

Connotation of Culture Understanding of Tan Dun’s Works

【作者】 鲁瑞红

【导师】 张宇;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 谭盾是国际乐坛上一颗闪亮的炫星,也是当今世界现代音乐的突出代表,其创作涉及领域广泛,获得艺术博士的他可谓是文艺双馨、视野开阔。在他的创作生涯中,他从不拘泥于一种风格的创作,但是,无论风格如何变化,最终都会为表达出他内心深处的本土文化而服务。谭盾每首作品的问世都会伴随着许多争议,不仅受到同行们的关注,让国外专业人士感到新奇,而且还吸引着中国年轻的的观众。因此,可以肯定的是,谭盾作品的影响力尤为重大。特别是谭盾作品所蕴含的丰富文化内涵对其成功极为重要。谭盾作品之所以有如此大的魅力,不仅仅是单纯的高超作曲技巧的原因。笔者认为,作曲家多样的文化阅历、丰富的艺术创作经验、高贵的艺术品格都为作品的深刻的文化内涵提供先天的条件。本文以谭盾作品的文化内涵作为研究对象,通过阐述作曲家所经历的生活背景和时代背景看其生活、求学历程及文化熏陶为其创作的美学观和创作思想做铺垫。从解读他艺术经验、创作生涯以及创作思想入手,主要从作品的艺术命名、作品内容的哲学内涵及文人精神、作品中丰富的文化配器等角度具体阐释其作品的文化内涵。本文通过梳理谭盾的作品、运用了资料研究、作品写作内涵分析、综合比较研究等科学研究方法,结合作曲家本人所受的艺术熏陶,所处的时代、社会环境,力求对其作品内涵进行准确的阐述。笔者认为,系统研究国际上这样一位作曲家所取得的艺术成就和丰富经验,对于我国乃至世界当今未来音乐事业的开拓与建设,都具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Tan Dun is a shining star in the international music circles who is a artistic doctor whose works involved wide fields and also is the prominent representatives of Modern music in today’s world. He is proficient both in literature and art and pantoscopic. In his writing career he never rigidly adheres to the sole style. However, the native culture brand from his inner heart is never changed no matter how his style changes.The advent of TanDun every pieces are filled with many disputes, it will not only attact the attention of colleagues, make overseas professionals feel novel, but also attracted China young audiences. Therefore, it can be sure, the influence of the TanDun works are particular important. Especially the rich cultural connotation which TanDun works contains is very important to his success.the reason for TanDun works which are regarded a great charm, is not merely the pure superb composition skills many authors think, the composer experience of diverse culture , rich artistic creation experience,and noble art for works of character also provide profound congenital conditions for cultural connotation . This essay is based on the TanDun works , this paper explained the background of life experiences composers and background see its life, study history and culture as its creation aesthetic and creative thought groundwork. From reading his art experience, career, and creative thought, mainly from works of art of the philosophy of naming, work content connotation and scholar spirit, works in rich cultural instruments angles specific explicating their works cultural connotation. This paper explained the background of life experiences of the composer and thought groundwork we can see its life, study history and culture as its creation aesthetic and creative .with reading his art experience, career, and creative thought, mainly from the naming of works , the connotation that work content and scholar spirit, works in rich cultural instruments angles specific explicate their works cultural connotationThis paper strives to elaborate Tan Dun’s works’connotation integrate with his influence from the art,ages of his creation and social environment through carding his works. It applies to the scientific research method of material research, writing connotation analysis, comprehensive comparative study and so on. The author concludes that the systematic research on the artistic achievement and rich experience of such a international composer will exert great influence on the exploration and construction in our country even the world’s music career for our country and even the world today’s music career future

  • 【分类号】J605
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】468

