the analysis results. Chapter Five Empirical research. According to the theoretical analysis of Chapter Four, this chapter selects of all influencing quantifiable elements and performs regression analysis step by step, utilizing SPSS software to check whether these factors have impact on FDI attraction and found the important intensity of each factor’s impact on location selection of FDI in the northeast three provinces.Chapter Six Policy advice. This Chapter explains the obstacles of attracting foreign investment in the northeast three provinces according to the analysis results of the previous chapters, and provides policy advice for improving investment environment and facilitating the balanced development of FDI in northeast China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】F832.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】183
  • 攻读期成果

