

China’s "Haunted House" Legal Issues of Trade Disputes

【作者】 曹燕飞

【导师】 曹博;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国二手房买卖活动的日趋活跃,因“凶宅”引发的交易纠纷也日益增多。因我国法律对“凶宅”交易没有明确的规定可以直接援用,实践中出现了各地法院按不同的法律依据进行判决,同类纠纷往往产生截然不同的处理结果。如何从法律上界定“凶宅”以及如何解决涉及“凶宅”交易的纠纷,成为当前司法实践中的一道难题。本文首先对“凶宅”进行了法律界定,明确其含义、范围、性质等,认为“凶宅”属于瑕疵物,并基于诚信原则、契约自由、克服信息不对称等,引出卖方的“凶宅”信息披露义务,认为故意隐瞒“凶宅”信息的行为构成欺诈;其后从国内典型案例及域内、外立法及司法实践出发,对“凶宅”交易纠纷的处理路径进行了分析,肯定了对该类纠纷的合同法处理路径,并对相关合同责任作了深入剖析,进而为买受人明确了切实可行的司法救济途径;最后对完善我国当前相关法律制度进行了构建,主要目的在于避免此类交易纠纷的发生,具体包括重塑诚实信用原则、扩张标的物瑕疵的含义、设定卖方信息披露义务。对“凶宅”交易纠纷的相关法律问题进行研究,有利于这一领域相关理论的深化和完善,为司法实践处理此类案件提供总的精神、原则及具体的法律制度。这对推动我国司法实践中建立相对统一的裁决标准、限制法官的自由裁量权、维护民众对法律权威性的信仰具有重要的理论和实践意义。

【Abstract】 These years witnesses the increase of the cases induced by transaction of“Haunted House”with the spree of second-house transaction. However, the judiciaries in different courts refer to different laws when judging since there is no specific stipulation specifying the transaction of“haunted house”, resulting in different, even counteractive judging. Therefore, it is tricky to define“haunted house”and deal with the disputes involving“haunted house”.This thesis first specifies such questions as the definition of the“haunted house”, its coverage and its nature. It argues that“haunted house”is things of defects and the hiding of the fact of“haunted house”constitutes cheating. Hence it is selling party’s obligation to reveal the information of“haunted house”. Secondly, based on the typical cases and judiciary practice at home and abroad, it analyzes the resolution of the disputes involving“haunted house”and affirms the resolution referring to contract law and more importantly, specifies the responsibility of involved parties signing the contract, offering the buying party a feasible judiciary help. At last, it attempts to construct the relevant legal system, including the reshaping of honesty rule, the specification of things of defects,the establishment of disclosing obligation by the selling party.The study on legal questions of the disputes involving“haunted house”transaction is conducive to the deepening and improvement of the relevant theories in this area, providing general rules and specific legal system for the resolution of these disputes. And this is theoretically and practically meaningful in reining in discretion and safeguarding the public’s faith in the authority of the law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

