

Research on Automatic Programming System of High Speed Wire Cutting Machine

【作者】 程坤

【导师】 倪俊芳;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 高速走丝线切割机是我国独创的电加工设备,它价格低廉,结构简单,工艺效果好,是我国生产和使用的主要电加工机床。随着高速走丝线切割机在模具制造、成型刀具加工、难加工材料和精密复杂零件加工等方面的广泛应用,对其自动化程度有了更高的要求,自动编程系统的作用显得日益重要。而国产或国外的自动编程系统分别存在技术滞后、操作不便和通用性不好等问题,严重限制了线切割机生产效率的提高。因此,研究适合我国国情的高速走丝线切割自动编程系统具有重要的现实意义。本文在论述了高速走丝线切割技术的研究现状以及现有高速走丝线切割机自动编程系统的基础上,设计和开发了一套高速走丝线切割机的自动编程系统。本文主要作了以下几个方面的研究工作:完成了图形绘制的设计,实现了基本零件图形的绘制、图形的编辑与文件管理。通过对DXF文件的结构和组码、组值含义的分析,成功实现了DXF文件图形信息的读取,自动快速重绘图形,实现了在AutoCAD2007环境下绘制的任何二维图形完整地转移到自动编程系统中,实现了绘图模块所绘图形信息输出为DXF文件的功能。通过对图形信息进行排序,能生成随用户指定加工顺序变化的有序链表,全面研究了两相邻实体可能出现的各种连接方式,并给用户提供了两种拐角过渡方式的选择,通过处理电极丝偏移轨迹和拐角过渡,实现了电极丝准确平滑的过渡。通过对3B代码、G代码算法的研究,实现了两种数控代码的生成,最后通过对以插补技术为基础的加工仿真算法进行研究,实现了加工轨迹的图形仿真。本系统以Windows XP为操作平台,以Visual C++6.0为编程工具,采用图形交互的编程方式,界面友好,操作方便。

【Abstract】 High speed wire cutting machine, which is an original electric machining facility created in China, is widely produced and used in China owing to its low price, simple structure and effective technology. With the widely applied of high speed wire cutting machine in the aspects of mold manufacturing, mold cutting, difficult-to-machining materials and machining of complex-profile products with high precision, the requirement of the automation degree of high speed wire cutting machine is higher and higher, and the automatic programming software of high speed wire cutting machine is playing a more and more important role. However, the automatic programming software made in china has defects of tech hysteresis and inconvenience, and import automatic programming software has poor universality and is hard to use. This limits severely the production efficiency of cutting machine. Therefore, it has important practical significance to.research suitable for china’s automatic programming system of high speed wire cutting machineThis article designs and develops an automatic programming system of high speed wire cutting machine on the basis of discussion of research status on high speed wire cutting technology and the automatic programming system of the existing high speed wire cutting machine. This paper mainly covers the following research work: The design of the graphic drawing module has been completed.It can achieved basic graphics, graphic edit and file management. By analyse on the construction of DXF file and the meaning of group code and group value, the system gets information successfully and redraws automatically. The system achieves transfering of any atically two-dimensional graphics to the automatic programming system on AutoCAD 2007 .The system can export DXF files of the graphic information which is drawn in the graphic drawing module. By sequence of the graphic information, the system can generate the ordered list with the user specified processing order. The system comprehensive studys all sorts of connections of the two adjacent entities and gives the users the choice of two way corner of the transition. By processing wire electrode offset and corner transition, the system achieves a smooth transition of wire accurately. By research 3B codes and G codes, the system realizes in the two NC code . At last, by studying the simulation algorithm based on the interpolating technology, the system achieves graphics simulation of the processing track.With Windows XP as the operating system, Visual C + +6.0 as a programming tool, programming of graphical interaction, The system interfaces friendly and operates easily, shortens programming time and improves the accuracy of the programming.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

