

Research on Food Logistic Operation Modes and Mechanism Based on the Supply Chain

【作者】 何玉影

【导师】 夏文汇;

【作者基本信息】 重庆理工大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 文章以基于供应链的食品物流为研究课题,采用文献研究与实证研究相结合的方法,借鉴国内外食品供应链物流研究成果经验,同时采用实地调研法,对山东寿光农产品物流运行模式及机制进行案例研究。主要研究内容如下:(1)通过食品供应链物流运行现状,提出问题,分析原因我国食品供应链物流运行现状主要表现在农副产品生产流通量大;“农超对接”模式迅速发展;食品冷链物流的地位也不断提高。但仍面临着许多问题。论文从政府、产业和消费者三个角度对以上问题进行了原因分析。(2)食品供应链物流运行模式的选择与优化论文将食品物流运行模式归纳为核心企业主导模式、第三方物流整合模式、食品物流集成模式和冷链物流运行模式四种运行类型,并对模式进行了相应的优化。(3)食品供应链物流运行机制建立部分问题建议与对策研究1)构建食品供应链物流协同机制的对策建议以系统论为依据,从主体、客体、设备和信息四大角度研究食品供应链物流协同内容。最后从战略、战术和操作三个层次来实现食品供应链物流的协同过程。2)构建食品供应链物流运行动力机制的对策建议从内源动力、外源动力和核心动力三方面来构筑食品供应链物流运行动力机制。并建立了食品物流运行动力机制概念和数学模型。3)构建生产基地、物流中心与零售连锁对接机制的对策建议论文将对接体系中的博弈分析框架用STACKELBERG博弈模型表述为一个三阶段的完全信息动态博弈。经求解运算,证明企业间合作获得收益大于非合作状态获得的收益。还进行了三者对接要素的识别,找出对接路径。4)山东寿光农产品物流运行机制及模式的案例研究论文最后对山东寿光农产品物流运行机制进行了案例研究,分析了山东寿光农产品物流运行模式,并针对寿光农产品物流运行现状提出了农产品物流运行主体信息协同机制、动力机制和对接机制。

【Abstract】 The paper has done the research by literature research and empirical research methods based on the food supply chain logistics. We drawed lessons from the domestic and foreign research results. At the same time, by using field research method, we discussed a case of Shandong agricultural product logistics operation modes and mechanisms. The main contents as follows:Firstly,from the description of the food supply chain logistics operation situation,we raised some questions about the food supply chain logistics and analysis the causes of the problem.China’s food supply chain logistics operation situation prformance as following : agriculture products, production and circulation has a large number of productivity; the mode of“Farm to Market”developed rapid;food cold chain logistics status is also rising,But it still faces many problems.This paper analyzed the problems from the perspective of the government, industry and consumer .The food logistics operation mode was summarized as the core enterprise leading mode, the third party logistics integration mode, food logistics integration mode and cold chain logistics operation mode,and we optimized them.Secongdly, we established operating mechanisms of the food supply chain logistics. Including Food supply chain logistics synergistic mechanism, dynamic mechanism docking mechanism.This paper has done some research based on system theory .On the perspective of the subject, object, equipment and information,We learn the food supply chain logistics collaborative content. Finally, from the strategic, tactical and operational three angles to achieve food supply chain synergistic process.This paper established a food supply chain logistics dynamic mechanism from the internal motivation, extrinsic motivation and core power. Then we constructed the food logistics operation dynamic mechanism of conceptual and mathematical models.The docking system framework is expressed as a three stage dynamic game of incomplete information by the analysis of STACKELBERG game model. By solving arithmetic, It showed that the collaboration between the enterprise gains greater than non-cooperative state revenue.Then, we recognised the connection elements and found out the path of connection.Finally, the paper discussed a case study about Shandong agricultural product logistics operation mechanism, and analyzed the Shandong agricultural product logistics operation mode.then, we established the operation subject information synergy mechanism, motivation mechanism and the docking mechanism.

  • 【分类号】F252;F426.82
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】746
  • 攻读期成果

