

Suzhou School Football Sports Development Status of Research and Countermeasures

【作者】 顾骏

【导师】 施志社;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 世界各足球传统强国之所以能够在相当长的时间内保持足球竞赛的竞争力,与其重视青少年体育发展是分不开的。纵观世界各国对青少年足球人才的培养,主要有两种途径:一是通过各种级别的足球俱乐部吸纳青少年会员,并对会员定期开展足球活动。另一条途径就是依托学校,学校具有良好的足球资源,可以通过组织各类比赛来选拔和培养青少年足球人才。2009年教育部和国家体育局联合推广我国的校园足球运动计划,此计划是推动我国青少年足球运动蓬勃发展的历史机遇,是提高我国足球水平的一项具有非常重要意义的举措。本文采用问卷调查法、文献资料法、访谈法、数理统计法以及逻辑分析法对苏州市的中学足球运动开展情况为研究对象,通过对本市体育局、教育局的相关人员的调查访问,通过对市区中学的教练员、体育教师发放问卷的做法,掌握了苏州市中学青少年足球运动开展的现状。结果表明:苏州市所调查的学校中大部分中学都开设或阶段性开设了足球课,并且能保证每次活动的时间在半小时以上。大部分中学学校领导能够直接或间接过问学校足球运动的开展情况,但从体育教师调查情况上看,有四成的体育教师认为学校领导不重视或者极不重视足球运动的开展情况。在学校开展足球运动中所遇到的困难中,场地及专业辅助训练设施不够完善、开展经费不足、训练时间不足和学生家长不支持是最大的困难。苏州市中学体育教师呈年轻化趋势,具有极大的发展潜力,为今后学校体育的发展奠定了坚实的基础。体育教师学历全都集中在本科和大专,大部分教师具有丰富的教学经验,具有中级职称的教师占一半左右,并且大部分教师发表过专业学术论文。但大部分体育教师课时数量较多,工作压力大,进而造成一部分教师对于工作持不满意态度。大部分学生喜爱足球运动,平时通过电视,网络,报刊杂志和同学等途径了解足球相关信息。大部分同学愿意参与到足球运动中来,并能正确认识到足球运动增强体质,缓解学历压力,锻炼意志品质的积极作用。大部分同学或多或少的参与过足球运动,持续时间大部分在半小时到一小时之间,活动场地以天然草坪场地为主。大部分中学生家长对中国足球现状不满,因此造成喜欢足球运动的家长只有两成。大部分家长能够认识到子女参与足球运动的增强体质,磨练意志的有利因素,但同时也十分关注担心子女受伤和影响学习这方面的不利因素,从而造成近七成家长对子女参与足球运动持中立态度。

【Abstract】 The reason why the traditional football power in the world for quite a long time to maintain football competition competitiveness of their emphasis on sports Fa Zhan Qing Shaonian are inseparable. Looking at the world of the young football talents of Ge Guo, notably through with two kinds of method:the first football club through various levels to attract young members, and members of football on a regular basis. The other way is to rely on the school, the school has a good football resources, you can organize various competitions to selection and training of young football person.2009, the Ministry of Education and the National Sports Campus in China jointly promote the football program, this program is to promote the vigorous development of Chinese juvenile football historical opportunity is Tigao our football the one its very important to measure.In this paper, questionnaire, literature, interview, mathematical statistics and logical analysis to the middle school in Suzhou, the development of sports for the football study, through the city sports bureau, Bureau of Education survey of relevant personnel to access, throughurban high school coaches, physical education teachers practice a questionnaire, to master the Suzhou Middle School Junior Soccer urban status.The results showed that: Suzhou City, most secondary schools have opened, or opened a football lesson stages and can guarantee the time for each activity for more than half an hour.Most secondary school leaders to intervene, directly or indirectly, to carry out school football situation, but the investigation point of view physical education teachers, the pupils in physical education teachers that school leaders did not seriously or very seriously the conduct of football situation.Football in schools in difficulty, the lack of venues and training facilities to carry out short of funds and lack of training time and parents do not support is the most difficult.Suzhou City was getting younger and younger middle school PE teacher, has great potential for future physical development has laid a solid foundation.PE teachers are all focused on undergraduate education and college, most of the teachers with rich teaching experience, have intermediate professional titles account for about half of the teachers and most teachers had academic papers published.But most of the greater number of PE teachers in class, work pressure, and cause some teachers to be dissatisfied with the work attitude.Most students love football, usually through television, Internet, newspapers and magazines, and students and other means of information about football.Most students are willing to participate in football and soccer can be a correct understanding of increased physical fitness, alleviate academic stress the positive role of exercise their will.More or less the majority of students involved in football, the duration of most of the half-hour to an hour in between, venue to venue-based natural turf.Most of the students parents dissatisfied with status quo of Chinese football, like football, therefore causing only two percent of parents.Most parents can recognize their children’s increased participation in physical football, will temper the favorable factors, but also very concerned about the worry that their children learn these injuries and impact of unfavorable factors, resulting in nearly Qicheng parents support their children participate in sportneutral stance.

【关键词】 足球学校足球运动对策研究
【Key words】 footballschool footballStrategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

