

The Survival is Admitting Edge

【作者】 杨晓英

【导师】 闫钟;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 社会学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 以邓小平为核心的领导集体推动了改革开放的发展,在农村实行的土地联产承包责任制,将大量长期束缚在土地上的人们解放出来,为了更好的寻求生活,他们成就了中国第一代流动人口的独特风景。人口的迁移无论是从规模还是强度都来势迅猛,随着80年代流动人口年龄的增大,新生代流动人口渐渐走上了其父辈的位置。有数据显示,2010年我国的流动大军由2000年的1.4亿上升到2.21亿,新生代流动人口也从十年前初露头角达到了现在的42.8%。新生代流动人口在生活方式,打工目的、成长环境、社会认同等与上代流动人口有着很大不同,流动人口的社会融入问题日益成为社会各界的关注热点。在我国发展面临转型,构建和谐社会氛围成为这一时期的主要任务,面对流动人口众多的局势,解决他们的社会融入问题成为重中之重,它对于流动人口生活质量的提高,流入地的发展及和谐社会主义建设进程有重要意义。从社会城镇发展角度来看,新生代流动人口在流入地的继续社会化在很大程度上推进了城镇发展的步伐。从人发展的角度,表面看来,人口流动是简单的空间地理学意义上的位移,实质上更是一次从思想到行为,从心理到制度的全面转移。不论是从乡村到城镇,还是从城镇到城镇的流动,都是不同文化之间相互碰撞的过程,这种碰撞引起了诸多“变异”,与其说这场变迁是流动人口生存蓝图的重绘,不如说是一部促进社会制度变革的推进器。因此,研究新生代流动人口不仅涉及流动人口从流出地到流入地的个人转变,而且涉及到了他们转变过程中对社会环境造成的影响,行为再造对形成新文化的深远影响。新生代流动人口与第一代流动人口不同,他们不再像第一代流动人口盲目选择流向大城市,而是理性的选择适合于自己发展的中部地区。太原市作为中部地区能源大省山西省的省会,吸引了全国各地的流动人口。作为内陆城市,与山西省区域内其他各市的劳动力吸引力相比,具有突出的优势。本文结合太原市WY社区的区域特征,采用问卷调查研究法,结合访谈法、统计数据整理等方法,对WY社区新生代流动人口的社会融入概况、特点进行了分析。本研究试图从继续社会化角度对新生代流动人口在流入地的社会融入展开研究,展现现阶段新生代流动人口社会融入的现状并就存在的问题提出对策,对未来的发展趋向做出预期。本文共有四部分:第一章主要介绍选题目的、对国外和国内有关文献的综述、研究视角、主要概念的阐释、文章结构及创新之处。第二章对新生代流动人口社会融入层次的进行分析,从三个层面讨论现阶段新生代流动人口社会融入现状——经济融入现状、社会文化融合现状、认同现状,新生代流动人口在就业过程中,很多人对技术的掌握非常重视,但他们就业的制度环境依然令人担忧。在文化层面,他们关注与自己息息相关的文化,但在政治组织参与中,缺席严重。与上代不同,他们对于流入地的归属感一定意义上有所增强。第三章针对新生代流动人口在经济融入、社会文化融合现状、认同现状三个层面存在的问题,提出相应的解决对策,分别从完善社会制度、提高自身素质、改善软环境三个方面提出解决措施。第四章从融入意愿的影响因素对新生代流动人口融入现状做出评析,并从社会制度的放宽和新生代流动人口融入渴望程度对他们未来的融入状况做出预期。

【Abstract】 Deng Xiaoping as the core leadership to promote the development of reform and opening up in the rural areas, the land contract responsibility system, the large number of long-term people tied to the land liberated, in order to seek a better life and achievements of China’s first generation of their unique view the floating population. Migration of both population size and intensity from the oncoming force rapidly, with the flow of population age 80 years’ increases, the new generation of floating population gradually took their father’s position. Data shows that in 2010 China’s floating army of 1.4 million in 2000 and rose to 221 million, the new generation floating population budding from ten years ago to now 42.8%. New generation of floating population in the way of life, working purposes, growth environment, social identity and previous generations of migrants have a very different; the social integration of migrants has increasingly become concerns of the community hot spots. The development of a transition in our country and building a harmonious social atmosphere, the main task of this period, the situation in the face of floating population to solve their problems of social integration has become a priority, it is for the improvement of quality of life of migrants, the inflow development and the process of building a harmonious socialist is important. Urban development from a social point of view, the new generation in the inflow of migrants continued to promote the socialization of the town to a large extent the pace of development. From a human development perspective, the face of it, migration is a simple sense of spatial geography of displacement, in essence, is the first from thought to behavior, from psychological to the full shift system. Whether from rural to urban, or from town to town flows between different cultures is the process of collision, which caused a lot of impact, "variations", not so much survival of the floating population of this change is redrawing the blueprint, as it is a social system change for propulsion. Therefore, the study involves not only the current generation of mobile population outflow to the inflow of population from the land of personal transformation, and involves changes in the course of their impact on the social environment, behavior and recycling far-reaching impact on the formation of a new culture.This research attempts to continue the new generation of social perspective into the land of the floating population in a study of social integration, showing current generation status of the social integration of migrants and to propose a solution to the problems, and making the future development trend expected. This total of four parts:The first chapter introduces the topics of purpose, foreign and domestic related literature review, research perspective and interpretation of key concepts, text structure and innovation.ChapterⅡof the new generation of mobile population-level analysis of social integration, the discussion from the three levels of social integration of migrants present status of the new generation-economic integration status, social status and cultural integration, identity status, the new generation floating population in the course of employment, many people attach great importance to the mastery of technology, but their system of employment conditions remain worrisome. At the cultural level, they are concerned with their closely related to culture, but participation in political organizations and absent serious. With the previous generation is different, the sense of belonging for the flow to a certain sense, improved.The third chapter in the economic integration of the new generation floating population, social and cultural integration status, identity of three levels of problems, propose appropriate countermeasures, respectively, from the improvement of the social system, to improve their own quality, the three aspects to improve the soft environment solutionsChapter four factors into the will of the new generation of migrants into the situation to make a comment and relax from the social system and the extent of the new generation of migrants into the desire to integrate into the situation and make their future expectations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

