

The Research on the Management of Urban General Secondary School

【作者】 易文燕

【导师】 段宝霞;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本研究是为了针对城市普通中学科学管理模式的标准化和功利化所带来的人性的失落问题,满足管理者关于人本管理困惑的需要,也是学校文化管理发展的必然。试图从生命本体的角度,探讨学校管理中师生应然的存在方式,研究学校管理的本质内涵、生命基础及其对于师生存在的意义和价值,寻求真正关注师生的自我实现需要、激发师生内在的发展潜能和动力的管理模式。通过对几所城市普通中学的实证研究,了解城市普通中学的教师和学生对目前管理方式的真实感受及深层需要,并对其相关的影响因素进行了理性分析,本着为师生服务的宗旨提出一些有效实施策略,具体包含:1、管理者以师生的需求为主导,投入自我开发的同时,实现对学校核心文化的领导,并从系统思考的角度培育学校的新型领导力;2、管理者以师生的发展为基点,建构有限自我管理的文化、向下倾听文化、胡萝卜管理文化等,使得师生彻底摆脱旧有制度的束缚;3、以学习型组织为载体,促进管理者与师生之间的深层对话,并努力提升师生的反思实践能力,把理念结合本校实际落实到日常实践中去等,以促进教师和学生最大程度的发展。

【Abstract】 The research of urban general secondary school management is aimed at the loss of human nature because of the standardization and utilitarianism in scientific management model and administrator’s urgent requirement reply to the confusion of humanistic management, also is the development trend of school cultural management. This paper attempts to seek the deserved being of teachers and students in school management, research into essence and life-base of school management and values and real meanings for teachers and students existing, and explore a management pattern which concerns really self-actualization need and arouse inner development potential and driving force of teachers and students from life-in-itself.Based on several urban general secondary schools of empirical research, understand teachers’and students’true feelings and deep need to the current management mode in the city average middle school, analysis rationally the related affecting factors and put forward some effective strategies adhering to the tenet of serving for the teachers and students, including specifically: 1,With the needs of teachers and students as the leading, input self-development while achieving the leadership to school core culture, and cultivate new school leadership from life system angle; 2, With the development of the teachers and students as the base, construct some quality system culture such as limited self-management culture, listen to downward culture and carrot management culture, make students get rid thoroughly of constraint from the old system;3,With learning organization as the carrier, improve the deep dialogue between managers, teachers and students along with teachers’ and students’ reflecting practical ability which is good at putting theory into daily practice, and provide some valuable suggestions for the effective implementation of city average middle school management practice to promote the greatest degree of development of teachers and students.


