

Studies on Biological Characteristics and Cold Tolerance of the Tetrastichus Planipennisi

【作者】 刘振凯

【导师】 赵瑞兴;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 森林保护学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 白蜡窄吉丁(Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire),属鞘翅目(Coleoptera)吉丁科(Buprestidae)窄吉丁属(Agrilus)是木犀科(Oleaceae)白蜡属(Fraxinus)树木的重要蛀干害虫。白蜡窄吉丁曾于20世纪60年代,在我国东北地区对美国白蜡(F.americana)和洋白蜡(F.pennsylvanica)造成危害严重。近年来,白蜡窄吉丁在我国的危害又有加重趋势。白蜡吉丁啮小蜂(Tetrastichus planipennisi Yang)是我国东北地区白蜡窄吉丁(Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire)幼虫期优势寄生性天敌。为更好的利用白蜡吉丁啮小蜂对白蜡窄吉丁进行防治。本文对辽宁地区白蜡窄吉丁的危害特征和生活史进行了调查,并对其天敌白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的生物学特性和耐寒性进行了研究。结果如下:调查了白蜡窄吉丁在辽宁省的危害分布和寄主范围,并采用室内饲养和林间踏查的方法,对白蜡窄吉丁的生活史和生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明:白蜡窄吉丁在辽宁1年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在浅层木质部蛹室内和低龄幼虫在韧皮部蛀道内两种形式越冬,在翌年5月下旬开始有成虫羽化出孔,羽化较为集中,一般高峰出现在6月1日前后。在7月下旬出现另一个羽化期,持续时间较长,可从7月下旬持续到9月下旬。通过对白蜡吉丁啮小蜂发育起点温度和有效积温的测定,并结合定期林间的调查,对白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的生活史和生物学特性进行了研究。结果如下:白蜡吉丁啮小蜂卵-幼虫期的发育起点温度为7.98±1.15℃,有效积温为204.13±12.92 d·℃;雌雄成虫蛹期的发育起点温度分别为11.0±0.67℃、12.2±1.04℃;有效积温分别为129.7±5.68 d·℃、126.4±9.31 d·℃。白蜡吉丁啮小蜂在辽宁1年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在树干韧皮部和木质部之间坑道内越冬,少数跟随寄主进入蛹室内越冬。5月中、下旬林间开始有成蜂活动。在室内21℃、25℃、31℃三个恒温条件下,研究了温度和补充营养对白蜡吉丁啮小蜂成虫寿命的影响,结果表明:温度对白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的成虫寿命存在显著性影响。随着温度的升高,成虫寿命缩短。糖液浓度对白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的寿命有显著影响。与清水相比,取食各浓度糖液可明显延长成虫寿命。在不同的温度条件下,成虫寿命并不总随糖液浓度的升高而延长。在21℃条件下,取食20%糖液的成虫寿命最长;在25℃和31℃条件下,取食15%和10%糖液的成虫寿命最长。在相同条件下,雌成虫的寿命要明显长于雄成虫。温度不仅对白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的生长和发育产生重要影响,同时低温也是影响白蜡吉丁啮小蜂种群动态和数量波动的主要因素。为明确白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的耐寒性,对白蜡吉丁啮小蜂越冬态幼虫的耐寒性进行了研究,结果如下:对室外采集的白蜡吉丁啮小蜂越冬代幼虫进行过冷却点测定和低温暴露实验,以明确过冷却点能否较好的指示白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的耐寒性,结果表明:白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的过冷却点与低温下的死亡率有较高的吻合性,过冷却点可以作为其耐寒性的一个指标。在此基础上,以1℃/min和5℃/min两种不同的降温速率对过冷却点进行测定,结果表明:以这两种不同的降温速率对白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的过冷却点测定结果没有显著性影响。通过对白蜡吉丁啮小蜂和其寄主白蜡窄吉丁越冬代幼虫过冷却点的测定,对其耐寒性进行了研究,结果表明:白蜡窄吉丁和白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的越冬虫态均具较低的过冷却点,分别为-25.46±0.31℃,-24.69±0.25℃。两者均能耐-25℃左右的低温,具有较强的耐寒性。为明确白蜡吉丁啮小蜂不同发育阶段的耐寒性,对不同虫态以及不同月份的幼虫过冷却点进行了测定。结果表明:白蜡吉丁啮小蜂幼虫的过冷却点为-25.46±0.30℃,要明显低于蛹期-20.75±0.28℃,因此符合白蜡吉丁啮小蜂在不同的地区均以幼虫过冬的习性。2009年9月份白蜡吉丁啮小蜂幼虫的过冷却点为-22.07±0.44℃,明显高于2010年1月份-25.46±0.30℃,而1月份和3月份幼虫的过冷却点-24.19±0.42℃之间不存在显著性差异,而后5月份幼虫的过冷却点为-21.33±0.19℃,过冷却点又出现明显升高。这种变化与气温的季节性变化节律基本一致。通过这些调查和研究,对白蜡窄吉丁和其寄生性天敌白蜡吉丁啮小蜂生物学特性和生态学习性及两者之间的关系有了进一步的了解,为白蜡窄吉丁的防治提供了一定的理论基础。

【Abstract】 The emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera:Buprestidae:Agrilus) is an important wood-boring beetle attacking ash trees (Oleceae:Fraxinus spp.). In the 1960s’, EAB severely infested F.americana and F.pennsylvanica in the northeast regions of china. In recent years, the tendency of the EAB’s harm has exacerbated.Tetrastichus planipennisi Yang is an important natural enemies endoparasitized the larvae of Agrilus planipennis in northeast of china. For the better use T. planipennisi to control the damage, the harm characteristics and life history of the EAB were investigated in Liaoning province, meanwhile, the Tetrastichus planipennisi’s biology characteristics and cold hardiness were studied, the main results and findings were as follows.The life cycle and biology of EAB were researched using methods of observatory in laboratory and regular investigations in the forest. Results indicated that the EAB developed one generation per year and overwintered as mature larval in shallow chamber and young larval in cambium. Adults began to emerge in late May, with a peak in early June. The second emergence continued from late July to late September.The life cycle and biology of T. planipennisi were studied using methods of measurement developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature and regular investigations in forest. The results showed that the threshold were 7.98±1.15℃,11.0±0.67℃12.2±1.04℃for egg-larval stage, adult male pupae and female pupae. The effective accumulated temperature were 204.13±12.92 d·℃,129.7±5.68 d·℃,126.4±9.31 d·℃, respectively. In liaoning province, T.planipennisi developed three generations per year and overwintered as mature larval inside the host gall, the wasp eclosion in middle May next year.Under the constant temperature of 21℃,25℃,31℃; the effect of temperature and nutrition on the adult longevity of T. planipennisi were studied in laboratory. The results show that adult longevity had significantly difference under different temperature conditions and decreased with the higher temperature. Nutrition can effectively prolong the adult longevity. Under the different temperature conditions, adult longevity is not always with have consistent with the concentration of nutrient solution. The adult have longest longevity were feed 20% nutrition solution at 21℃, however, at 25℃,31℃, the adult were feed 15% and 10% nutrient solution have the longest longevity. At the same conditions, the longevity of female was longer than the male.Using the super cooling point and morality of exposed in low temperature to evaluate whether the super cooling point could indicate the cold hardiness. The results showed that super cooling point and mortality at low temperature of T.planipennisi have a higher consistency, super cooling point can be used as an indicator of cold hardiness. On this basis, super cooling point were measured at different cooling rates of 1℃/min and 5℃/min. The results indicated that using these two different cooling rates did not have a significantly influence to the results.The cold hardiness of overwintering individuals of T.planipennisi and Agrilus planipennis Fairnaire were measured and compared by the super cooling point (SCP) and freezing point (FP). The results indicated that the super-cooling point and freezing point of T.planipennisi ranged from-25.21℃to-24.17℃and form-18.98℃to-16.81℃, respectively; and of Agrilus planipennis Fairnaire ranged from-26.13℃to-24.79℃and form-21.24℃to-19.28℃.Both have strong cold hardiness.The super cooling point of the T. planipennisi of the different instars and month were measured in order to clarify the cold hardiness of its different developmental stages. The results showed that significant effects of different instars on SCP were observed that mean SCP were 4.7℃lower of the larval than the pupa, so overwintered as the mature larval. Mean SCP values of the larval in September 2009, January, March, May 2010 were-20.72℃,-25.46℃,-24.19 and-21.33℃, respectively. The value was significantly lower in March, May 2010 than September,2009 and May 2010. These changes of the SCP have the coincidence with rhythm of seasonal changes in temperature.Through these investigations and researches, the biology characteristics and cold hardiness of the emerald ash borer and its important parasitic nature enemy T. planipennisi have been further master as well as the relationships between the two insects. These findings would provide the theory for prevention and cure of the EAB.


