

Research on Problems of Responsibilities for the Coal Area Environment

【作者】 刘玉平

【导师】 王继军;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 煤区在对我国经济建设做出了重要贡献的同时却付出了巨大的代价——环境污染和生态破坏,给煤区带来了诸多环境问题和生活不便。与此同时,整个社会享受了煤炭资源带来的利益,尤其是远离煤区的东部沿海经济发达的区域,电力方便,环境优美,这不得不引人深思,煤区的付出与整个社会的利益享受形成了鲜明的对比,造成了一种区域的不平衡。这从跟不上有悖于和谐社会的主旨和要求,也不利于煤区的可持续发展。对此,通过对煤区环境责任承担问题的分析和研究,使煤区环境责任公平合理承担显得尤为重要。而以往的研究仅仅是强调政府或者企业的环境责任,未同时从宏观角度分析各个环境主体在煤区环境问题中应承担什么样的责任。本篇文章从纵横两个角度展开分析,分析得出:不仅煤区的煤矿和相关煤炭企业在开采和利用过程中要承担责任,同时,整个社会和国家也应承担相应的责任,以此来分摊自然原因造成的煤区环境问题的区域性,求得社会的共同和可持续发展。第一部分,我国煤区环境问题的现状。运用大量的客观数据说明了我国煤炭资源分布的不均衡性,以及由此造成了煤区环境问题地域性的特征,为煤区环境责任的公平分摊奠定了基础。第二部分,我国煤区各主体的环境责任及相关法律制度中存在的问题。虽然我国相关法律中规定了各主体的环境责任,但是在实践操作中发现,许多环境责任的设计并不合理到位,具体表现为:政府在煤炭资源开采方面制定政策的缺少相应的监督,企业违法成本低,公众参与环境影响评价的制度有名无实。煤区环境责任制度在纵向上不能将环境问题控制在源头,在横向上不能起到相互制约、相互配合的作用。第三部分,国外煤区环境责任的立法与实践。大多数国家虽无专门的煤区环境立法,但是关于煤区环境责任的相关法律和制度在现实中的实施比较成熟,以立法较为先进的美国和煤炭资源丰富的澳大利亚两个国家的相关法律制度为例,剖析了其先进和成熟的理论和经验,并总结了对我国煤区环境责任制度构建的启示。第四部分,我国煤区环境责任的设计与构建。与普通的民事、刑事责任强调事后惩罚的功能不太一样,环境责任应更注重第一性环境责任,即“环境责任”内涵的新拓展要求重视煤区和整个社会的第一性环境义务的设置,从源头上控制煤区环境问题的发生。在此理论基础上结合中国的实际,提出了煤区环境责任的制度构建。煤区的环境污染问题作为我国环境问题的一个典型,其同时又具有广泛的区域性,研究和分析煤区环境责任的归责与分配,既为煤区环境问题的解决提供理论支持,同时,这也为我国其他环境问题责任的分配提供一种借鉴。因此,如果此问题结论成立,在环境责任问题方面将会有很广阔的应用空间,环境责任的分配将会更科学和更合理。

【Abstract】 In China, Coal areas have given important contributions to our economic construction and development and also have paid a huge cost: environmental pollution and ecological destruction, which brought many environmental problems and live inconvenience to Coal areas. Meanwhile, they obtain the benefits of the coal resources by the whole society, especially by the eastern coastal economy developed region that far away from Coal areas. In these regions, electricity is convenience and environment is graceful. It is thought-provoking that the bright contrast, between the payment of Coal areas and the interests of the whole society, caused a regional imbalance. It is radically contrary to the purport and requirement of harmonious society, also is a disadvantage of the sustainable development for Coal areas. On account of this, it is particularly important to analysis and discussion the undertaking problems of environmental responsibilities to make it fair and reasonable to each department in undertaking environmental responsibilities. However, the previous researches merely emphasized the government’s or enterprises’ environmental responsibilities, and never consider what kind of responsibilities should each environment department undertaken in environmental problems of Coal areas in the sight of macroscopic perspective. This article mainly analyzed from two aspects and obtained a conclusion:there are responsibilities not only to coal enterprises during the process of exploitation and utilization of coal, but at the same time, the whole society and state also have to undertake the corresponding responsibilities of their own, in order to share the regional environmental problems of Coal areas, and the whole society be sustainable development.In the first part, the status for environmental problems of Coal areas in China. By using large quantities of objective data, it shows the unbalanced distribution of Coal resources in China, and by which caused regional features to the environmental problems of Coal areas. It also gives a foundation to the justice share of environmental responsibilities in Coal areas.In the second part, variety of environmental responsibilities and Legal system’s problems of Coal areas in China. There were some relevant laws about environmental responsibilities of each department of Coal areas in China, but it was discovered that the design of many environmental liabilities didn’t reasonable in practice, such as:unclear environmental responsibilities to the government, lack of supervision to resources and environmental policies; low costing of environmental illegal incidents to Coal enterprises, rigid rule of legal responsibilities; appearance without reality of environmental responsibilities to Coal areas’ public. In vertical aspect, it can’t control entirely at the source of environmental problems by the environmental responsibilities’system of Coal areas, and in landscape aspect, it can’t play a part in interdependent and reciprocal action.In the third part, legislation and practice to environmental responsibilities of Coal areas abroad. There were not any special environmental legislation of Coal areas in most countries abroad, but it is more mature to take into real implementation that environmental responsibility system and related laws of Coal areas. For instance, consider related legal systems of two countries:the USA as the most advanced lawmaking country, and Australia as the rich of coal resources’country. It is enlightening to set up our legal systems to environmental responsibilities of Coal areas by analyzing the above two countries’ advanced and mature theory and experience.In the fourth part, design and construct the environmental responsibilities of Coal areas in China. Dissimilar to the civil liability and criminal responsibilities that emphasized the affect of punishment after incident, Environmental Responsibility should pay more attention to the primary environmental responsibility, namely, the new expanding connotation of "Environment Responsibility" demand us to pay more attention to Coal areas and the whole society, controlling the occurrence to the environmental problems of Coal areas from the source. Based on the above theory, and combined with the reality of China, the author presented the structure of systems to environmental responsibilities of Coal areas.As a typical environmental problem in China, the environmental pollution of Coal areas, at the same time, is an extensive regional problem. Study and analysis the imputation and distribution to environmental responsibilities of Coal areas, not only provide theoretical support to the solution of the environmental problems of Coal areas, but also provide a reference about the allocation of responsibility to other environmental problems in China. Therefore, if the conclusion of our problem is rational, it will be a broad application space to other problems of environmental responsibilities, and it will be more scientific and reasonable to the allocation of environmental responsibilities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

