

Concerning Three Dimensions of the Connotation of the Service-Oriented Government

【作者】 苏丽君

【导师】 沈荣华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 社会中的每个人都不可避免的受政府影响。人们一直在思考究竟怎样的政府才是社会所需要的。20世纪末,在全球化、信息化和民主化浪潮的冲击下,世界范围内掀起了一场提升政府能力、改善公共服务的行政改革潮流,“更好地治理、更好地服务”成为世界各国政府改革的共同目标,政府的服务精神、服务效能和服务质量成为备受关注的焦点。在上述背景下,国内学者开始对政府的价值、职能及其角色进行深思。目前国内学界对于服务型政府的研究已经从概念界定深入到制度设计层面,但对服务型政府的本质特征和内涵界定等方面的认识还存在着较大的分歧。由于对基本理论问题未达成共识,各地在服务型政府的构建过程中缺乏理论的明确指导,导致了地方在服务型政府建设过程中出现了简单化和泛化的倾向。因而明确界定服务型政府的内涵具有十分重要的意义。本文首先对服务型政府的概念和内涵进行了界定,论述了服务型政府的特征并对服务型政府进行历史比较分析,以期展示服务型政府的丰富内涵。紧接着论文的第二、三、四章节分别从政府的价值维度、职能维度和结构维度对服务型政府进行了详细论述,以更加系统地诠释服务型政府的内涵。最后认为我国服务型政府的建设必须要从政府的价值、作用、角色等各个层次、全方位、系统的展开。并需在不断弘扬公共理念的基础上,加快推进我国公民社会的发育,努力实现服务型政府的进一步发展和完善。

【Abstract】 Every individual in this society inevitably under the influence of the government. People have been thinking about what kind of government is the social needs. At the end of the 20th century, under the impact of globalization, information and democratization , the tide of administration reform that to improve the abilities of the government and the public service has been launched in the worldwide . "better government , better service " become the common goals of the government reformation around the world. And the service spirit, efficiency and qualitybecomes the focus of concern . In the above background , domestic scholars began to think deeply on the government’s value , the function and it’s role.At present ,the domestic research about the service-oriented government has from the concept definition.level deep into the design of the system level , But for the understanding of the nature of the service-oriented government and the definition of it’s connotation and so on ,it still have the big differences.Because on the basic theoretical issues , people did not reach the consensus , the local governments lack the clear theory guidance in the process of building the service--oriented government , which resulting in some local places , the process of building the service-oriented government appeared the tendency of simplification and generalization . So in the process of building the service-oriented government construction, to make the connotation of service-- oriented government has a clearly defined has the great practical significance.The paper define the concept and connotation of the service-oriented government firstly,and discusses the characteristics of the service-oriented government and the service-oriented government ’s historical comparative analysis, so as to display the abundant meaning of the connotations of the service-oriented government. Then the second, third, and fourth section separately discuss in detail from the government’s value dimension, functional dimensions and structural dimension angles of the service-type government ,for have a more systematic interpretation about the service-oriented government ’s connotation .Finally the paper suggests the construction of service-oriented government in our country must be unfolds from all levels and all-roundand systematically, must be unfolds from the value,the function and the role of the government .And we need to on the basis of promotion of the public philosophy in continuously, accelerating the development of the civil society in our country ,and make great efforts to Achieve the further development of the service-type government.

【关键词】 服务型政府内涵维度
【Key words】 the service-oriented governmentconnotationdimension
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

