

Analysis on the Goals and the Measures of Ideological and Political Teachers’ Urban-rural Integration Development

【作者】 张瑞

【导师】 郭彩琴;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 思想政治课教师的城乡一体化意在构建城乡思想政治课教师沟通与交流的平台,消除城乡二元体制的束缚,将思想政治课教师的每个个体纳入到一个完善的系统中,形成一个相互依存、相互联系、相互依靠、相互促进、相互融合的整体。它以马克思恩格斯的城乡融合思想、系统理论知识与人力资本理论为理论依据;以提高思想政治课教师专业素养、发展思想政治教育课程、提升学生人格、促进城乡教育融合、实现教育公平为现实依据。思想政治课教师的城乡一体化以实现思想政治课教师专业发展的城乡一体化、思想政治课教师结构的城乡一体化、城乡思想政治课教师管理的一体化、城乡思想政治课教师收入的均等化为主要目标。每个目标都分别建立了指标体系,用来测量思想政治课教师城乡一体化的实现程度。思想政治课教师城乡一体化目标的实现既有机遇,也存在困境。从机遇上看,城乡教师一体化工程的实施为其提供了广阔的背景,教育现代化标准工程的基本完成为其创造了良好的环境,国家对青少年思想道德教育的重视为其提供了契机;从困境来看,存在价值观念、经济发展、政策导向、管理体制等因素的阻碍。为了顺利实现思想政治课教师的城乡一体化,必须坚持思想政治课教师“城乡一体化”的理念,发展一体化的城乡经济,实现城乡教育政策的转向,改革城乡思想政治课教师管理体制,健全思想政治课教师的法律体系;通过开展思想政治课教师的城乡结对工程,充分利用网络信息技术,加强高等师范院校对农村学校思想政治课教师队伍的对口支援等有效途径,促进思想政治课教师城乡一体化目标早日实现。

【Abstract】 Ideological and political teachers’urban-rural integration intends to construct a communication platform, eliminate the dual system, combine the ideological and political teachers into a perfect system, form a whole of mutual interdependence, mutual connection, mutual depending on and promoting each other . It takes Marx and Engels’urban-rural integration thought, System Theory and Human Capital Theory as the theoretical basis; It takes improving the ideological and political teachers’professional, developing ideological and political education discipline, improving students’personality and promoting and realizing education of urban and rural fair as the realistic basises.Ideological and political teachers’urban-rural integration is in order to develop ideological and political teachers’professional integration, to realize ideological and political teachers’structural integration, to realize ideological and political teachers’management integration, to realize ideological and political teachers’income equal. Each target is established respectively index system which can measure the degree of urban-rural politics and political teachers’integration.Ideological and political teachers’urban-rural integration has its opportunities and dilemmas. Urban-rural teachers’integration provides the broad background for Ideological and political teachers’urban-rural integration. Education modernization standard engineering creates a good environment for Ideological and political teachers’urban-rural integration. The state’s attention to the teenagers’moral education provides with the opportunity for Ideological and political teachers’urban-rural integration. Judging from the predicaments, there are some obstacle factors such as value, economic development, policy orientation, and management system and so on. In order to realize smoothly ideological and political teachers’urban-rural integration, we must adhere to the concept of urban-rural integration, develop urban-rural integration economic, realize the education policy shift, reform urban-rural ideological and political teachers’management system and perfect ideological and political teachers’legal system. We should develop urban-rural ideological and political teachers work project, utilize the network information technology fully, and strengthen colleges’ideological and political teacher’s one-for-one support to rural schools. These effective ways can promote ideological and political teachers’urban-rural integration goals to achieve at an early date.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

