

Research of Error Calibration Methods of Airborne Lidar System

【作者】 马浩

【导师】 江涛;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 摄影测量与遥感, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 机载激光雷达测量技术是将全球定位技术、惯性导航技术以及激光扫描测距技术有效集成,具有受天气影响小、自动化程度高、成图周期短等特点。目前国内许多家研究单位和公司已经引进了国外高性能的机载小光斑激光雷达系统,但这种引进模式存在明显的弊端,如价格昂贵、软件算法保密等问题,因此研制具有自主知识产权的高精度机载激光雷达测量系统迫在眉睫。然而目前,不论国际还是国内在激光雷达测量技术上都迫切需要解决的问题是消除系统误差的影响。基于此,本文开展了机载激光雷达测量系统误差检校方法的研究。机载激光雷达测量系统在对地定位过程中受到来自激光扫描仪的测距、测角误差,POS (Position and Orientation System)的姿态和位置测量误差,系统集成误差等各种因素的影响。本文分析了机载激光雷达测量系统各组成部分的工作原理以及机载激光雷达测量系统所涉及的坐标系统及其测量原理,详细讨论了机载激光雷达测量系统中的各种误差源,以国产轻小型机载激光雷达测量系统为基础,重点阐述了激光扫描仪检校、IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit)标定以及基于地面模拟飞行试验场的系统安置角误差检校的方法。本文的具体内容包括以下几个方面:(1)分析了机载激光雷达测量系统对地测量原理,归纳并总结了目前主要的商业化机载激光雷达测量系统及其技术指标,比较了机载激光雷达与摄影测量、机载InSAR技术的异同点(2)对机载激光雷达测量系统的误差源进行了汇总,分析了国内外在系统误差检校方面的研究现状,指出了目前主流的系统误差检校方法;(3)探讨了激光扫描仪的单机检校方案,主要包括激光扫描仪的测距和测角误差检校方案,检校后的激光扫描仪测距和测角精度分别为3cm和1%度;(4)研究了IMU精度的标定方法,主要完成了三项指标的标定:初始对准精度、静态漂移精度和动态跟踪精度的标定(5)建立了基于地面模拟飞行试验场的机载激光雷达测量系统安置角误差检校模型,通过已知坐标的地而标志点精确反求系统安置角,最终得到在航高50m情况下的激光脚点三维坐标中误差均在2cm以内。

【Abstract】 The airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is an earth observation technology of representing an available collection of laser scanning technology, global positioning technology, and inertial navigation technology. The airborne LiDAR has many characteristics, such as less impacted from weather, high automation degree and shorter mapping cycle. At present many domestic research institutes and companies have introduced high-performance airborne LiDAR systems with small footprint from foreign counties. However, this import model has its disadvantages of high price and secret software algorithms. Thus it urgently needs to develop high accuracy airborne LiDAR system with our own intellectual property rights. However, no metter international or domestic LiDAR technology needs to eliminate systematic errors instantly, which is the key point this paper discusses.The performance of airborne LiDAR is affected from several factors, such as laser scanner’s range and angle measurement errors, POS’ position and orientation measurement errors and system integration errors and so on. The working principle of each part of airborne LiDAR system, the coordinate systems related to LiDAR system and its surveying principle are analyzed in this paper. Based on the domestic light-small airborne LiDAR system, this paper particularly studies the error sources of the airborne LiDAR system, states the error correction methods of laser scanner’s range and angle measurements, IMU’s measurements, and the systematic mounting-angle calibration method based on ground test field of flight simulation with relevant error correction models. The specific contents of this paper are as follows:1. The airborne LiDAR system surveying principle, several international typical commercial airborne LiDAR systems and comparation with photogremmetry and airborne InSAR will be presented in this paper;2. The analysis of airborne LiDAR system error sources, present situation and dominant methods of error calibration research;3. The discussion of laser scanner calibration, which includes range and angle detecting error calibration, with range accuracy of 3cm and angle of 1% degree after calibration;4. Accuracy determination method of IMU will be mentioned in this paper. It consists of three accuracies:initial alignment accuracy, static drift accuracy and dynamic trial accuracy; 5. Based on ground test field of flight simulation and relevant error correction models, the systematic parameters of mounting angles are calculated.3D coordinates RMS of laser points are in 2cm with 50m flight height.

【关键词】 激光雷达POS检校误差改正模型
【Key words】 LiDARPOScalibrationerror correction model

