

An Empirical Study of the Application of Conceptual Metaphor to Vocabulary Teaching in Senior High School

【作者】 史丽蕊

【导师】 张兴华;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 隐喻研究有着两千多年的历史。传统隐喻观仅仅将隐喻看作是一种语言现象,一种用于文学作品的修辞手段,一种语言的变异使用。20世纪80年代,莱考夫和约翰逊发表了《我们赖以生存的隐喻》,并在该著作中提出概念隐喻理论,标志着认知隐喻研究的真正开端。莱考夫和约翰逊认为隐喻在日常生活中无处不在,存在于语言、思维和行动中;隐喻是人类的认知现象,是一种思维方式;它的理论核心是概念隐喻是人类用其某一领域的经验来说明或理解另一领域经验的认知机制;因此隐喻是人们认知世界的工具。从认知角度研究概念隐喻对语言学习,尤其是对外语词汇学习的作用,是非常有益和必要的,而且一些语言学家已经尝试把概念隐喻理论运用到大学英语词汇教学中。本文作者通过实习发现,在高中教科书中也同样包含了隐喻词汇与隐喻表达,因此,作者提出大胆假设,即把概念隐喻理论运用到高中英语词汇教学中能够提高高中英语学习者的隐喻能力和词汇水平。本文首先对概念隐喻的相关理论进行了详细的介绍,其中包括隐喻的基本理论,概念隐喻的定义、分类、特点和运作机制,分析了概念隐喻与英语词汇学习之间的联系;其次对国内外英语词汇教学及语言教学中的隐喻研究进行了较为详细的评述;再次,本文将概念隐喻理论具体运用到高中英语词汇教学当中,并设计了为期16周的教学实验,最后在科学收集数据后把实验组和控制组测试结果做了对比,发现融入概念隐喻知识更有助于高中英语学习者隐喻能力的发展和词汇水平的提高,同时作者根据实验过程中的发现和心得体会提出了利用概念隐喻理论来进行高中英语词汇教学的必要性和可能性,并借助该理论和生动的语言实例,分析了如何通过概念隐喻来学习英语多义词,英语习语,英语词汇中的文化内涵以及英语词汇的联系记忆法等概念隐喻词汇教学方法。最后,本文在结论部分对全文进行了总结,分析了论文的不足之处,并对概念隐喻理论研究的其它方面提出建议,以供专家学者及教育工作者做进一步地深入研究。

【Abstract】 The study of metaphor can be dated back to more than two thousand years ago. The traditional view of metaphor only regarded it as a linguistic phenomenon, a figure of speech employed in literary works, and a deviant use of language. In 1980s, Lakoff and Johnson published their book named Metaphors We Live By in which they put forward their Conceptual Metaphor Theory, marked the real cognitive-paradigmatic shift of metaphor research. In their book, Lakoff and Johnson (1980) claims that metaphor is pervasive in everyday language, structuring not only how we talk, but also how we think and act, and it is a way of human thinking or cognitive process; the core of conceptual metaphor is that it is a cognitive activity mapping from one specific and physical domain onto the abstract and non-physical domain; therefore, conceptual metaphor is a tool of human cognition. From the perspective of cognition, it is very important and necessary to study the role of conceptual metaphor in foreign language vocabulary teaching and learning. Some of the scholars and researchers have tried to apply conceptual metaphor to language vocabulary teaching and learning at college at home and abroad. However, through the observation in the daily teaching experience, the author finds that there are metaphorical words and expressions everywhere in the textbooks for senior high school students, but the application of conceptual metaphor to English vocabulary teaching in senior high school has been far less explored in China. Therefore, the author proposes a hypothesis that Conceptual Metaphor Theory can be applied to English vocabulary teaching in senior high school to enhance the students’ metaphor competence and vocabulary level.At the beginning of the thesis, the author reviewed the basic theory of metaphor and conceptual metaphor including its definition, classifications, features and its working mechanism as well as its links to linguistic expressions. Then, the author made an exposition on studies of implication of conceptual metaphor on vocabulary learning from the past until recent study at home and abroad. Meanwhile, in order to testify whether the application of Conceptual Metaphor Theory in senior high school English teaching and learning could facilitate vocabulary learning, a relevant experiment was designed and carried out for 16 weeks in two parallel classes, after the analysis of the collected data, the author made a comparison between CC group and EC group and finally got a conclusion that applying conceptual metaphorical method is an effective way to improve the vocabulary learning of senior high school students. At the same time, based on the experiment, the author put forward the necessity and flexibility of conceptual metaphorical vocabulary teaching in senior high school. It further revealed the specific significance of conceptual metaphor in improving the learning of polysemy, idiomatic expressions, cultural implications and word connections based on Conceptual Metaphor Theory.Finally, the author made a conclusion and gave the limitations of the whole thesis, meanwhile, some suggestions were also made that more researches about Conceptual Metaphor Theory should be conducted further.


