

The Innovative Application and Development of Reunification in Science and Thoughtfulness Principle on the Teaching of Political Theory Course in High School

【作者】 李朴

【导师】 暴元;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 高中的思想政治课是针对高中学生进行马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的基础教育,该基础教育是以社会主义的政治文明、物质文明、精神文明建设的基本常识为内容,从而在学生的心理上指导高中学生结合与自己相关的政治、经济、文化生活,去在实践中领悟历史唯物主义与辩证唯物主义的基本原理和方法,通过学习和社会实践的过程,在根本上提高参与现代社会生活的能力,并逐步树立建设中国特色社会主义事业的伟大理想,初步形成正确的人生观、价值观、世界观,为自己一生的发展奠定思想政治素质基础。高中政治在高中教学课程中的地位是任何一门教学课程都不能比拟的,高中政治课不但有基本的教学目的,而且它还带着更高的育人目的。高中政治课的好坏与否直接影响学生以后的人生观,世界观,价值观的建立。为此,在高中政治课的教学中我们必须坚持教学过程安排的科学性和教学指导内容的思想性,这也就是坚持我们说的——科学性与思想性相统一的教学原则,在高中教学中坚持科学性与思想性相统一教学原则是非常必要的,尤其是在高中政治课的教学中。当前的高中政治课教学实践中很好地把握了科学性与思想性相统一教学原则,但是在高中政治教学中依然还存在很多相关问题,为此我们在坚持科学性与思想性相统一的教学原则下,深入高中政治课教学的实践中去,对高中政治课教学过程在科学性与思想性原则的指导下,完全剖析,系统地审视,从教学过程的各个环节入手,在整体上进行把握,采用教师和学生双主体的双向研究方法,使高中政治课在科学性与思想性相统一教学原则指导下能更好地完成高中政治课的教学使命,同时在高中政治课教学这个客观实践的前提下让科学性与思想性相统一教学原则焕发出新的生命力,从而能更好地指导高中政治课的教学。

【Abstract】 Ideological and Political Course is meant to educate students with the basic points Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "three represents", with general knowledge of socialistic material civilization, politics civilization and spiritual civilization as its basic contents. It guides students to closely combine with economy, politics and culture lives which are closely connected with themselves and understand the basic principles and measures of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. Through the processes of study and social practice, their ability of involvement in contemporary social life will be substantially improved. They will gradually establish the common ideal of constructing socialism with Chinese feature, develop correct world outlook, outlooks on life and value and lay the foundation of ideological and political qualities for lifelong development.The role of Politics Course is unreachable by other courses. It has basic teaching objective as well as a higher objective of educating people. The stand or fall of politics course in high school has a direct influence on students’later building of world outlooks, outlooks on life and value. Therefore, we must persist in the science of teaching process arrangement and the thoughtfulness of teaching guiding content, which is persistence in the teaching principle of reunification in science and thoughtfulness. Persistence in the teaching principle of reunification in science and thoughtfulness in high school teaching is necessary, especially in the teaching of politics course in high school. The teaching practice of practical political course commendably seizes this principle, but lots of problems still arise in contemporary political course teaching. So under the principle of reunification in science and thoughtfulness, this article goes deep into the practice of political course teaching in high school, makes complete analysis and systematical examination. It begins from the segments of teaching process and makes a general grasp. Adopting the research way of double subjects of teacher and student, it makes politics course in high school achieve its goals better under the guidance of principle of reunification in science and thoughtfulness. At the same time, under the premise of the practice, this essay gives the principle new vitality so that it can better conduct political course in high school.

  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【下载频次】136

