

Effective Feature Selection and Relevant Merged Methods-based Speaker Identification

【作者】 孙彦群

【导师】 俞一彪;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 说话人识别就是通过对话者的语音进行处理来实现对说话人的身份的判别。语音易获取,不像钥匙和卡一样需要随身携带,不会对人体舒适度产生影响,语音不会丢失,在日常生活中的使用十分方便。由此可见,相关说话人识别产品的开发必定会给人们的日常生活带来极大的便利。然而,说话人识别在经历了一段时间的快速发展之后,在比较长的一段时间里都没有跨越性的发展。但是一些学者和机构有的提出了自己的方法,有的在原有算法的基础上提出了一些改进的和融合的方法。例如一些学者在对语音学深入研究的基础上,提出了一些对说话人的个性特征具有较强表征能力的有效特征集的选择方法,并取得了比较好的实验结果。但是迄今为止,人们并没有深入到语音的本质,并没有将说话人的个性信息和语义信息提取并表征出来。因此,对语音深层次的研究有待深入。本文首先对说话人识别的基本理论和一些基本方法进行了介绍。并建立了基于高斯混合模型(GMM)的说话人识别系统,提取表征说话人身份的有效语音数据并进行建模和评估。在对说话人识别相关的理论分析和大量的针对性实验的基础上提出了一种基于有效特征集选择的说话人识别方法。对表征说话人特性的特征数据进行了个性和共性的有效划分,实验证明提出的方法是合理的、有效的。并在此基础上,结合一些好的方法,提出了基于有效融合方法的说话人识别方法,经实验验证,提出的方法有效地提高了说话人识别系统的识别性能。高斯混合模型和最大互信息的结合提高了说话人识别系统的综合性能。在此基础上,进一步融入了有效特征选择的方法,使得说话人识别系统性能得以进一步提高,使系统更加完善。另外,对基于浊音语音的说话人识别方法进行了分析,实验证明浊音语音对说话人身份的表征是比较有效的。课题研究中还建立了基于matlab的实时说话人识别系统,在普通的学生宿舍环境下进行测试,取得了比较理想的判别效果。

【Abstract】 Speaker identification system distinguish different people by means of processing speech.Speech is easily gotten,not like keys or cards which need taking along by people and will not cause comfortable problems,it will not be lost.So we can see that relevent speaker products will bring enormous convenience to our everyday life.After a stage of rapid expansion,we have not got a leapfrog development for a long time.While some scholars and organizations propose their own methods and some present improved or merged methods.For example,some scholars bring out different methods for effective feature set selection which have preferably characteristic capability for the identification of the speaker on the basis of deeply basal study and achieve good results.But so far,we still can not get into the nature of speech,and can not extract the essene feature of speaker and semantics.Then we can see,deepgoing study remains penetrated into.Firstly,basic theories and methods of speaker identification are introduced.Then a GMM-based speaker identification system is built. Effective speech sounds which characteristic the identification of the speaker are extracted on which we build modals and evaluate their effectivenesses. An effective feature set-based speaker identification method is put forward on the basis of analysis on relevant theories and many pertinent experiments which can make valid separation on characteristic and common features and is supported by experiments.On this basis,other wonderful methods are added to improve the performance of speaker identification system and is proved by experiments. Performance is improved by combining GMM and Maximum Mutual Information.On this condition,method of effective feature selection which can improve the performance of speaker identification system is added,which perfects the system.Besides,voiced speech based speaker identification system is analysed and the experiments indicate that voiced speech is relatively effective to characterize the identity of the speaker.Meanwhile,a real-time speaker identification system is built which is based on matlab and is tested under the conditification of normal dormitory environment of students,experiments get relative ideal results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

