

The Effect of Royal Jelly on Learning and Memory Ability and Anti-aging of Aging Rats

【作者】 彭友瑞

【导师】 钟方旭;

【作者基本信息】 武汉工业学院 , 微生物与生化药学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题研究了,以成年SD大鼠为试验对象,采用2.5% D-半乳糖溶液按200mg/kg连续腹腔注射制作亚急性衰老大鼠模型,连续45天,造模成功后,连续灌胃不同剂量的蜂王浆溶液,持续90天,运用Morris水迷宫观察各组大鼠的空间学习记忆行为;荧光分光光度法检测各组大鼠脑组织中单胺类神经递质去甲肾上腺素(NE)、多巴胺(DA)的含量,观察蜂王浆对衰老模型大鼠学习记忆行为的影响;检测各组大鼠脑组织、血清以及各脏器中SOD活性、MDA含量,观察蜂王浆对衰老模型大鼠抗衰老作用的影响。结果显示,D-半乳糖衰老模型大鼠的空间学习记忆能力明显下降,与正常大鼠相比,潜伏期由15.52s延长至21.62s,在探索试验中,穿过原站台的次数明显减少,由7.5次减少至4.25次(P﹤0.05),游泳轨迹类型发生明显变化;衰老模型大鼠脑组织中NE、DA含量明显降低,SOD活性也降低,MDA含量升高(P﹤0.05),由此可以确定,亚急性衰老模型制造成功。而蜂王浆组大鼠空间学习记忆能力明显提高,与模型组相比,潜伏期由21.62s缩短至14.34s(P﹤0.01),在探索试验中,穿过原站台的次数明显增多,由4.25次提高到8.22次(P﹤0.01);其中脑组织NE、DA含量显著提高,分别由196.87ng/g、160.75ng/g提高至314.62ng/g、251.00ng/g(P﹤0.01);蜂王浆组大鼠脑组织、血清以及各脏器SOD活性增加,而MDA含量明显降低(P﹤0.05)。上述结果表明蜂王浆可提高模型大鼠的空间学习记忆能力及脑组织中单胺类神经递质的含量;能提高衰老模型大鼠脑组织、血清以及各脏器SOD活性,能降低MDA含量。由此推测,蜂王浆可调节神经递质的合成及提高学习记忆能力,有一定的抗衰老作用,具有良好的延缓衰老、提高记忆的保健作用。

【Abstract】 This paper takes adult SD rats as experimental material.The sub-acutely aging rats were made by injecting 2.5% D-galactose solution into the rats’abdominal cavity continuously,last 45 days. After it, administered intragastrically with different concentrations of royal jelly for 90 days. The learning and memory ability of rats in each group were detected with Morris water maze.The monoamine transmitter contents such as norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain were detected with Fluorescence spectrophotometer in order to observe the effect of royal jelly on learning and memory ability of aging rats .Then detect the variation of the activity of SOD and the content of MDA in each rats, blood serum and lung and spleen, in order to observe the effect of royal jelly on anti-aging activity.The results show that the learning and memory ability of aging rats dropped significantly compared with normal rats. The average latent period of the model group extended distinctly, the latency prolonged from 15.52s to 21.62s. In the probe test, the number of traversing originally platform dropped obviously, the number dropped from 7.5 to 4.25 (P﹤0.05) ,the types of swimming track of the model group changed remarkably. The NE, DA contents in the brain of aging rats decreased significantly,the activity of SOD also decreased significantly, the content of MDA rising markedly(P﹤0.05). we can indicate that the sub-acutely aging rats was successfully manufactured.While the learning and memory ability of royal jelly rats improved significantly compared with aging rats, The average latent period shortened obviously from 21.62s to 14.34s(P﹤0.01), In the probe test, the number of traversing originally platform improved obviously, the number improved from 4.25 to 8.22 (P﹤0.01).The NE, DA contents in the brain increased from 196.87ng/g、160.75ng/g to 314.62ng/g、251.00ng/g respectively (P﹤0.01). The activity of SOD enhanced, the contents of MDA dropped obviously in royal jelly rats, blood serum and lung and spleen.These results indicate that royal jelly can improve spatial learning and memory ability of aging rats and content of monoamine neurotransmitters, SOD activity, can reduce the MDA contents. It can inferred that royal jelly can regulate the metabolized of monoamine transmitter effectively and anti-aging, improve the learning and memory ability.


