

Research on Ecosystem Services Evaluation of the Modern Yellow River Delta Wetland Based on 3S Technology

【作者】 李琳

【导师】 崔先国; 马毅;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 黄河三角洲湿地是具有国际意义的重要河口湿地,兼受海洋、陆地和河流的多重影响,湿地类型多样,生态环境特殊,具有重要的生态服务功能价值。本文在综合研究大量的湿地生态服务功能及价值评估成果的基础上,确定了将3S技术和生态经济学、环境经济学相结合,利用高分辨率影像对现代黄河三角洲湿地这种小尺度区域生态服务功能进行价值评估的技术体系,并在该体系的指导下,进行了现代黄河三角洲湿地生态服务功能价值评估的研究。首先以现代黄河三角洲湿地分类体系为纲,分别获取了2004年和2009年现代黄河三角洲的湿地景观格局,并对其动态变化进行了分析。五年间,既存在非湿地向湿地的转化,又存在湿地向非湿地的转化,但总体表现为湿地面积减少,非湿地面积增加。而在湿地内部主要表现为,自然湿地面积减少,人工湿地面积增加。在各种湿地类型中,芦苇沼泽-草甸湿地、养殖池塘、盐田湿地的变化最大。造成这种变化的主要原因既有自然因素,又有油田开发、农牧业生产以及大规模滩涂围垦和养殖等人为因素的影响。在对研究区湿地景观进行分析的基础上,依据本文确立的评估体系,对2004年和2009年现代黄河三角洲湿地各种生态服务功能价值分别进行了估算。并从价值构成和空间分布上对现代黄河三角洲湿地生态服务功能价值进行了分析。分析得出物质生产功能价值和营养物质循环功能价值是研究区主要生态服务功能,分别占25.22%和22.57%;侵蚀控制保护土壤功能价值所占比例最小,仅占2.06%。而从空间分布上来看,整个研究区湿地生态服务功能价值总体的分布趋势是从内陆到浅海方向逐渐增大;芦苇-沼泽草甸湿地分布区的生态服务功能价值总体上高于其它区域。结合现代黄河三角洲湿地景观格局和生态服务功能价值的分析结果,分析2004-2009年研究区生态服务功能价值的变化情况,得出总价值由100.30亿元变为96.59亿元,减少了3.71亿元。除了物质生产功能价值处于增长的趋势,其余各项生态服务功能价值均有不同程度的减少。在各种湿地类型中,芦苇沼泽-草甸湿地的生态服务功能价值变化最大,5年间减少了6.48亿元。最后,在本文研究的基础上对黄河三角洲自然保护区进行了专门的生态价值估算,得出保护区湿地生态服务功能总价值为34.09亿元,占现代黄河三角洲生态服务功能总价值的比例为33.98%,通过与整个研究区的情况进行比较分析,判定其作为保护黄河口原生湿地生态系统的国家级重点保护区,还远远没有实现其应该发挥的生态服务功能。因此,应该在今后加大对保护区的资金投入,加强对其的建设和生态管理。

【Abstract】 The Yellow River Delta wetland is an important estuary wetland which has international significance, as affected by sea, land and rivers, it develops various types of wetland and special ecological environment which lead them to very important ecological service function value. Basing on multiple comprehensive studies of wetland ecological service function and value evaluation achievement, this paper established the technical system that combines 3S technology with ecological economics and environment economics, and moreover, the system also uses high-resolution image to get value evaluation of small scale regional ecosystem services of the modern Yellow River Delta wetland. Under the guidance of this system, we have ecological service function evaluation research of the modern Yellow River Delta wetland.First, using the modern Yellow River Delta wetland classification system as the key link to obtain the modern Yellow River Delta wetland landscape pattern of the years in 2004 and 2009 separately and analyze their dynamic changes. During the five years, it not only exits the transformation of non-wetland to wetland, but also the transformation of wetland to non-wetland, but the general trend for the area of wetland is decreasing while the area of non-wetland is increasing. In the internal of wetland shows that the area of natural wetland is decreasing and the area of artificial wetland is increasing. During various types of the wetland, the reed swamp-meadow wetland, aquaculture pond and salt wetland have the largest changes. The main causes of this change are not only natural factors but also human factors such as oilfield development, agricultural production, large-scale beach reclamation and breed aquatics.On the basis of analyzing the studied area of wetland landscape and the evaluation system which is established in this paper, estimate each ecosystem service function value of modern Yellow River Delta wetland, respectively. In addition, analyze ecosystem service function value of the modern Yellow River Delta wetland from value structure and spatial distribution. The results prove that the material production function value and nutritional substance circular function value are the main ecological service functions of the research area, which account for 25.22% and 22.57%, respectively. The proportion of soil erosion control and protection function value is the minimum, only accounts for 2.06%. However, judging from the spatial distribution, the overall distribution trend of wetland ecosystem service value is increasing from inland to shallow water; the ecosystem service value of the reed swamp-meadow wetland is higher than other areas.Combining the analysis results of the modern Yellow River Delta wetland landscape patterns and ecological system service value, analyze the changes of ecosystem service value of studied area from 2004 to 2009, and the results prove that the total value is changing from 100.30 billion RMB to 96.59 billion RMB which reduces by 3.71 billion RMB. In addition that the material production function value is in growth trend, the rest of ecological service function values are all reduced to a different extent. In the various types of wetland, the ecological service function value of the reed swamp-meadow wetland has the largest change; the value reduces to 6.48 billion RMB in the five years.Finally, on the basis of the study, have special ecological value estimation of the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve and get the results that the total value of wetland ecological service function is 34.09 billion RMB which accounts for 33.98% of the modern Yellow River Delta ecological service function total value. By comparing with the relative entire area, we can get that as the national key reserves, the Yellow River Delta wetland is far from achieving its ecosystem service. Therefore, a large amount of fund should be invested and the construction and ecological management should be strengthened in the future.


