

Moral Education in the University’s Role in the Analysis of Career Guidance

【作者】 易明

【导师】 朱炳元;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着高校扩招,就业竞争日益争激烈,大学生就业成为社会关注的热点问题。大学毕业生找工作难的呼声越来越高;而大学生稳定性、忠诚度和职业化程度不高,成为部分企业拒绝大学毕业生的理由。竞争越来越激烈,当越来越多的大学生找不到合适的工作,“先就业后择业”就成了社会和媒体广泛宣扬的理念,而随之形成的毕业生忠诚度问题也浮出了水面。帮助大学生树立正确的就业观念,进一步建立和健全大学生就业指导机构和就业信息服务系统,提供高效优质的就业创业服务是迫切重要的任务。目前,毕业生工作已成为学校核心工作之一,针对大学生思想,价值、观念、行为呈现出的特点,在就业指导过程中有目的地将德育与就业指导相互结合显得尤为重要。本文从高校大学生就业指导与德育的关系、研究德育对大学生就业指导所起的作用,目的是为了优化大学生就业指导工作结构,提高大学生就业指导的成功率,弥补现有大学生就业指导工作中对大学生诚信、忠诚度教育方面的缺失。对德育在大学生就业指导过程中积累的经验进行总结,对教学实践中存在的矛盾进行了初步探讨并进行理论思考。具体包括大学生就业指导的现状分析,德育在大学生就业指导中的地位和作用,德育对大学生就业指导有效性的实证研究和加强德育在大学生就业教育中作用的对策研究几个方面,为高校在就业指导中更好地发挥德育优势与作用提供理论支持与方法借鉴。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as college enrollment, employment, competition is increasinglyfierce competition, employment of university graduates become a hot issue.Graduates finding a job is increasing; and students stability, loyalty andprofessionalism is not high, as part of the business reasons for refusal of university graduates. More competitive, as more and more college students find the right job,"first job after choosing" society and the media has become widely spread the idea,and the consequent problems of graduates loyalty surfaced the surface. Help students establish a correct concept of employment, to further establish and improve career guidance and employment information service agencies to provide high quality business services employment is an urgent important task. Currently, the graduates have become one of the core works of the school, for college students thinking, values, attitudes, behavior showing the characteristics of the career guidance in the process of moral education and career guidance to the destination combination is particularly important.In this paper, college student’s career guidance and moral relations, moral education of college student’s study the role of career guidance, the purpose is to optimize the structure of the work of Career Guidance, Career Guidance to improve the success rate of employment of university graduates to fill the existing guidance in the work of honesty, loyalty, lack of education. For moral guidance in the course of employment of university graduates to sum up the experience of teaching practice, there is a preliminary discussion of the contradictions and theoretical thinking. These include analysis of the status of Career Guidance, Career Guidance in the moral status and role, the moral validity of the Career Guidance empirical research and to strengthen moral education in the employment of university students in several aspects of the role of countermeasures for the college in employment guide to better get to play the role of moral superiority and provide theoretical support and methods reference.

【关键词】 德育大学生就业指导
【Key words】 MoralUniversity studentCareer Guidance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

