

The Research on Meso-and Neoproterozoic Lithofacies-Paleogeographical Characteristic Based on Geophysical Signature in Jizhong Depression

【作者】 柴辉婵

【导师】 林年添;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 在充分收集、整理前人对冀中坳陷众多研究成果的基础上,运用沉积学、盆地分析的基本原理和方法,结合野外地质剖面、测井、地震资料分析,在熟知研究区区域构造背景的基础上,对冀中坳陷区系沉积体系类型、特征及岩相古地理特征进行系统、深入的研究。通过野外剖面观测、测井、地震资料的分析,特别是测井和地震资料的应用,在冀中坳陷中、新元古界一共识别出2种类型的沉积体系组,以及7种类型的沉积体系,分别为海相沉积体系组的碳酸盐台地沉积体系、滨岸沉积体系、陆棚沉积体系和风暴沉积体系,陆地沉积体系组的冲积扇积体系、河流沉积体系、湖泊沉积体系。在沉积体系类型、特征及演化、沉积模式展布特征的基础上,结合区域构造背景系统以新的地层对比方案为编图单元编制了冀中坳陷区中、新元古界岩相古地理图,反映了不同时期研究区内的古地理面貌。研究区内在曲阳——晋县——衡水——沧州一线以南和以西中、新元古代绝大部分时期(除高于庄和雾迷山组广泛海侵期)为无沉积区。海侵初期,长城纪主要是碎屑岩河流相和滨浅海相,且沉积厚度不大。高于庄组是该区规模较大的一次海侵期,主要发育亚浅海白云岩。蓟县纪是沉积厚度最大的时期,以雾迷山组沉积为主,此时期的海侵范围仅次于高于庄组,主要是一套局限海隐藻白云岩沉积,叠层石和生物十分丰富。从洪水庄组开始又一次海退过程,海盆面积逐渐缩小,蓟县纪晚期主要是水动力条件比较稳定的潮坪、泥、泥云坪沉积。随后出现沉积间断,至西山纪下马岭组地壳再次下降,进一步海侵,下马岭末期沉积间断。至青白口纪地壳再次下降,海水侵入,冀中坳陷区接受沉积,沉积主要以河流相和滨浅海相为主,主要发育砂、砂泥坪和滨岸沙滩相,岩性成分杂,成熟度低。

【Abstract】 On the basis of full collecting, and sorting various outcome from predecessor in the central depression, applying sedimentology and fundamental principle and approaches of basin analysis, combined with data analyzing in field geology section, logging data and seismic data, the thesis has made a systematic and ingoing research in depositional system type, attribute and lithofacies.palegeographical characteristics in the region of interest following careful study on areal tectonic setting.The Meso- and Neoproterozoic in JiZhong totally identified 2 types of depositional systems group and 7 types of depositional systems. Respectively, they are carbonate platform depositional system, coastal depositional system, shelf depositional system and storm depositional system, which belong to marine sedimentary systems group, and alluvial fan depositional system, fluvial depositional system and lacustrine depositional system, which belong to terrestrial depositional system group.Finally, according to the characteristics of sedimentary system types and evolution, sedimentary facies pattern, combing the characteristics of regional tectonic background in central hebei, the thesis has established Meso. and Neoproterozoic ithofacies.paleogeographical map by the new correlation of strata scheme reflecting different periods paleogeoraphical aspect. On the west and north of the gleam of QuYang.JinXian.HenShui.CangZhou there is no depositional area in most Meso. and Neoproterozoic period, except for GaoYuzhuang group and WuMishan group which are wide.ranging marine invasion time. In the early stage of marine invasion, the great wall epoch mainly developed fluvial and offshore.shallow facies with thin deposition rock. GaoYuzhuang group was the most scale marine invasion in the research region, mainly grew infra.shallow dolomite. JiXian epoch was the thickest deposition period and the WuMshan group sedimentation played a main role in this period, whose marine invasion scale secondly only to GaoYuzhuang series, with cryptal gal dolomite developing in restricted sea basin with affluent stromatolite and creature. The region has experienced one more marine regression since HongShuizhuang group period, resulting in the basin area reduction. The JiXian epoch late period chiefly settled mud and dolomite flat resulting from steady hydrodynamic condition, the cessation of deposition emerged afterwards, and then, the earth crust descended again, causing another marine invasion lasting into the late period of XiaMaling period. The last marine ingression occurred in the QingBaikou epoch, when the sea water intruded into low.lying district, JiZhong took sedimentation, the fluvial and offshore.neritic ocean deposition playing a main role. JiZhong developed sand and arenaceous politic flat and shore land sand beach facies with disarray and low.mature rock.


