

The Research on Development and Utilization of Water Resources in the Process of Shan-xi Economic Development (1949-2009)

【作者】 李泽平

【导师】 林柏;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 经济史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是一个水资源极度匮乏的国家,山西又是中国较为缺水严重的地区之一。山西之长于煤,山西之短于水成为社会各界的普遍共识。山西作为全国的能源重化工基地,煤炭、电力、冶金、化工等传统支柱性产业为全国的经济社会快速发展提供了充足的能源保障,而此四大工业又是极度耗水、污水大量排放等对水资源严重破坏的产业。基于此,对山西水资源开发利用的研究不仅对山西经济社会发展,乃至全国的经济可持续发展具有重大意义。30年来,水资源的合理配置对能源重化工产业的迅速发展提供了强有力的基础保障,做出了积极的贡献。但是能源重化产业的超常发展对其他产业产生的严重的挤出效应。致使山西产业结构单一、环境污染严重,大量工业污水、废水排入河流,严重破坏了生态平衡,山西陷入了“资源陷阱”。经过几十年的艰苦卓越的探索,三晋儿女逐渐的摸索出具有山西区域特色的“转型之路”,那就是转型发展、跨越发展,大力发展煤炭循环经济、煤化工产业,拉长产业链、提高产品附加值。二○一年是山西省“十二五”规划的开局之年,也是实现五年内再造一个新山西的起航之年,大量的“双千亿工程”、“双五百亿工程”、“双二百亿工程”将陆续上马,如何保持充足的水供应及提高污水循环利用率,为“十二五”规划目标的实现保驾护航,成为包括各级水利水务主管部门、专家学者等社会各界人士共同探讨的重大战略课题。本文系统梳理山西省建国以来水资源开发利用的历史过程,并对水资源开发利用的效率、当地经济发展的贡献、经济社会的可持续发展等方面的历史贡献予以评价,最后找出水资源开发利用过程中存在的问题进行归纳总结并提出应对措施,以供各界参考。

【Abstract】 China is a country which is extremely short of water, especially Shan-xi, one of the areas which are more short of water. As we all know that, Shan-xi is rich of coal, but short of water. As a base of energy and heavy chemical province, coal, electric, metallurgy and chemical industries in Shan-xi provided adequate energy for the country’s rapid economic and social development. However, the four industries do seriously damage to water resources due to the extreme water consumption and polluted water emission. Based on these, it is great significant to make a research on the exploitation and use of water resource in Shan-xi.For 30 years, the rational allocation of water resources has rapid provided a strong basis and made a positive contribution to the rapid development of energy and heavy chemical industries. However, the overdevelopment of energy and heavy industry defies the growth of other industries, which results in the single industrial struction and serious environmental pollution. A great deal of industrial waste water in discharged into rivers, which severely disturbed the ecological balance. Shan-xi has fallen into a "resources trap". After several years’attempts, Shan-xi has gradually worked out a "road of transformation" with regional characteristics. That is, restricting, transformation, developing circular economy of coal and coal chemical industry, extending industrial chain and promoting the added value of products. The years of 2011 is the first year of "Twelfth Five-year Plan" in Shan-xi Province. It is also the beginning for Shan-xi to take on a new look in the subsequent five years. "Double- billion Project", "Double-fifty Billion Project", "Two-twenty Billion Project" will be coming on line. Therefore, how to maintain adequate water supply and improve water recycling, and ensure the fulfillment of the "Twelfth Five-year Plan" has become a strategic issue Shan-xi industrial structure resulting in a single, serious environmental pollution, a large number of industrial sewage, waste water discharged into the river, severely damaged the ecological balance, Shan-xi into a "resource trap." After several years of hard exploration, the children gradually worked out Shan-xi regional characteristics with the "transformation of the Road", that is restructuring and development, leapfrog development, vigorously develop the circular economy of coal, coal chemical industry, extend the industrial chain higher value added products. Shan-xi Province in 2011, "Twelve Five Year Plan" the first year, five years is to achieve re-sail of a new year in Shan-xi, a large number of "double-billion project", "double-fifty billion project," " two-twenty billion project "will be coming on line, how to maintain adequate water supply and improve water recycling, as the" second five "plan to defend the goals, as including the water department of water affairs at all levels, experts, scholars and other social sectors people to discuss major strategic issue for both the authorities and some experts.The people first give a historical review of the development of water resources exploitation in Shan-xi since 1949, and then evaluate the efficiency of water resources exploitation, the contribution to the local economic development of society. Finally, the paper summarizes the existing problems and possible solution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

