

The Legislation Research on Aadministritive Accountability in China

【作者】 张明

【导师】 张朝霞;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2002年香港的高官问责制度进入国人的视野,接着2003年在大陆地区由“SARS”事件引发的、以原北京市市长孟学农和原卫生部部长张文康为代表的一大批中央和地方的官员被问责,触动了官员和公众的神经,标志着中国的行政问责制度的诞生。近年来,我国自中央到地方,广泛掀起了“行政问责”的热潮,尤其是2008年以“三聚氰胺事件”为代表的问责风暴,堪称是“问责年”。一时间“行政问责”已成为新闻媒体、各大报刊和杂志的焦点和热点,同时行政问责制度成为我国新一轮政治体制改革的亮点。任何一项制度,都要经过产生、孕育、发展和成熟的过程,都要历经实践的检验。行政问责制度在我国经过9年的实践和发展,正逐步走向完善和成熟。行政问责制度是西方政党政治的产物,我国的行政问责制度虽然发展快,但是起步较晚,正处于长期的探索阶段,还是一个新生事物。在实践中出现了诸多问题,这些问题都足以应该引起重视。本文正是以解决行政问责制度在实践中出现的问题和为构建法治政府、责任政府、服务政府为目的,从立法的角度对此进行系统的研究。本文共分为五个部分:第一部分阐述了我国行政问责制的理论研究,包括行政问责的基本概念、理论依据和原则;第二部分主要介绍西方发达国家的行政问责制和我国香港特别行政区的高官问责制,以及它们对我国行政问责制有何影响和启示;第三部分分析了我国当前行政问责制的立法现状,从立法表现形式和立法缺失两方面展开;第四部分是对我国行政问责制立法的必要性进行了阐述,从解决立法缺失、完善法律体系的需要、权责一致的需要、转变政府职能的需要、与国际接轨的需要四个方面分析了必要性;第五部分介绍了如何完善我国行政问责制立法的构建,包括制定一部《行政问责法》、建立科学、完备的监督机制、建立健全行政问责制的配套机制、营造我国行政问责文化的氛围。其中会结合实际,提到我国的官员复出“躲猫猫”的问题。

【Abstract】 2002 Hong Kong official accountability system into people’s vision, then in 2003 in mainland area happened "SARS" event that triggered by taking the former mayor of Beijing, and the former health minister zhang wenkang MengXueNong represented a large central and local officials were accountability events, touches the officials and the public nerves, marks the administration accountability system was born. In recent years, our country since the central to local, widely was lifted "administration accountability" boom, especially the 2008 with "melamine events" as a representative of accountability storm, can be "accountability years". Time "administration accountability" has become the news media, major newspapers and magazines focus and hot. Meanwhile administration accountability system become China’s new political system reform window.Any a system, want to pass produce, inoculation, development and mature process, after the test of practice. The administration accountability system in our country after nine years of practice and development, gradually becomes perfect and mature. The administration accountability system is the product of western political parties, the administration accountability system in China, though developing fast, but start later, is in long-term exploration stage, or a new things. In practice, there are some problems to all these problems should be taken seriously. This paper is to resolve the administration accountability system in practice for the construction of the problems and government ruled by law, the responsibility of the government, the service government for purpose, from the legislation of the view of system.This paper is divided into five parts:The first part elaborated on China’s administration accountability system theory research, including the basic concept of the administration accountability, theoretical basis and principle; The second part of the western developed countries are mainly introduced in administration accountability system and the Hong Kong special administrative region official accountability, and their administration accountability system of our country have affected and revelation; The third part analyzes our country to the current administration accountability from the legislation of legislation, manifestation and the legislative defect two aspects; The fourth part is to our country administration accountability system legislation is discussed, the necessity of solving legislative defect, from the need to improve the legal system, mismatching consistent need, transformation of government functions need, and the international community needs four aspects analyzes the necessity; The fifth part introduces how to perfect our country administration accountability system construction of legislation, including making an "administration accountability act, establishing a scientific and complete supervision mechanism, establish and perfect the administrative accountability mechanism, build our country administration accountability culture atmosphere. Combining with practice, which will return China’s official mentioned "peek-a-boo" problem.


