

Applied Research on Producting Colored Silk by Feeding Additive to Silkworm, Bombyx Mori

【作者】 蒋赟斐

【导师】 虞晓华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 农业推广, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 蚕丝作为纤维皇后,做成一般的丝织品必须经过化学漂染工艺才会五颜六色。化学漂染过程中会排放大量废水,造成环境的污染,且产品颜色鲜艳度不够。天然彩色丝是指蚕本身吐出的丝就含有色素。用彩色丝制成的纺织品,无需漂白、印染处理,就具有自然的色泽,且织物更加柔软、富有弹性。天然彩色蚕品种目前只有黄色茧和绿色茧。为了丰富天然彩色丝的色彩,用添食色素的方法开发出三基色,从而为开发各种颜色的彩色丝打下基础。论文分为三部分,主要是关于添食法生产彩色茧丝的应用研究。第一部分是在如东、射阳关于添食法生产彩色茧丝的应用推广研究。主要内容是:利用本实验组研究成果,以及推广到农村所遇到的一系列问题,提出具有实际意义的解决方法,通过实验进行方法可行性验证;之后将新方法推广到农村,将所得到的蚕茧进行一系列的调查,得到的数据加以分析,从而对理论和实践的差异进行一些阐述。第二部分是关于彩色茧丝的复合色的开发。主要内容是:利用已有的添食色素和已有的家蚕彩色茧品种,进行颜色复合实验,从而发现:1添食法的色素和家蚕本身产生的色素能够进行复合且没有冲突,从而产生意料之中的复合色;2随着色素添加的浓度的增加,复合色的颜色也随之改变,做到颜色可调。第三部分是关于新的色素的研发。此实验采用添食色素添加剂的方法生产彩色丝。主要内容是;首先,查阅大量文献,选择了4种食用有机色素;然后,将这些色素配成0.1%的溶液,将之均匀喷洒在桑叶上饲喂五龄壮蚕,每天三次,直至上蔟,调查所得茧色;最后,研究色素添加剂对其后代的影响。实验结果如下:1在农村推广得到的蚕茧与实验室所得到的数据基本相符,可见实验室的方法可以进行大规模的推广应用。但是在实验室的脱胶实验中发现,红色茧在高温、碱性环境中变成白茧,在生产中应避免用碱液脱胶。2复合丝的开发较为理想,所用的蚕品种是司马杨虎教授的蚕茧1号,试验中发现了添食法和天然彩色茧复合色素的生产的可能性以及与黄、红相关复合色的可调节性。3在新色素的研发中,经历了一系列的失败。四种色素最后成功了一种蓝色素,其化学结构式与红色素相似,猜测该结构可能与中肠到血液以及血液到丝腺的某种蛋白结合,从而到达丝腺。在对其后代的检测中,其能正常产卵,且卵色呈蓝色。由于时间有限,这只是对蓝色素开发的初探,在试验中,家蚕的存活率不理想,色素的配比优化之路还是任重而道远。

【Abstract】 As Queen of silk fibers, the silk products will be subject to chemical bleaching process colors. Chemical bleaching process will emit large quantities of waste water, causeing environmental pollution, and the color of the products is not bright enough. The natural color of silkworm is a kind of silkworm which spit out the colorful silk itself. Textiles made of silk color, without bleaching, dyeing and printing processing, it has a natural color, and fabric more soft and elastic. There is only yellow cocoon and green cocoon in nature. In order to enrich the natural color of silk colors, producting three primary colore silk is researched by feeding additive to silkworm, which can promote the basic research of the colored silk.This paper is divider into three parts, mainly about the resraech on producing colored silk by feeding additive to silkworm.The first part is the applied research on producing colorful silk by feeding additive to silkworm in Rudong and Sheyang. Main content: by our lab’s research, and extender to rural areas to a range of issues involved, propose meaningful solutions by design experiments in the lab, by which I can proved the feasibility of the methods. Then the new method is extender to rural areas. Make a series of investigations on the cocoons there. With the data, we can analyze the differences between theory and practice of some elaboration.The second part is the composite silk color development. Main elements are:1 Mix the pigment which can find out successfully to make colorful cocoon into the natured colorful silkworms with the method of feeding additive. The pigment and the nature color can be complex and there is no conflict, resulting in expected composite color.2 With increasing concentrations of added pigments, the composite color also changed, so the color is adjustable. The third part is about the research on a new cocooning color. This experiment by adding food coloring additive method of producing colored silk. Main content: 1 access to a large number of documents, select 4 kinds of food coloring organic pigments. 2 these pigments dubbed 0.1% of the solution, the uniform will be sprayer on the mulberry silkworm feeding fifth instar strong, three times a day until nest, make the research on the cocoon color; Finally, make the research on the impact of their offspring with the color additive.The results are as follows:1 A cocoon in the rural extension and the lab have been consistent with the data base shows that the lab method for large-scale application. However, the degumming experiments in the lab found that the red cocoon turns into white when in the hot alkali solution. So we must avoid using of lye degumming in the production.2 Composite color silk research is very desirable, the used silkworm is supplied by Professor Yang Hu Sima. The text finds out that the pigment and natural color can be well compound and the complex color is adjustable.3 Research on the new pigment, through a series of failures. The blue pigment in the 4 kinds of pigments is the success one. Its chemical structure is similar to the red pigment. The structure may be related to the intestines to the blood and the silk gland of some protein binding, and thus to the silk gland. In the detection of their offspring, the eggs can be normal, and the eggs show blue color. Due to time constraints, this is only on the development of blue pigment in the test, the silkworm’s survival is not satisfactory, the deeper the color, the greater the toxicity of the silkworm, the lower with the concentration of the solution . Optimizing the formulation of pigment road is still a long way to go.

【关键词】 家蚕彩色茧丝添食色素
【Key words】 Bombyx moricolor silkpigment feeding
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

