

The Research in Regional Administrative Planning System

【作者】 董萱

【导师】 陈晋胜;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和区域一体化的发展,区域发展逐渐兴起并日益壮大,区域行政规划是经济和社会不断转型、城市化和区域一体化进程加速的必然产物。我国已经进入“十二五”规划期,搞好区域行政规划对构建和谐社会意义重大,但是实践中区域行政规划法治化的道路依然漫长。反思我国区域行政规划法治化发展状况并对国外区域行政规划法治化发展状况及经验教训的借鉴分析能够对我国区域行政规划实践提供理论意义的指导,促进政府和社会对区域行政规划制度重要性和必要性的重视,为区域行政规划立法提供理论支撑,丰富行政法理论研究。本文首先从区域一体化过程中大量涌现的区域规划现象出发,挖掘区域行政规划产生和兴起的根源,阐释了区域行政规划,接着对实践中的区域行政规划的现状进行分析,旨在从行政法学角度揭示区域行政规划存在的法律问题,目的在于完善我国区域行政规划制度的建立。文章第一部分介绍了区域行政规划制度基本理论,首先对区域行政规划制度相关概念进行界定,从法学视角界定区域行政规划制度概念。其次对区域行政规划制度进行特征分析,最后对区域行政规划制度进行功能定位。第二部分阐释了区域行政规划制度的理论依据和现实基础。基于区域经济一体化的宏观背景,一方面从法学理论结合新区域主义理论以及区域行政等相关理论阐释区域行政规划制度的理论基础,另一方面从现实必要性和可能性阐释区域行政规划制度制定的现实基础。第三部分介绍了国外区域行政规划制度的概况。详谈了英国、德国、美国、日本以及法国各国在区域行政规划制度建立上的立法模式、实施机制等情况,为我国区域行政规划制度建立提供经验和借鉴。第四部分介绍了我国区域行政规划制度的概况。回顾了我国区域行政规划制度的历史情况,并对区域行政规划制度的现状进行了分析,揭示了我国区域行政规划制度在制定主体、权限、程序、内容以及实施机制方面的存在的问题。第五部分是对完善我国区域行政规划制度的相关建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic globalization and regional integration, regional development has been grown fast. The regional administrative planning is the inevitable result of the economic and social transformation, urbanization and regional integration. China has entered the "second Five-Year " plan period, the regional administrative planning on doing a good job building a harmonious society is of great significance, but in practice the rule of law in the regional administrative planning of the road is still long.We can learn something from reflection on the regional administrative planning both at home and abroad. It may provide theoretical and practice guidance for country’s regional administrative planning. Promote Chinese government and society pay more attention to establish a system in regional administrative planning. It can also provide theoretical support for the Chief and rich the theory of the Administrative Law. The article begins with the large numbers of regional planning phenomenon in the process of regional integration, hunting for the source of the regional administrative planning’s origin, analyzing the current situation, in order to find some issues in legal and perfect china’s regional administrative planning.The first part introduces the basic theory of regional administrative planning system. Firstly, definition the concept related to the regional administrative planning system from the perspective of law. Secondly, analyze the characteristics of regional administrative planning system. Last locate the function of the regional administrative planning system.The second part explains the regional administrative planning system’s theoretical and practical base. On the one hand explain it from the area of law, new regional and other theories. On the other hand explains it’s reality from necessity and possibility.The third part describes the planning system abroad overview of the regional administration. Talk about the details in the regional administrative planning system of the UK, Germany, the United States, Japan and France. These countries provide experience in legislative model and the implementation mechanism.The fourth section describes the system of regional administrative planning overview. Review of regional administrative history of the planning system, and the status of the regional administration of the planning system were analyzed to reveal the planning system in China in the development of regional administrative body, authority, procedures, content and implementation mechanisms of the existing problems.The fifth part is the recommendations to improve the system of regional administrative planning.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

