

The Study of the Effect of Coal Mining to the Regional Groundwater Resources

【作者】 姜琴

【导师】 王应刚;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 自然地理学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 水资源的问题是全世界密切关注的重要环境问题之一,我国是水资源比较缺乏的国家,特别是在煤炭开采区,这种现象表现得更加突出。煤炭资源的大规模开采,一方面推动了我国国民经济持续稳定的发展;另一方面也使我国地下水资源的自然赋存条件遭到严重的破坏,加剧了我国区域水资源供需矛盾的紧张状态。山西省是我国煤炭的重要生产基地,水、煤共生是山西省煤炭资源的一个重要特征,煤炭开采对水资源的影响巨大。本文通过布点调查山西省襄垣县的45座煤矿,且在煤矿周围按照距离煤炭开采区的远近划分为3个不同的分布区,重点调查3个分布区域内的86个村庄,86口水井(每一个村庄选定一口水井)的地下水水位的变化。利用简单相关分析(Pearson相关系数)、(线性)趋势预测分析、方差不齐时的Independent Samples Test检验分析(t’检验)和求算数平均数法等,深入探讨了煤炭开采对其周围不同分布区的地下水水资源的影响,该研究对襄垣县的煤炭开采及地下水资源的保护具有十分重要的意义。研究结果论如下:1.每1个分布区域内,村庄水井的地下水水位下降值与其相对应的各个村庄的人口(为0.24)、海拔(为-0.02)及其煤炭开采前的地下水水位(为0.07)之间的相关性不显著,即各村庄的人口、海拔及煤炭开采前的地下水水位对各区域内地下水水位下降值的影响程度较弱。2.在煤炭开采前水环境相似的情况下,3个不同分布区域的水井地下水水位的下降值之间都存在着一定的差异(P<0.05),且这种差异的大小与不同分布区域距离煤炭开采区的远近有着密切的联系。即井田内开采区与井田外地区的地下水水位下降值差异最大(为8.03),井田内开采区与井田内未开采区次之(为5.83),而井田内未开采区与井田外地区差异最小(为3.02),这就说明了煤炭开采对地下水资源造成严重影响,是破坏地下水资源的重要原因之一3.通过线性预测及t’检验:3个不同分布区域的地下水水位下降程度有很大的差异,即距离煤炭开采区最近的井田内分布区的地下水水位下降程度最大(为77.9m),距离煤炭开采区较近的井田内未开采区的地下水水位下降程度次之(为21.2m),而距离煤炭开采区最远的井田外地区的地下水水位下降程度最小(为7.3m)。这就进一步说明了:煤炭开采是影响地下水水资源的重要原因,其对不同分布区域的地下水水资源具有不同程度的影响,且这种影响程度的大小与距离煤炭开采区的远近呈现出反比例的关系,即距离煤炭开采井田越近的地区,受煤炭开采影响越大,地下水水资源破坏越严重,地下水水位下降就越大,反之越小

【Abstract】 Water resource problem is one of the world’s close environmental issues. China is relatively a country lack of water, particularly in the coal mining areas. Large-scale exploitation of coal resources, while promoting the sustained and stable development of China’s national economy, on the other hand, the occurrence of the natural conditions of groundwater resources have been severely damaged. And the contradiction between the supply and requirement of water resources is becoming aculeate increasingly. Shanxi province is a major coal production base of China.This paper investigated forty-five mines distribute around Xiangyuan County, Shanxi province, particularly investigated eighty-six villages around the mines and the villages’ eighty-six wells’ decline of groundwater level status. According to simple correlation analysis (Pearson)、linear trend analysis、Independent Samples Test(t’test) and calculation of arithmetic mean, focusing on investigating the impact of coal exploitation on groundwater level plays an important role on Xiangyuan County’s coal exploitation and the protection of groundwater resources. Coal-water coexistence is a very important feature of coal exploitation in Shanxi province, and coal exploitation has great impact on water resources.The researches as following:1. The declines of groundwater levels in each region’ villages have no obvious relevance with the villages’ population (0.24)、altitude(-0.02) and the groundwater levels before coal exploiting(0.07). That is to say. the villages’ population、altitude and the groundwater levels before coal exploiting have little impact on the declines of groundwater levels.2.The circumstance of each region has a similar water resource before coal mining, it shows that these is some difference during the underground water change of the wells located in the three different region(P<0.005),this research proves that the underground water will descend dramatically if its location is very near the coal. That is to say, the coal mining has significant impact on the underground water environment.3.According to Linear trend analysis and t’test; The declines of groundwater levels in the three different areas are very different. The groundwater level decreased the most in the village wells which is nearest to the coal mines(77.9m), followed by the nearer village well(21.2m) and the last is the groundwater level in the farthest village well from the coal mine(7.3m). This further proved that:coal mining is an important factor affecting groundwater resources, and has different influence along with the difference of location. And there is a inverse relationship between the extent of influence and the distance from the coal mine field. That is, the closer from the coal mine field, the damage to underground water resources is more serious, and the more groundwater level decreases, and is less in contraction.

【关键词】 水资源地下水水位井田分区
【Key words】 Water resourcesGroundwater levelIdaZoning
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】X820.3;F426.21
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】350
  • 攻读期成果

