

On the Characteristics of the Charities Act of England in 2006 and the References to China

【作者】 张霞

【导师】 王霄燕; 王建中;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 慈善事业被称为社会的“第三次分配”,在现代社会中发挥着极其重要的作用。英国是世界上慈善事业比较发达的国家之一,特别是关于慈善事业的立法经验非常丰富,相关法律制定可以追溯到四百年前,是世界上第一个制定管理民间公益性事业法律的国家。英国在2006年对1993年慈善法做了大幅度修改,其中涉及到了不少制度的创新,这进一步促进了英国慈善法律制度的完善和慈善事业的发展。我国自古就有慈善的传统,然而,目前我国慈善事业在发展过程中所遇到的种种困境却阻碍了慈善事业的进一步发展。因此,我国可以在本国国情的基础上,借鉴英国有益经验,建设一条推动中国慈善事业蓬勃发展的新路。本文以壹基金在发展过程中所遭遇的困境为引子,从英国现行慈善立法的特征入手,以为中国慈善事业走上法治化道路提供思路。本文将从以下三个方面来进行论述:首先,分析英国现行慈善立法的特征。英国现行慈善立法共有七个特征:第一,慈善事业范围的不断扩展。英国现行慈善立法将慈善事业的范围扩展为13项,在原有范围的基础上,加入了维护人权、保护环境、促进健康、社区发展、保护文化遗产等新的内容,使其具有了现代慈善法的特征。第二,独特的慈善委员会制度。英国的慈善委员会不仅是具有特殊独立性的主管民间公益事业的政府机关,并且还是慈善组织的合作伙伴。第三,适度宽松的注册登记制度。法律明确规定了可以免于注册的慈善组织。第四,多样化的慈善基金组织制度。英国既承认法人组织形式,也承认非法人组织形式。第五,严密的基金募集制度。慈善组织开展公共慈善募捐活动需要经过公益募捐执照的申请、募集许可证的申请以及募集基金三个环节。第六,严格的审计监察制度。该制度的严格性体现在慈善组织年度报告账目制度和分层次的审计检查制度的设计上。第七,慈善申诉法庭制度。该制度的建立为慈善组织提供了专门的救济途径,平衡了慈善委员会和慈善组织之间的关系。其次,梳理目前我国慈善事业发展所遇到的困境。慈善事业立法保护的缺失是制约我国慈善事业进一步发展的重要原因。现有制度的零散性和僵硬性、浓厚的行政管理色彩、资金募集渠道的有限性以及慈善目的实现的受阻性均是我国慈善事业发展过程中的制约因素。最后,提出英国慈善法经验的中国借鉴。为推动中国慈善事业的发展,在结合我国国情的基础上,本文建议从以下几个方面做工作:第一,尽快出台独立的慈善法,将有关慈善事业的事项全部囊括于法律的规制之下。第二,构建严密的慈善法律制度。应当建立慈善组织制度,同时完善慈善捐赠激励制度,并且健全慈善事业监督管理制度。第三,大力减少行政干预,使政府从现在的行政直接干预转化为通过经济、法律手段间接干预对慈善组织进行监管。

【Abstract】 Philanthropy is called "the third distribution" of society, which has an important role in modern world. England is one of the most developed countries in philanthropy, and especially its legislative experience of philanthropy is very rich. Making laws of philanthropy can be traced back to four hundred years ago. England is the first country which enacts laws of philanthropy. In 2006, Britain had modified the Charities Act which was issued in 1993. In the new Act, there’re many innovations of institutions, which promotes the complete of the system of charity law and the development of philanthropy in England. China owns the tradition of charity in ancient times, however, our country’s philanthropy encounters many difficulties in the development process, which hinder the further development of philanthropy. Therefore, we should base on the national conditions and refer the useful experience of England in order to constructing a new road that promoting Chinese philanthropy to develop vigorously. This article starts as the difficulties encountered by The One Foundation, and analyses the characteristics of current Charities Act, for the purpose of providing ideas for rule of law in Chinese philanthropy. This paper will be discussed from three aspects:At fist, this paper analyses the characteristics of the Charities Act in 2006. There are seven characteristics of the current law. A、Expanding of charitable scope. On the basis of original scope, the charitable scope has been expanded into thirteen kinds in the new Act, which add some new contents, such as human rights, environmental protection, health promotion, community development and protection of cultural heritage, and so on. B、Unique system of Charity Committee. The Charity Committee in Britain is one of the government authorities that is responsible for philanthropy, and it is also the partner of charitable organization. C、Moderately easy registration system. The Act explicitly provides for exempt charities. D、Diverse forms of charitable fund system. Corporate organization and incorporated organization are both admitted in Britain. E、Rigorous fund-raising system. Charitable organizations proposing to promote public charitable collection should apply to Charity Commission for public collections certificate and apply to the local authority for a permit, then they have right to raise fund. F、Strict audit and examination system. Charitable organizations should make annual report of accounts. The audit and examination system is hierarchical. G、Charity Tribunal system. The establishment of Charity Tribunal provides specific remedy way for charitable organizations, and balances the relationship between Charity Committee and charitable organizations.Secondly, this paper presented the difficulties accounted in the development of philanthropy in China. The lack of legislative protection of philanthropy is an important cause restricting the further development of philanthropy. At the same time, fragmentation and rigidity of the existing system, strong colors of administration, the limited fund-raising channels and disruption of achieving charitable purposes are the constraints in the process of development of philanthropy.At last, this paper proposes the references to China coming from the experiences of Charities Act of England. In order to promote the development of philanthropy in China and on the basis of national conditions, the author suggests to do work as following:First, we should issue the independent Charities Act as soon as possible. Second, we should build rigorous charitable legal system, by way of building the system of charitable organization, completing the system of encouragement of charitable giving and improve the supervision and management system of philanthropy. Third, we should reduce administrative intervention greatly. Government regulates the charitable organizations through economic and legal means rather than administrative direct intervention now.

【关键词】 英国慈善法特征启示
【Key words】 BritainCharities Actcharacteristicsrevelation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】D956.1;D922.182.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】540
  • 攻读期成果

